Eight Hundred Pirate Kings

Chapter 6: Garp Attacks Our Navy

“Nn?” Garp looked at Dadan. He had no impression of the bandit.

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“Mr. Garp, you’d better pick up Ace and Luffy! They are getting more and more troublesome!”

Now Ace and Luffy were getting older and older, and their level of trouble was gradually rising. Not to mention, a few days ago, a giant python was brought here. Thankfully, Dadan and the other bandits were untouched.

Dadan, with snots and tears, looked up at Garp after she finished speaking.

‘But this look is just unbelievable. Why did Mr. Garp suddenly become so old? The hair that was still a bit gray is now completely snow white.’

Garp, who Dadan was currently staring, was a little moved about this proposal, “Take it away- that’s a good idea.”

“What?!” Luffy, who had just stood up, suddenly widened his eyes when he heard that Garp was about to pick him up, “No! I’m not going!”

Luffy was afraid that Garp would take him to the Marine. If he were taken away by his grandfather, he would probably be sent directly to the Marine headquarters. In this way, what opportunity does he have to be a pirate?


Elderly Garp punched Luffy on the head again, “You just need to listen and be obedient!”

“No! I don’t want to be a Marine!” Luffy yelled and hurriedly turned around. He rushed into the forest behind him. He didn’t want to be picked up by Garp just like that.

Standing in front of Dadan, Ace folded his arms and looked in Garp’s direction with some confusion, ‘This Garp seems a little different?’ And after taking a look at Garp, Ace also turned and chased Luffy.

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After the two kids left quickly, Garp stood there with an angry expression, “That kid! How dare you just run like this!”

Garp was quite dissatisfied with Luffy’s leaving without permission.

“That’s enough. Let him be here. That little guy is still too young.” Wexford and Garp think differently. The current Luffy was only in his early ten years old. Wexford wouldn’t allow getting this current Luffy on the ship.

After Wexford finished speaking, Makino also said to the side, “That’s right, Mr. Garp. Luffy is still too young.”

“You guys…”


Before Garp could speak, there was a loud noise in the direction of Windmill Village.

“What’s that noise?” The village chief of Windmill Village, Slap, instantly turned and looked in the direction of Windmill Village. This level of noise is unusual.

‘Is it possible that another pirate has come?’

“It’s kind of like the sound of a cannonball.” Buggy squinted slightly and said to himself.

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When Buggy said that, Slap and Makino suddenly became nervous. If the sound of the shells were real, then Windmill Village might be in danger.

At this time, the two of them can only look at Garp for help, “Mr. Garp!”

“I heard it.”

Of course, Garp also heard the noise from the Windmill Village, but he was not the Pirate King of his previous world currently. He still had Captain Wexford in his mind. “Captain Wexford?”

Wexford, who had finished seeing Luffy and Ace, doesn’t plan to stay at the Dadan Bandit’s stronghold anymore. After he nodded to Garp, he said, “Let’s go. Let’s take a look.”

“Mr. Garp! Don’t go! Be sure to take Ace and Luffy away…”

When Wexford, Garp, and others were leaving, Dadan shouted loudly behind them. But the few who left didn’t seem to want to care for the bandit. No matter how loud she cried, none of the people who left turned to answer.

“It’s the Marine! Do they regard the pirates captured by Mr. Garp as pirates attacking the village?” When the pier of Windmill Village came into view, Slap deduced the circumstances.

A Marine ship is confronting the Buggy Pirates on the dock.

Looking at the shattered side of the Buggy Pirates’ boat, the sound of the artillery just now was probably caused by the Marine.

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“Damn it! My ship! That cost me a lot of money!” Buggy saw his boat that had been shot, and he burst into tears.



Just as Buggy was wailing, the Marine shot in the direction of Buggy Pirates again.

Who knows if it was the Buggy Pirates’ bad luck or Marine’s artillery skills. One shell hit the Pirate Ship mast, and the other shot hit the pirate ship’s bow.


As the two shells hit, Buggy wailed again.

At sea, the Marine that shelled the ships of the Buggy Pirates was also observing the situation on the shore.

The Marine ship was not from the Marine headquarters of the Grand Line and not Garp’s fleet either. The Marine headquarters only instructed them to escort the Marine of East Blue Branch to the Windmill Village.

“That seems to be Vice-Admiral Garp!” The watchman on the Marine ship saw Garp appearing on the pier. He quickly came down and shouted to his officer.

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“What? Vice-Admiral Garp?!” After hearing the watcher’s words, the highest officer of the Marine ship quickly picked up the telescope and looked towards the dock. “It’s really Vice-Admiral Garp! Didn’t it takes a few days for him to come back?”

The Marine of East Blue Division came here to inspect after receiving the command from the Marine headquarters. They had to make sure that the Windmill Village was not attacked in any way when Garp returned.

“Could it be that Vice Admiral Garp come back early?” The officer frowned, utterly unaware of what was going on now.

However, the officer did not think for too long. He stopped the gunners while they were still shelling, “Stop shooting! Since Vice Admiral Garp is in the Windmill Village, this group of pirates must have been captured by Vice Admiral. Stop the shelling!”

“Ashore, we-”

When the officer was about to command his men dock to meet Garp, the Pirate King Garp on the shore grabbed a head-sized rock directly from the ground. He threw it hard in the direction of the Marine ship.


The stone thrown by Garp was more powerful than the Marine’s shelling power.

When the stone hit the side of the Marine ship, a terrifying hole appeared directly on the ship.

“Garp… Vice Admiral Garp attacked us…”

The officer on the Marine ship looked at the pier of Windmill Village in a somewhat unbelievable manner. Although the ship was attacked, he was too confused to care about that. Why would Garp attack them?

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