Chapter 75 - Are the Times, Changing Again

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Buggy, who was delighted by the successive victories of Wexford, did not yet know that the Marine’s Fleet Admiral, Sengoku, had targeted him.

“I told you the captain might be okay.” Shanks had a smile on his face when he saw Borsalino was captured, and Sengoku retreated.

Seeing this, Buggy gave Shanks a blank look and said, “Of course I knew that. I just didn’t say it just now.”

Now Wexford had taken the upper hand, looking at the marine about to fail, Buggy certainly knew how to stand at this time.

However, he was ready to let those pirates under him to leave the ship, and he couldn’t let Shanks say anything to them.

So Buggy glanced at Shanks, then squeezed out a smile and said, “Shanks, later on, when Captain Wexford returns, do not….”

Before Buggy could finish his words, Shanks stared and pointed at the battlefield and said loudly, “Sengoku! Sengoku is coming over!”


Buggy was shocked by Shanks’ words and hurriedly wanted to turn back to confirm whether Shanks’ words were true or not. However, he thought about how Sengoku could come to deal with them at this time. The marine was losing, so how could that Fleet Admiral come over?

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So, after a brief shock, Buggy immediately looked angry at Shanks and said, “This time, you still have time to talk about this? Shanks, you see, I will not clean up after you!”


Buggy’s words just fell, and Sengoku’s impact of an angry Buddha smashed into the left side of the pirate ship, hitting a large hole in the left side of the ship. If the two sides weren’t still some distance apart, this shockwave might have directly disintegrated the ship.

“Damn, did that Sengoku really come?” When the ship was hit, Buggy hurriedly hugged the mast in the middle of the ship in a hurry.

At this time, Buggy turned back to the direction of the dock to look. The marine forces under the command of Sengoku had been quickly assembled. Two marine warships sailed towards the direction of the pirate ship from the Water 7 pier.

“Oh no, oh no, the marine is coming.”

‘I am a small pirate in the East Blue, namely the existence of a hand around Wexford’s group. Is it necessary for you to send two marine ships to catch me? Moreover, before coming to catch what the Fleet Admiral Sengoku in a form of Buddha smashed the ship first.’

However, compared to the already scared to move Buggy, Shanks looked at the marine ships that came to the side with fists in the air, “Finally, I was able to move around.”


Hearing Shanks to go forward and the marine battle, Buggy immediately let go of the mast holding. He took three or two steps to the side of Shanks and knocked on his head.

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“What excitement! You do not see how many marine forces are on board the two ships. There are even several Vice Admirals. Kid, hurry and hide in the cabin!” Buggy said after knocking Shanks’ head, glaring at each other.

After being hit for some reason, Shanks turned around and looked at Buggy and said, “What are you hitting me for?”

“You two, stop it first.”

Nico Robin, who had not spoken at the side, walked between the two and stopped Buggy and Shanks from arguing, “Captain Wexford will come over. We just need to last a few minutes.”

Although Nico Robin spoke very calmly, Buggy disagreed with the newcomer’s words, “A few minutes? That ship can have a group of Marine Headquarters Vice Admiral. Even if we come to, we can not hold up! And there is Marine Fleet Admiral Sengoku, who is also coming over.”

Buggy was still very self-aware of his own strength, and for him, staying alive was the most important. So he disagreed with what Nico Robin said to continue to hold on. After he finished, he directly turned around to find his pirate crew.

In Buggy’s mind, to immediately drive the ship farther was the right thing to do.

—Just when Buggy was ready to greet his pirate crew ready to retreat, the marine’s two ships have begun to shell the pirate ship.


As the two marine ships were facing Buggy’s pirate ship, there were not many guns available, but even so, the close-range shelling also made the deck of the pirate ship was hit by two guns.

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Just when the marine ships began shelling, Wexford also saw the opponent’s idea, ‘this group of marine actually wanted to make a move on the people on the pirate ship first.’

“Bell-mere, go help the people on the ship.”

For Sengoku’s plan, of course, Wexford could not let the opponent succeed. Although the pirate ship was no longer important to Wexford, the ship could still have shanks and robin; these two could not fall into the opponent’s hands.

“Yes, Captain.”

Bell-mere, who was still in the form of Tyrannosaurus, had the ability to fly, so she was also the best person to reinforce the pirate ship of his family.

After Bell-mere said that, the huge wings stretched out to both sides. The huge fire dragon has flown to the air.

“Katakuri, you but help Garp it.” Now there were still fighting on the battlefield was the two Gap. The strength of these two people was basically the same, so the two of them were fighting the most stalemate.


Katakuri, whose left arm was already free, did not refuse, and for that powerful Gapu, Katakuri also wanted to try how powerful the opponent was.

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After sending out both Bell-mere and Katakuri, Wexford raised his eyes to the opposite side of Sengoku.

At this time, Sengoku had canceled the form of the giant Buddha, changed to the size of a normal person.

When Wexford looked over, Sengoku also happened to look over to him.

The decision-makers of the two camps just stared at each other across the sea. If not because the marine collected the video, perhaps this scene could become one of the most classic images on the sea.

“Tsuru, you go to help. That dragon is also not easy to deal with.”

Because of Bell-mere’s reinforcements, Sengoku did not feel that two marine warships could catch members of the other side.


After receiving Sengoku’s order, Tsuru did not excuse herself but directly floated towards the marine warship with his fruit ability.

At this time, the marine warship with Momonga, Onigumo, and other battle power of the Vice-Admiral. However, in this battle, the Vice-Admiral was already the existence that could not take the stage. Even if only against the opposite female Tyrannosaurus, the marine could only pile up a group of admirals to fight against it.

“Times, is it going to change again?”

Somehow, after Tsuru went to reinforce, Sengoku suddenly had such a feeling in his heart.

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