Chapter 62 - Rosinante

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Although Rosinante just controlled the Goro Goro no Mi not long ago, his strength was very strong. He also used the Nagi Nagi no Mi for a long time, so he could also quickly get used to this new Devil Fruit.
Because he mastered it very quickly, so Enel’s previous masterpiece Volt Julungul was also used by Rosinante smoothly.
Borsalino, who attacked at high speed towards Wexford, noticed the dragon with violent lightning in front of him. Although he just used elementalization to dodge the attack of Rosinante’s ‘Rosinante’, the attack of this dragon looked significantly more powerful compared to the one just now.
In order not to collide head-on with that thunder dragon, Borsalino directly shot several rays around, and his body also moved quickly to the side of Rosinante with the rays shot.
Although Borsalino avoided the thunder dragon with his very fast-moving speed, the marine on the pier was directly exposed to the thunder dragon’s attack range.
The thunder dragon that didn’t attack Borsalino didn’t stop at all. With the violent lightning, it directly headed towards the marine force on the pier.
However, when the thunder dragon was about to attack the marine, a golden light suddenly flashed out on the pier. After the golden light, a huge golden man appeared in front of the marine.

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Rapidly flying over the thunder dragon head-on into the hands of the golden giant, emitting a roar.
“Fleet Admiral Sengoku!”
The marine, who had been frightened by the thunder dragon, was relieved to see the golden giant, who had blocked the thunder dragon. It was the Fleet Admiral Sengoku.
As Hito Hito no Mi, Model: Daibutsu Devil Fruit user, Sengoku the Buddha’s strength was definitely the top of the pyramid in the One Piece World. Facing the 60,000,000 Volt Julungul, Sengoku greeted the lightning in his right hand without any color change.
“The strength of the opponent seems to far exceed our previous expectations.” Sengoku said with some concern after glancing at Borsalino, who was already fighting with Rosinante.
At the time of Wexford’s departure from Alabasta, the marine’s intelligence only knew the strength of Garp, Doflamingo, and Katakuri. For the Bell-mere and Rosinante under Wexford, the marine still lacked more understanding.
And now, that person who could use lightning looked very strong.
While Sengoku began to re-examine the battle power of both sides, Tsuru jumped onto the shoulder of Sengoku, who had turned into a huge Buddha body, and said to him, “Sengoku, that pirate who uses lightning seems a bit familiar.”
“Like who?”
Sengoku, who had just been paying attention to the battlefield dynamics, had not really looked closely at the newly appeared ones on the opposite side. Only after Tsuru’s reminder did Sengoku put his eyes on Bell-mere and Rosinante.

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For Bell-mere, the female Tyrannosaurus, Sengoku didn’t have any impression, so he directly passed the female pirate gaze, looking at the Rosinante who was rushing towards the Borsalino.
When he saw Rosinante’s proper face, Sengoku’s entire body froze.
“How can it be him!”
Sengoku had deep emotions for Rosinante. After he adopted Rosinante, he had been doing his best to train him. Moreover, he had treated him as his own son.
It was a pity that Rosinante was sacrificed while working undercover for the Donquixote, which was undoubtedly a great blow to Sengoku at the time.
But now, Rosinante had appeared intact in front of his eyes.
“The opponent is very odd, I suspect that it is a kind of Devil Fruit ability.”
Tsuru had read the information about the Wexford Pirates many times, and Garp and Doflamingo had been the focus of Tsuru’s attention. The ability to had the same appearance in this world and the strength were so similar. Perhaps it was only the arcane Devil Fruit ability.
Sengoku stared at Rosinante and Borsalino’s battle for a while before frowning, “It is likely, but this Devil Fruit ability is also a little too strong.”

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The ability to ‘create’ the same characters as Garp and Doflamingo through the Devil Fruit ability was too bizarre and sensational, but this was the most plausible explanation at this stage.
However, although Sengoku said so, his gaze had also been falling on the body of Rosinante.
In contrast to Sengoku, who was still immersed in memories, Tsuru pointed directly at Wexford, who had not yet acted, and said, “That person is definitely the culprit who ‘made’ these people. If he can be killed directly, these people who were ‘made’ will probably just fall apart.”
Although Tsuru’s speculation wasn’t right, it was a more accurate analysis of the relationship between Sengoku, Garp, and others.
After hearing Tsuru’s suggestion, Sengoku withdrew his gaze towards Rosinante and said, “Good, then leave him to me. You go tell Kuzan, let him help me block the road.”
After responding, Tsuru directly leaped back on top of the pier.
As soon as Tsuru left, the gigantic Sengoku rushed in the direction of Sengoku and the others. Although Sengoku’s gigantic body was unusually heavy, the good thing was that Kuzan frozen sea surface was also very thick and didn’t break as Sengoku rushed away.
“Looks like he’s coming for me.” Sengoku said softly after glancing at the rapidly advancing Sengoku.
Bell-mare, next to Sengoku, glanced at the Sengoku who was bubbling with golden light and immediately squeezed his hands into fists and said, “Just in time.”

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After a few days of getting along, Sengoku also knew that this Bell-mere was a violent temper. When in the pirate ship, the pirates under Buggy were no less than sandbags to this female Tyrannosaurus.
When Sengoku had not reacted, Bell-mare had directly transformed. A huge and orange-skinned Tyrannosaurus Rex just abruptly replaced Bell-mere, who was standing next to him.
“Ancient species?” Sengoku, who has crossed the battlefield of Borsalino and Rosinante, also froze after seeing Bell-mare’s sudden appearance.
In order not to be delayed by Bell-mare, Sengoku shouted directly to the already following Kuzan.
With Kuzan’s shout, a huge ice bird suddenly flew out and swooped toward Bell-mare’s transformed Tyrannosaurus.
However, before the ice bird landed in front of Bell-mare, a black shadow suddenly leaped into the air and kicked the ice bird to pieces.
“Your opponent, it’s me.”
Katakuri, who had landed in front of Kuzan looking down on the Admiral.

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