Eight Hundred Pirate Kings

Chapter 8: The Great Enemy Garp!

“The remodeling has been completed, is it copied into the main world.”

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Just when Wexford was looking at those introductions of Doflamingo, the door that belonged to Doflamingo suddenly popped up with an updated message.

At this time, of course, Wexford did not waste time and directly chose to copy Doflamingo into the main world of One Piece.

After choosing the copy, Wexford also immediately exited his consciousness. When he returned to the captain’s room of the Buggy Pirates’ ship, the famous Seven Warlords of the Sea’ Doflamingo’ in this world had already appeared in the captain’s room.

The main world’s Doflamingo was different from the one who was just awakened. Instead of a pink feathered coat, the newly awakened Doflamingo was wearing a black cloak. Other than that, the other decorations on his body weren’t much different from the Seven Warlords of the Sea in this world.

“Lord Wexford.”

This Doflamingo, who had just been copied out, had a smile on his face and looked in the direction of Wexford to greet him. Although Doflamingo smiled quite normally, he looked with a hint of gangsterism.

After a simple greeting, Doflamingo observed the surrounding furnishings. After looking around the cabin of this Buggy Pirates, Doflamingo said again, “Lord Wexford, is this place?”

“This is the cabin of a pirate ship in the East Blue. Come on, let’s go out and talk.”

After Wexford finished, he directly pushed open the cabin door and walked towards the deck of the pirate ship.

Just when Wexford and Doflamingo moved, the ship suddenly moved, and from the direction of the deck came the shout of Buggy.

“Little ones! Take advantage of this opportunity and hurry up!”

From the tavern, Buggy hurried back to command his crew sailing away from the Windmill Village. He wanted to take advantage of the absence of Garp and Wexford to quickly leave this place.

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Just when Buggy looked at the sailing ship, a smile spread across his face, but Wexford came out of the cabin.

“Buggy, what are you doing?”

“Wex… Lord Wexford….”

Buggy never expected that Wexford was actually on the ship. According to Wexford’s usual habits, he couldn’t have stayed on the ship.

Wexford looked at the Windmill Village that was moving away from his sight, frowned, and said, “Looking at you like this, are you trying to take the ship away?”

“This, I….”

Now that the ship had sailed, Buggy also didn’t know what to say it. Buggy’s brain began to run at a rapid pace.

At this point, the Windmill Village had been at a distance. Even if Garp returned, he basically could not catch up with his pirate ship. Although Wexford was the boss of Garp and that fake Shanks, he never revealed his strength, so Buggy might still have a bit of a chance…

Thinking of this, Buggy had decided to cut a deal with Wexford. If the other side couldn’t, then he would throw this guy off the ship, and he would go back to being a pirate. If this guy was stronger, he would take the ship back to the Windmill Village.

However, just when Buggy was about to do it, a tall figure came out of the cabin…

Doflamingo’s height reached three meters. As soon as he stood on the deck, he immediately attracted the attention of the entire Buggy Pirates.

“That, isn’t that…”

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“Seven Warlords of the Sea! Seven Warlords of the Sea Doflamingo!”

Although this group of pirates only operated in the East Blur, recently, the newspaper often appears in the Seven Warlords of the Sea, and they had seen a few times. The photos of these people also appeared in the newspaper all the time.

“Do… Doflamingo!”

Buggy, who had already pulled out his pocket knife, was startled by Doflamingo behind Wexford. With wide eyes, he even dropped the knife in his hand onto the deck.

“Lord Wexford, do you want to dispose of him?” As the king of the underground in his own world, Doflamingo was quite skilled at handling people.

When Buggy heard this from Doflamingo, he was so scared that his whole body started to shiver, “No, no! Lord Wexford, I just want to come out and catch some fish, we can be a little short of food.”

“Right, right. Lord Wexford, Captain Buggy is bringing me out to catch some fish.” The beast tamer beside Buggy, Mohji, also nodded and agreed in a hurry.

For such sophistry of Buggy, of course, Wexford ignored it. This kind of falsehood was just to deceive Buggy himself.

However, Wexford also did not intend to let Doflamingo directly kill Buggy. After all, he still needs Buggy’s people to fight.

After a while, Wexford said, “Let’s not talk about this. Let’s take the ship back to Windmill Village first.”

“Yes, okay!” Buggy, who was startled by the appearance of Doflamingo, hurriedly commanded his crew to sail back in the direction of the Windmill Village without saying a word.


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“Captain Buggy! Lord Wexford! There’s a marine ship!”

Just when Buggy Pirate ship had just turned around, the watchman of the pirate group reported another urgent news.

“A marine ship?”

Hearing the news, Buggy was stunned. If it was before, he might have taken his men and left directly with full power. However, the ship now had the Seven Warlords of the Sea, Doflamingo, so what if there is a marine?

“Don’t mind those guys.”

Although Buggy was not prepared to take care of that marine ship, Wexford took a telescope from Buggy’s body.

After seeing the ramming corner of that ship, Wexford immediately realized that this ship was a bit unusual, “Is that Dog Head?”

If Wexford was not wrong, this ship was definitely the ship of the marine hero, Garp. In other words… Garp was one of the strongest fighting forces in the marine, and now, Wexford had come face to face with him.

“It’s Garp.”

Just when Wexford confirmed the identity of the other party, Doflamingo also saw the identity of the incoming person.

In Doflamingo’s world, Garp as a member of the marine was an equally great enemy.


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After hearing the word Garp, Buggy on the side was stunned.

‘Isn’t there already Garp in this Windmill Village? How could there be another one?’

‘Sure enough! This group of guys is really fake. Whether it is Shanks or Garp, they are all fake!’

Although Buggy came to such a conclusion, the strength of the other party couldn’t be ignored. He couldn’t afford to offend even the fake Garp and Doflamingo.

Just now, the aura displayed by Doflamingo had already made Buggy a bit unbearable.

“It seems that the marine did not give out the most important information before….”

After capturing the East Blue marine group, Wexford also deliberately interrogated them. However, that group of marine forces did not reveal the news that Garp was coming.

“Lord Wexford, I’m afraid I can’t defeat Garp if I’m alone.” Doflamingo looked at the approaching marine ships and turned his head to Wexford.

In Doflamingo’s opinion, there was basically no chance of winning a battle with Garp in this kind of place without the birdcage.

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