Eight Hundred Pirate Kings

Chapter 24: Why The Seven Warlords of the Sea

In the New World, not too far away from the Whitebeard Pirates, the Red Hair Pirates were also discussing the latest big event.

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“Captain, this is in the East Blue!”

The members of the Red Hair Pirates all knew what their captain had done in the East Blue. He had broken an arm for the child in the Windmill Village.

Shanks was now holding a newspaper with the only right hand left, looking at the man who was prophesied by Morgans to become the new Emperor of the Sea, Wexford.

“Never heard of it, but to defeat the admiral, the strength may really be strong.”

Shanks knew the strength of the Admiral or very clear. To be able to defeat the Admiral, it was still very possible to become the new Emperor of the Sea.

Yasopp, who was sitting on the deck aside, remembered his son in the East Blue, “Well, it has been a long time since I returned to the East Blue, and I do not know how my boy….”

Hearing Yasopp talked about his son, Shanks’ mind also vaguely appeared in the Windmill Village. He had high hopes for the child, “East Blue…”


At the same time with the sea pirates of the New World, the Seven Warlords of the Sea of the Grand Line also received this newspaper.

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The explosive news made the Grand Line lively at once. If a new Emperor of the Sea could really be born, the New World would definitely not be peaceful. After all, the land of the New World had been fixed. If there was an influx of a pirate group with the same strength as the Four Emperors, it would definitely set off a wave of bloodshed.


Marine Headquarters, Marineford.

“Sengoku, how will this matter be handled?”

The Marine Vice-Admiral Tsuru, who had been summoned urgently by the Marine Fleet Admiral, Sengoku, had already talked about the whole process. At this time, he was gathering in Sengoku’s office with several senior marine officers.

Sengoku elbows propped up on the table. His hand on his chin, he had no clue about what was happening in the East Blue.

According to the battle situation, the opponent’s strength was unusually strong. A Marine Headquarters Admiral was defeated. If they really wanted to destroy each other, the marine would have to sacrifice too many people.

In the absence of time and place, if the marine forces went out to solve a pirate group, it would obviously be very unwise. After all, there were more pirate groups in the Grand Line that the marine needed to defend against.

Tsuru saw Sengoku did not reply, so he spoke again, “How about we suspend contact with Bartholomew Kuma, so that the people of the World Government turn to contact the pirate group from the East Blue?”

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After hearing Tsuru’s suggestion, Sengoku’s eyes lit up, “What do you mean, the Seven Warlords of the Sea?”

“That’s a good idea, but the other side is very strong, and will not necessarily join the Seven Warlords of the Sea.”

In Sengoku’s view, the Seven Warlords of the Sea was to pull together a group of personnel below the Four Emperors but higher than ordinary pirates to maintain order at Sea. However, compared to the pirates who joined the Seven Warlords of the Sea before, Wexford and his party were obviously more powerful. This kind of power would probably make the other party directly refuse the Seven Warlords of the Sea’s invitation.

“It is always good to try. Although we have just fought with this group of pirates, the pirates ultimately speak of interest. As long as there are enough benefits, I believe he will agree.” Tsuru still had some expectations for this proposal. After all, this was the way to solve this conflict with the least cost.

After listening to Tsuru’s analysis, Sengoku nodded in agreement, “So be it. Send someone to contact this group of pirates.”

Borsalino, who had been listening, looked in Sengoku’s direction and said, “What if the ones we are still recruiting also agree? The Seven Warlords of the Sea can be fully recruited.”

“Who said the Seven Warlords of the Sea can not be eight people?” Tsuru looked at Borsalino, who asked the question, said.

Once Borsalino heard Tsuru’s words, he felt very reasonable. However, it might be that Borsalino did not want to discuss more on this matter. The Admiral shrugged his shoulders and said, “Well, Vice Admiral Tsuru seems to have a point.”

“So be it. For the time being, let the marine along the way not to stop the opponent, and later I will also inform Sakazuki near the Water 7, so that he does not have to approach the entrance to the Grand Line.” After deciding to invite Wexford to join the Seven Warlords of the Sea, Sengoku then made his latest decision.

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After Sengoku set the subsequent course, Marineford issued a succession of instructions…. From the entrance of the Grand Line to the Sabaody Archipelago, the marine along the way received a temporary instruction not to stop the advancement of Wexford and his party. In addition, Sakazuki, who had already reached Water 7, also had to slow down and waited for a follow-up order near Water 7.


At the same time, as Sengoku ordered, Wexford and others had entered the Grand Line from the East Blue through the Reverse Mountain.

“Buggy? Shanks?”

Crocus, who was leisurely fishing at the twin capes, froze when he saw the pirate ship that had just entered. This old gentleman who used to work as a ship doctor in Roger Pirates really didn’t expect to still meet these two former Roger Pirates interns here.

“Mr. Crocus!”

After hearing Crocus’ voice on the cliff, Buggy and Shanks both turned around in unison and looked at the former ship’s doctor with a smile.

As Crocus welcomed Wexford and the others up, Crocus looked at Shanks, who was obviously smaller, and said, “Wait, Shanks, how did you become this way?”

Because Shanks was too young, Wexford did not let this little redhead participate in the parallel dimension discussion. So, this Shanks stretched out his hands to look at it and said with some confusion, “Mr. Crocus, I have not changed.”

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Although Buggy wanted to ‘expose’ the fake Shanks on the sidelines, due to the fact that Wexford and others were still around, Buggy could only change the subject and said, “Ahem, Mr. Crocus, this is our Captain Wexford. This is Mr. Garp, and this is Mr. Doflamingo.”

“Wexford? Wait….” Hearing the word Wexford, Crocus then rummaged through the stack of newspapers beside him.

After rummaging for a while, Crocus finally pulled out a newspaper from it, “This Wexford?”

‘A new Emperor of the sea is rising!’

The front page of the newspaper had the message of the new Emperor of the Sea written in bold font, and underneath the headline was an enlarged headshot of Wexford.

“Yes! Mr. Kulokas, this is our Captain Wexford, the new Emperor of the Sea! Look, there’s me behind it, the bounty is already forty million!” Buggy, who had raised his bounty by the side of Wexford, had already decided to just hang around Wexford. It had only been a short time since his bounty had gone up by more than twenty million.

While Buggy was flipping through the newspaper, Wexford looked at Crocus, who was guarding the twin capes, and said, “This is Mr. Crocus, who used to be a ship’s doctor on Roger Pirate’s ship, right?”

Crocus slightly narrowed his eyes to look at the big man in the center of the recent storm in front of him, nodded slightly, and said, “Yes, it’s me.”

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