“The marine?”

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Speaking of the marine, Bell-mere’s expression instantly turned black.

Having once been a marine, she also bent on believing that the marine had been hanging on the mouth of that justice. However, Bell-mere did not think that she would be abandoned by the marine after returning to the East Blue.

From that time on, Bell-mere cut off all the love with the marine, from a retired marine became a pirate on the sea.

“Yes, the marine. If not mistaken, the three Admirals should be present.”

The recent newspapers basically wrote about the marine’s preparations in the Water 7. Although the newspapers did not reveal the specific situation above, this also let the pirates of the four seas all put their eyes on the Water 7.

“The three Admirals? That’s just right. I fought with them just a while ago.”

At this time, the reshaped Bell-mere was in the period of entering the New World from the first half of the Grand Line. Like Wexford, her rise had caused the marine to be scornful. For this female pirate with many supernovas, the marine directly sent two Admirals to intercept the Orange Pirates in the Sabaody Archipelago.

In this battle, with Jack, Ace, Enel, and others, although Bell-mere did not defeat the two Admirals, she also successfully repelled the marine.

After the marine retreated, Bell-mere went to the New World from the Sabaody Archipelago. It was also after this battle that Bell-mere’s name was spread more and more loudly.

“Oh? Who were Admirals who sniped you?”

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For these parallel universes, Wexford was always very interested.

Mentioning those two Admirals, Bell-mere was furious, “Sengoku and Shiki the Golden Lion.”

Among these two, Sengoku also once took Bell-mere, yet only ten years, the two became enemies.

“Shiki the Golden Lion?”

In this world, the Shiki Golden Lion was a sea pirate of the same generation as Roger. Even now, Shiki Golden Lion was still alive and still had great strength.

This was such a big sea pirate and actually became Marine Admiral in the world of Bell-mere. However, with the strength to calculate the words, it was understandable that he became an Admiral.

“Yes, Shiki the Golden Lion. Captain Wexford, isn’t he became a Marine Admiral here?” Bell-mere saw that Wexford was a bit puzzled, so he asked him a question.

Wexford waved his hand and replied, “No, the Golden Lion in this world is a pirate, but also once made a big mess of the Marine Headquarters….”

After hearing the Golden Lion’s situation, Bell-mere also had a general understanding of the situation in this world. For Bell-mere, it turned out that the gap between each world would be so big.

Just when Wexford was still telling Bell-mere about this world, a red-haired figure came running up from before the highland, “Captain Wexford! That guy who uses ice is here again.”

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The one who came to report was the teenager Shanks under Wexford, the weakest one of the future king. Now the most important task was to report various information for Wexford.

“Is it Borsalino?”

Wexford didn’t have to think to know that these two people again. After all, it was the Admiral who was monitoring his group of pirates on the ice field these days.

However, Wexford guessed wrong this time. Shanks pointed to the direction of the outer island of the Long Ring Long Land and said, “Not today. The guy in yellow did not come. It was a guy in red.”

“Red clothes?”

Wexford was used to these names for Shanks. It was the Marine Admiral Borsalino who said to be the yellow clothes, and this red clothes was probably Admiral Sakazuki.

“They change today?”

Wexford mouth chanting a sentence then took Bell-mere, who only came to this world together towards the pirate ship docked at the shore of the Long Ring Long Land.

“Captain Wexford.”

When Wexford returned to the shore, the Douflamingo and others were waiting on the ship also leaned over.

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At the time of the copy reshaping Bell-mere, Wexford had asked the people to stay on the ship and prepare to go to the Water 7.

At this time, Wexford had six people who had been copied and reshaped from the warehouse, except for Shanks, who could not join the battle. Wexford already had five superb sea pirates.

In this, especially the most powerful Garp, precisely the same as the marine hero in the marine.

In addition to Garp, Doflamingo, Rosinante, Katakuri, and Bell-mere were also strong. Although it might not be equal to the Admiral, there was no problem to resist for some time.

Even Garp himself, after that mission, also had the same strength as Katakuri. Although such a team couldn’t directly defeat the marine that came out of the nest, there was no problem fighting with them.

After this battle, Wexford’s bounty would rise steeply. If it could rise to one or two billion belly bounty, Wexford would shorten the time to remodel the Pirate Kings in the warehouse.

“Raise the sail, head for the Water 7.” After taking Bell-mere on board, Wexford then said directly to Garp on the deck.

The helmsman, Garp, returned to his post directly after Wexford’s instructions, ready to drive the ship to the Water 7 after hoisting the sails.

When the members of the pirate ship began to go about their business, Bell-mere also began to look at the ship’s personnel. There were two brothers, Douflamingo and Rosinante, whom she had read about in the newspaper, but had not met within the New World.

In addition to these two members of the Donquixote Family, Katakuri was the most photogenic in her world. This one was one of the highest fighting forces of the Charlotte family.

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After glancing at these three, Bell-mere left his gaze on Garp’s body. In the world of Bell-mere, Garp was also the hero of the marine, but the difference was that this marine hero defeated the New World sea pirates Kaido and allied with Gecko Moria.

From that time onwards, Bell-mere would become the marine. Also, in the second year of the defeat of Kaido and Gecko Moria alliance, Bell-mere joined the marine team.

Of course, Belle-mere never had any meetings with Garp. After all, this marine hero spent most of his time fighting in the New World and not much time in the Marine headquarters. Even if he returned to the Marine Headquarters, he would not have any communication with her as a junior soldier.

‘Everything is really different.’

After Bell-mere withdrew his gaze to Garp, she walked straight to the bow of the ship. She began to appreciate this familiar but unfamiliar world.

Just when Wexford commanded the pirate ship to leave the Long Ring Long Land, Sakazuki, who was responsible for monitoring Wexford’s and others, also picked up the Den Den Mushi in his hand and began to contact the temporary command headquarters in the Water 7.

“Operation is going to start.”

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