Chapter 92 - I Am Justice

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After losing the support of Kaido, Blackbeard could not find a good partner for a while. –In this way, with no helper existence, Blackbeard Teach could only temporarily stay in Wano Country, to wait for the changes after.

But even so, Blackbeard did not give up his ideas. In addition, to continue to convince Kaido, the former notorious sea pirate Golden Lion was also put on Blackbeard’s pull list.

As long as he could get Nagi Nagi no Mi, Blackbeard did not mind cooperating with any of them.

When Kaido and Blackbeard were talking, in the other places in the four seas also received the news of the killing of the World Noble.

This incident was too shocking for the four seas. After all, the World Noble had always been high above the state. Even if all people were angry with the World Nobles, there had never been an incident where World Nobles were killed.

This was as shocking as the previous Battle of Water 7 to the four seas. Many people were preparing to see how the World Government would react.

New World, Revolutionary Army Headquarters, Baltigo.

“He killed two World Noble.” Sitting on the main seat, the leader of the Revolutionary Army, Dragon, swept the newspaper on the table and said.

“Hip-hop!” The Army Commanders of the Revolutionary Army, Okama King Emporio Ivankov, picked up the newspaper with a smile on his face, “This group of guys is really great. That’s World Nobles.”

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Although the Revolutionary Army was bent on overthrowing the World Government, with their strength, they could not confront the World Government head-on, so these revolutionary armies also never targeted the World Nobles.

So what these revolutionary forces did not expect was that a pirate group actually completed what they had not dared to do.

“Against the World Government…. it is somehow interesting.” Dragon moved the stool under him back a bit, stood up, and walked in the direction of the gate.

Halfway to the door, Dragon listened and stopped in the position of the ‘tyrant’ Bartholomew Kuma, who the marine had invited to join the Seven Warlords of the Sea.

“Kuma, about the invitation of the Seven Warlords of the Sea.. just agree to it.”


Kuma did not ask Dragon’s reason but slightly nodded as a response.

The crowd’s reaction for Kuma was considered normal. Most of the time, Kuma didn’t have much to say.

The matter of joining Seven Warlords of the Sea, Kuma had reported to the headquarter a long time ago. However, Dragon was still considering the matter and had not joined yet.

Now Wexford’s offensive against the World Noble and the World Government seemed to be some stimulus to the leader of the Revolutionary Army. Dragon felt that his plan for the World Government’s raid perhaps could be launched with Wexford’s activities.

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Now Wexford Pirate group had obviously attracted most of the attention of the World Government and the marine, and this was the best time for the Revolutionary Army to develop.

“Inform the five Army Commanders to start activities. This may be the best opportunity.”

With that said, Dragon walked straight out of the conference room.


Although the four seas were talking about the news of the killing of the World Noble, Wexford and others in Sabaody Archipelago were not very concerned.

Dragon men were with Garp this ‘World Noble nemesis’; its feud with World Noble could be irreconcilable.

Since the two sides had no room for maneuvering, it was possible to put things out in the open.

Now the strength of the pirate group under Wexford had been enough to suppress the current Marine Headquarters, and with the increase in personnel, Wexford’s advantage would also grow.

In the big ship that Buggy and Shanks just bought, Wexford sat on the shoulders of the angel ship’s bow statue and asked Kozuki Oden, “How about those people on the island?”

Wexford specially sent Kozuki Oden to observe the movement of the Sabaody Archipelago because he had not been exposed.

Because of Wexford’s speech before, the people on Sabaody Archipelago were on edge during this day. Although Sabaody Archipelago would be sheltered by the pirate flag of Wexford, most people were still very worried about the revenge of the World Government.

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After Wexford said those words, there were a lot of Sabaody Archipelago residents who fled the islands by boat.

There were people who left, and there were those who stayed.

Although there was a fear of the World Noble and the World Government, some people always had some courage.

“Well.” Kozuki Oden said, “A lot of people ran away. Most of the pirates also left the port by ship. This World Government’s deterrent effect is really not small.”

Since birth, Kozuki Oden had spent most of his time in the Wano Country, a closed country, so Kozuki Oden did not know much about the outside world. Even after he went to sea with Whitebeard, he never dealt with the World Government and the World Noble.

This time, it was Kozuki Oden’s first direct encounter with World Noble…

“That is the World Government that has ruled the world for eight hundred years. No matter how corrupt and degenerate it is, there is still residual power.”

Wexford did not expect everyone on the Sabaody Archipelago to support themselves. After all, not everyone could be a warrior.

Shanks, who had been busy on the deck since the ship was bought back, heard the conversation between the two next to him and put his head over and said, “Captain, do we need to stay in this Sabaody Archipelago for a while?”

Wexford took a look at the pier, which already looked a bit empty, and nodded slightly, “Stay here for a few days.”

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After getting Wexford’s affirmative answer, Shanks immediately smiled, “Great!”

Shanks was aware of Rayleigh’s existence when he met up with Wexford and the others, so he also wanted to meet with the original First Mate.

Behind Shanks, although Buggy did not speak, he was also showed a happy look. Although Buggy had always been most concerned about the treasure, it was very satisfying to meet with the First Mate once again.

In this way, the Wexford Pirate group chose to repair in Sabaody Archipelago for a while temporarily. Over time, the originally no pirates in Sabaody Archipelago during the first two days after the death of the World Noble now gradually began to usher in the pirates who wanted to enter the New World.

Although the population of the Sabaody Archipelago now declined sharply, the residents left behind were willing to stand on the same side with Wexford. Of course, there was no shortage of slaves brought to the Sabaody Archipelago by Saint Rosward and Saint Charlos.

On the World Government side, there was no recent action. The marine seemed to focus only on the world draft, and they seemed to have forgotten about Sabaody Archipelago, forgetting that two World Noble had just killed here.

On this uneventful day, Wexford also ushered in the arrival of a new pirate king.

Copy of consciousness body completed, in the process of remodeling ——‘

[Name: Sakazuki (I am justice) (47 years old).]

[Strength: SS (Magu Magu no Mi)]

[Affiliation: 996 universe.]

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