Chapter 65 - I Am the King of the New World!

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The ice saber in his hand did not stop while Kuzan introduced himself. The glowing blue saber under the control of Kuzan quickly stabbed at the neck of Katakuri.
Faced with the glare of Kuzan, without half a fear, Katakuri stared straight at him and roared, “I do not seem to have been introduced myself. My name is Katakuri! Charlotte’s Sweet Commander, the captain of the Avenging Pirates, and the King of the New World!”
Kuzan obviously froze for a moment after hearing Katakuri’s self-introduction. This name was very familiar to him. He was the head of the four Sweet Commander of the Big Mom Pirates, a sea pirate with a bounty of more than one billion Belly.
However, the height and appearance were really like that Katakuri. Although if he became the head of the Charlotte family, what about Charlotte Lin Lin? If he was the King of the New World, then what about these Whitebeard and Kaido?
While Kuzan was thinking, Katakuri had raised his left hand. His arm was covered with Busoshoku Hakini, and he didn’t avoid facing the ice saber.
When Katakuri’s left arm hit the ice saber, the Busoshoku Haki and the most extreme Devil Fruit ability of Kuzan collided together.
After the collision, the Ice Age in Kuzan’s hand began to crack inch by inch, and in an instant, it was reduced to nothing in front of the two people.

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Although Kuzan’s Ice Age was broken, Katakuri’s Busoshoku Haki surrounded his left arm wasn’t unharmed. After his left arm shattered the Ice Age, the piece of his left hand that came in contact with the Ice Age was also quickly frozen and spread towards Katakuri’s body at a rapid rate.
“Did you transfer the freezing directly to my body?”
After Katakuri glanced at the ice and snow that was already about to spread to his neck, a powerful aura suddenly emerged from his entire body, as if he wanted the entire cold area to be swallowed up.
Kuzan’s half body that came out from the icicle felt the special Haki that overflowed from Katakuri’s body. Kuzan rarely encountered this kind of Haki. There weren’t many people in the whole world who had this Haki.
“But what about Busoshoku Haki? You can’t get out now.”
At this time, Kuzan had already overdrawn a great deal of physical strength. All he had to do was to defeat Katakuri directly in the area under his control.
“Is that so?”
In the face of this statement from Kuzan, Katakuri was not half panicked.
After his words fell, the arm that was frozen suddenly detached from Katakuri’s body, and a glutinous rice shaped object directly from the root of Katakuri’s left arm, replacing the original arm.

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Just as the arm was replaced, a large ball of rice cake suddenly emerged from the area behind Kuzan.
Although Kuzan’s body was facing the area where the rice cakes appeared, he knew that there must be something behind him that was created by the opponent using Devil Fruit ability.
“Are those rice cakes that just caught in the Ice Age?”
Kuzan recalled that when he used the Ice Age to attack Katakuri, the rice cakes that caught in the rain of his Ice Age seemed to be scattered in this area.
Thinking of this, Kuzan directly shrunk his body into the icicle. With the ability to freely travel in the surrounding icicle, he could easily avoid this attack from the other side.
However, when Kuzan was about to disappear in the ice pillar, Katakuri’s arm suddenly came out from the rice cake behind Kuzan. The fist with Busoshoku Haki appeared and then slammed into the icicle where Kuzan was hiding. Under this blow, the icicle shattered with a sound, and Kuzan hidden in it had to fall directly on top of the ice.
“Are you really Katakuri?”
After being hit by Busoshoku Haki fist in the rice cake group, Kuzan finally connected this person in front of him was truly the Sweet Commander of the Big Mom Pirates.
If it was just appearance, there were still a lot of people who looked alike in this world. However, with the same fruit ability and the same moves… that’s very unlikely.

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As a Marine Admiral, he certainly received information about Katakuri, and one of the most important was that the Sweet Commander of the Big Mom Pirates was able to extend his arm from the rice cake he made, and also with his Busoshoku Haki aura.
The move exactly the same as the one used by the man in front of him.
“Do I need to go pretend to be someone?” Katakuri took a step forward, and the rice cake dough around Kuzan increased by one.
When Katakuri walked to the distance of only ten steps from Kuzan, the large rice cake dough around Kuzan had been as high as eight. In such an environment, Katakuri could strike from any position with a powerful Busoshoku Haki.
The rice cakes were eroding the area underneath the feet of Kuzan.
“No matter who you are, you will be sent to the execution rack after today.”
As Kuzan said that, the cold air around him also became more and more dense. The ice in the area where he was standing also became more ethereal blue than the surrounding area.
The ice, which was so blue, was blackened. It rose from the ice and stopped when it reached the hands of Kuzan.
After the pause, these ice blocks instantly shot out in all directions, whether it was the rice cake dough made by Katakuri or Katakuri himself, all within the shooting range of these ice spikes.
At the same time, as the ice spikes shot out, Kuzan also leapt up and blasted a fist towards Katakuri.

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After another loud sound, the cold air area created by Kuzan was immediately blown away by the fist wind.
The surrounding marine, who had rushed over to the side of Borsalino, looked back just in time to see both Katakuri and Kuzan flying out of that area.
Whether it was the marine or Wexford’s side, they all rushed to meet the two when they saw them fly out.
After being pulled back from the air by Doflamingo’s thin line, Katakuri lifted his left rear and looked at it, then said to Doflamingo beside him. “I’m fine.”
Although Katakuri said so, his left hand had changed greatly from before the battle. Originally, the left hand that was intact after Kuzan’s freezing attack apparently became a little white. The movement was not as flexible as before.
“As expected of the Admiral, even after injury he was still so strong.” Katakuri shrugged off two hands but also did not forget to praise a Kuzan.
“But the good thing is that he met the current me.”
Katakuri glanced at the marine that surrounded Kuzan before continuing, “If I had just entered the New World, Admiral would not have been enough.”

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