Chapter 86 - The Marine's Response

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In fact, Sengoku’s own also knew the desire to use the Devil Fruit in exchange for Borsalino back was almost impossible. After all, there was a big war, and the identity of the two sides was the marine and pirates. There was basically no possibility of dialogue.

The direct launch of a surprise attack against the Wexford Pirates went without saying.

He didn’t win the frontal confrontation and now just lost the battle. What will the Marine Headquarters get to retrieve Borsalino?

“I told you, Borsalino should not rely too much on the power of the Devil Fruit.” Sengoku’s directly opposite, Zephyr, who was in charge of the entire Marine Headquarters new recruits trainer, said with a black face.

For these disciples of their own, Zephyr was, of course, very familiar with the three Admirals, all taught by Zephyr himself.

It was because of this, Zephyr knew the strengths and weaknesses of the three. —Borsalino, on the other hand, was very much attention to the development of his own fruit ability but ignored his own physical skills and dominance.

Although Borsalino’s strength was low, his devil fruit power and skill still had the advantage. However, once he encountered an opponent of the same strength, it would be somewhat insufficient ability.

In the New World, the four pirates who ascended to the position of emperor, which one was only exercising the Devil Fruit ability?

Red-haired Shanks, needless to say, his Red Hair Pirates did not have the ability of the Devil Fruit, relying on the ability to train themselves.

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And the three with the Devil Fruit, Kaido the Strongest Creature that could not be killed, from this title one could see, how strong his body was.

In addition to Kaido, the Big Mom Pirates of Charlotte Linlin was once big trouble in the land of giants Elbaf when she was young. You know, the giants of Elbaf were known for their brute strength. The young Big Mom could turn the land of giants upside down, so don’t mention her current physical quality.

The last one, Edward Newgate of the Whitebeard Pirates, was still topping the title of the strongest at sea. No one would think he had any shortcomings.

“Zephyr, it’s already like this, stop talking.”

Sengoku was still very sad about the departure of Borsalino. This time, he still hopes that his old friend Zephyr would not blame that student of his. Since Bursalino matter had been irreparable, Sengoku didn’t want the crowd to discuss the issue too much.

“The most important thing now is the world draft.” When Sengoku said this matter, the whole group stood up from the leaning posture, “The response of the four seas are still good, we should be able to replenish a very large number of soldiers in a short period of time.”

For Sengoku’s words, Zephyr had a different view, “These recruits from all over the world, won’t they be a bit unreliable?”

In Zephyr’s opinion, the new marine recruited from all over the world was likely not to be righteous at heart. These kinds of people were recruited into the Navy, and perhaps also affect the image of the marine.

Of course, this was only Zephyr’s personal opinion. He just didn’t trust people outside the marine.

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Compared to Zephyr’s more conservative views, Tsuru didn’t support it, “Zephyr, the world draft is the only action that can quickly increase our strength. Now that our marine is hurting, and the power of pirates is expanding rapidly, we desperately need battle power to maintain a deterrent to pirates.”

Before the appearance of Wexford, the marine had always been at an advantage in comparison with the strength of a single pirate group. Whether it was the Roger Pirates or the Whitebeard Pirates, the marine could maintain a state of deterrence.

But now perhaps a little different….

The New World already had Four Emperors and now add a more powerful Wexford. If the marine still just maintain the previous level of force, they had been unable to compete with the current pirate forces.

Because of this, Tsuru and Sengoku were more supportive of this decision of Mary Geoise.

After Tsuru finished, Sengoku also nodded in agreement, “Yes, it can only be so.”

Although Sengoku disagreed with this approach at first, for the sake of the marine, he, the Marine Fleet Admiral, could not help but make the trade-off.

Sitting in the room, Garp, who had not spoken up in the crowd after the discussion, finally woke up from sleep.

When the Marine Hero Vice Admiral woke up, he rubbed his nose and said, “Well, have you guys said it?”

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For this habit of Garp, the crowd still felt strange. From the year together as a sea soldier, Sengoku and others had seen Garp’s habit of sleeping at any time.

So when Garp woke up from his nap, Sengoku did not get angry but explained to him, “The world draft is about to begin.”

“So.” Garp nodded his head with seeming understanding, “Well, does it have things to do with me?”

In response to Garp’s question, Sengoku thought about it and nodded, “Indeed, it has nothing to do with you, I will leave the draft to Tsuru and the others.”

“Haha, that’s just right, I can go back to the Windmill Village for a trip. I came back earlier for the matter of Wexford.” Although he just experienced a big battle, Garp didn’t put too much thought into it. For Garp, since the battle was over, it was over.


If it were the next person who said so, Sengoku certainly would not agree. However, in place of Garp, this Fleet Admiral could only nod helplessly.

“Recently there will not be any battles, and there is no task. You can go back for a while.”

After the battle of the Water 7, what the marine wanted to do was to rest and recuperate. After all, with the current state of the marine, it was really not suitable to go out to fight.

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After getting Sengoku’s approval, Garp then directly stood up and walked in the direction of the gate, “Okay, then I’ll go first.”

Zephyr looked at the departing Garp and turned his head to Sengoku, who was sitting on the main seat, “You don’t talk about him either.”

“Does it work?” Sengoku said while reaching out and pinching the bridge of his nose. The pressure on him this time was really too much. “Just let him go back for now, there’s nothing going on lately anyway.”

Zephyr secretly shook his head, stood up, also followed Garp towards the door, “Then I also went to training. By the way, the guys who came to the Marine Headquarters in the world conscription have to be put here to train for a while.”

“No problem.”

For Zephyr’s request, Sengoku certainly would not refuse. After all, those recruited over the marine were a mixed bag. It would be good to let Zephyr make a selection.

“By the way, this time we will recruit three Admirals. After your training, you will be selecting in the headquarters.”

Since recruiting three Admirals, it was necessary to select the strongest three and to do so, Sengoku wanted to hold a big tournament in the Marine Headquarters.

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