Eight Hundred Pirate Kings

Chapter 22: A Temporary Retreat

When the second in command beside Garp thought of Kuzan’s Ice Age, Garp beside him had leapt and jumped on top of the ice continent that should not have appeared there.

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The second in command took a look at Garp landing early, and after shouting, he turned his head and said to the marine soldiers behind him, “Get your weapons! Prepare for battle!”

At this time, this second in command thought, since Admiral Kuzan had used such a wide range of his Devil Fruit ability, the battle had definitely reached the most fierce time. Therefore, he just reinforcements over the marine forces to prepare first.

However, this Garp’s second in command still thought wrong. At this time, the battlefield wasn’t as gruesome and brutal as he thought, rather their Marine Admiral Kuzan was falling in his ice spikes.


Just when Vice Admiral Garp boarded the sea that Kuzan had frozen, Doflamingo, who had been staying on the pirate ship, turned around at once and looked in the opposite direction from Loguetown.

“Someone is coming…..”

After Doflamingo said, Buggy and Shanks also turned their heads to look over, but these two did not see the presence of anyone in the field of vision.

After searching for the presence of no one, Shanks said to Doflamingo with some confusion, “There’s no one, Mr. Doflamingo.”

“It’s almost here, it should be…”

Before Doflamingo finished his answer, the place where the sea and sky meet suddenly sprang out of a figure. The movement speed of this figure was very fast. In just a moment of sweeping past the figure, this person was about to arrive at the location of the pirate ship.

Shanks was observing together with Buggy. When the other party was close, they finally saw the other party’s face. This person was Vice-Admiral Garp, whom they met in the Windmill Village before!

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“Garp! It’s the Windmill Village of that Garp!”

Buggy shouted anxiously. If this Garp came close to the pirate ship, then they would be in danger.

Now that Wexford and that Pirate King Garp were over at the dock. If this Vice Admiral wanted to attack his pirate ship, there was no way for a boatload of people to escape.

“Let’s go quickly….”


Buggy just wanted to call Shanks and quickly leave the pirate ship. However, the rapid movement of Vice-Admiral Garp ran directly beside the pirate ship.


At this time, the Pirate King Garp, who was walking towards Kuzan, also noticed the high speed approaching Vice Admiral. He stopped when the opponent was about to approach and turned around, facing Vice-Admiral Garp, who was rushing towards him.

As soon as he saw that the opponent was the same person whom he had fought in the Windmill Village before, the Pirate King Garp got excited.

Fighting with such an opponent was what he wanted.

The two different universes of Garp meet again, and this time, it was also the same Tekkai Kenpo clashed again.


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The high-speed running Marine Vice-Admiral attacked with a punch, and it collided with the Tekkai Kenpo of the Pirate King Garp’s Tekkai Kenpo again.

This time, because there was no Windmill Village in the side, the two did not hold back.

The full force of a punch was enough to make the whole Loguetown shaken. The surrounding frozen sea was instantly shattered; seawater gushed out from beneath the ice surface again, stirring up monstrous waves.

“It’s really you….”

The Pirates King Garp quickly leaned over again after a punch. The previous battle in the Windmill Village was not as enjoyable as it could have been, and now he wanted to fight back properly.

In contrast to the Pirate King Garp, who easily responded to the battle, there was a little concern this time. After all, Admiral Kuzan was still on the broken ice. If he fell into the sea, as a Devil Fruit user, Kuzan might be directly gone.

As a former student who followed his actions, Garp certainly wouldn’t want to see Kuzan fell into the sea like this.

So when Kuzan approached him, the Vice-Admiral glanced at the location of Kuzan and punched back.

After the two were punching each other again, the ice on the surface of the sea got stirred up again. It broke again, and some of the ice couldn’t even make people stand.

After this another punch, the Admiral used the force to leap backwards and jumped to the area where Kuzan was.

Due to the ice break, the ice where Kuzan was at now was a very small section. And after Garp jumped up….. this ice was nearly overturned by him.

“Vice Admiral Garp….”

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At this time, Kuzan had regained his feet, but his right hand was covering his left shoulder. He seemed to have suffered a small injury.

Garp took a look at Kuzan’s shoulder, frowned and asked, “How is it? Is it serious?”

Kuzan gritted his teeth, the corners of his mouth twitched slightly and said, “It’s okay, I can still fight.”

After seeing this performance of Kuzan, Vice Admiral Carp could guess that the other party no longer had the ability to fight. If forced to fight, it would only make his injuries more serious.

“Let’s go, Kuzan, you have no way to fight for the time being.”

Although the Admiral was reluctant, for the sake of the Marine Admiral beside him, he still grabbed the arm of Kuzan, directly led the Marine Admiral to jump towards his seat ship.

Although Garp wanted to bring this group of pirates to justice in Loguetown, now isn’t the best time.

Kuzan was a Devil Fruit user, so the ability of the Hei Hei mo Mi could survive on the surface of the sea. However. Kuzan was seriously injured and had no way to fight on the surface of the sea.

Now, the best way was to send Kuzan away.

As long as the opponent was still at sea, there were many chances that the Navy could capture them.


“Are they gone?”

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Pirate King Garp was now standing on top of the pier, glanced his at the Garp and Kuzan.

At this time, Wexford also stood on the pier. He just saw with his own eyes the amazing punch of the two against each other. Such a confrontation was rare. Perhaps only Garop and Roger, as well as when the golden lion fussed with the Marine Headquarters.

“It may be that Kuzan’s injury is too big.”

Although Wexford did not directly see the situation of Kuzan, just now, he knew that the Pirate King Garp’s attacks were definitely not weak. If replaced by the marine below the Admiral, it was impossible to even last until now.

The Pirate King Garp had just two punches with that Marine Vice Admiral, obviously a little unenjoyable. He looked at the distant marine warships and said, “So now what? Chase up?”

Wexford pointed to the small pirate ship that he and the others were at. He said, “Our pirate ship can not catch up. The marine in Loguetown were all on board and left, it was likely that the opponent had received the news from the Marine Headquarters.”

In Wexford thought, the marine of Loguetown was likely to have received the latest news from the Marine headquarters. In the case of Kuzan injured, the Marine Headquarters Sengoku didn’t want the marine to make unnecessary sacrifices.

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