If someone else had said this to Wexford, Wexford basically would not have believed it. However, coming from the mouth of Sakazuki, who had a majestic face, Wexford had a feeling that he just could do it.

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“You really want to stay in Sabaody Archipelago?”

For Sakazuki’s request, Wexford actually understands somehow. After all, the other party in his own world was transformed in Sabaody Archipelago. For Sakazuki, Sabaody Archipelago was considered the place where his dreams began.

“Yes, Captain,” Sakazuki replied affirmatively.

Wexford copied almost eight people now, but this was the first time a crew member had applied for a mission so actively.

This situation was likely to be related to Sakazuki’s character. Garp, Katakuri and, others were a bit more spontaneous, except for specific things. They all followed Wexford’s instructions before moving forward.

But Sakazuki here, although Wexford was still in the first place, his obsession with justice was still very strong.

“Okay, that’s fine.”

Since Sakazuki very much wanted to be stationed in Sabaody Archipelago, Wexford agreed to the new crew member’s application.

But after agreeing, Wexford then said, “Do you need helpers?”

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Previously, Wexford only wanted to leave Katakuri alone in Sabaody Archipelago mainly because of a different strategy. When giving the task of guarding to Katakuri, Wexford’s request was to defend when the marine and the World Government attacked, waiting for reinforcements from the New World.

If he couldn’t defend, Katakuri had the option to leave.

But Sakazuki was different. He expressed in the conversation just now that he wanted to fight all opponents alone and not let Sabaody Archipelago fell.

The idea was to live and die with the Sabaody Archipelago. Therefore, Wexford asked Sakazuki if he needed any other helpers.

“Captain, to enter the New World now, you need more people. It is better for me to stay in Sabaody Archipelago alone.” Sakazuki did not reach out to Wexford for an assistant but instead said, “If the captain needs help in the New World, I can come over immediately.”

For Sakazuki’s answer, Wexford had some expectations. So he could only say, “Okay, then I’ll leave Sabaody Archipelago to you. If the opponent’s personnel is too many, you can also ask Lord Rayleigh here for help.”

Wexford did not purposely suppress his voice when he spoke. So Rayleigh, who was sitting not far away, also heard the conversation of the man who came.

When Wexford spoke Rayleigh’s name, this former Pirate King’s right hand, he did not expect Wexford to hit the idea to him.

But if it was really to defend the Sabaody Archipelago, Rayleigh could have helped.

Wexford did not go to see the change in Rayleigh’s expression. After he mentioned it, Rayleigh had lowered his voice a bit and said, “Borsalino is also coming soon. With his speed, when he can quickly travel between the New World and Sabaody Archipelago, if there is anything, just say to him.”

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Hearing this name, Sakazuki also recalled his original colleague.

“What, did he join your new marine at your place?” Wexford saw that Sakazuki recalled something, so he opened his mouth and asked.

Sakazuki shook his head slightly and said, “No, when I entered the first half of the Grand Line from the New World, there was a battle with Marineford, and I defeated him in the Water 7.”

“After the battle, he died of serious injuries.”

“This ……”

Hearing this news, Wexford was at a loss for words. It seemed that these two people were still on opposite sides in that world.

“Eh, just leave that Borsalino alone. The one I’m talking about will be in charge of the New World and Sabaody Archipelago. When someone attacks Sabaody Archipelago, I will send him over first.”

What Wexford needed now was a highly mobile crew like Borsalino. Now, in addition to Borsalino that would be copied out soon, Bell-mere and Doflamingo were also an existence that could cross the Red Line.

But compared to the direct leap to the Red Line of Bell-mere, if Doflamingo wanted to cross over, it would take some effort. If the sky was clear, Doflamingo might have to stay on a cloud for a day or two.

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As for Borsalino’s responsibility, Sakazuki did not refuse. After all, he also belonged to Wexford’s crew, and he still needed to listen to Wexford’s arrangements for most things.

After arranging Sakazuki’s matters in Sabaody Archipelago, Wexford turned his head to Katakuri by the gate and said, “Katakuri.”

“Captain, what can I do for you?” Hearing Wexford’s shout, Katakuri lifted his head and inquired.

“Sakazuki will be stationed in Sabaody Archipelago in your place, and when we depart for Fishman Island in two days. You also follow along.” Wexford stood up and walked over to Katakuri while saying.

Katakuri looked at Sakazuki sitting next to the bar in surprise and said, “Sakazuki? Yes, Captain.”

Katakuri did not have any objection to Wexford’s arrangement, and it did not matter to Katakuri whether he stayed in Sabaody Archipelago or not. Although he spent a long time in the first half of the Grand Line in his own world, this world’s New World was with the Charlotte family. He was a full member of the Charlotte family that existed.

This was a huge attraction for the Katakuri existence. Although he did not join the Big Mom Pirate, Katakuri also wanted to see how the Charlotte family in this world in the end mixed.

So after Wexford decided to take him along to the New World, Katakuri agreed to do so directly.

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“Captain, Captain.”

When Wexford and Katakuri had just finished speaking, Buggy came sprinting from behind with a jug of wine.

“What is it?” Wexford looked at this native Buggy who had followed himself all the way from the East Blue to the Sabaody Archipelago by mistake and asked.

Seeing that Wexford was willing to listen to him, Buggy smiled flatteringly and said, “Hey, captain, can… can you leave me in Sabapdy Archipelago as well?”

When Buggy said this, it was a bit of a surprise to the Katakuri next to him.

‘Couldn’t it be that this red nose also had the same idea as Sakazuki? Did he want to defend the marine’s attack in this Sabapdy Archipelago?’

In his own world, he did not have much contact with Buggy in his own world, so Katakuri did not quite understand this red nose’s thoughts. If he knew Buggy, certainly he could immediately guess the other party’s intention.

“Are you trying to leave?” Compared to Katakuri, who had no way to understand, Wexford was immediately heard the intention of Buggy.

“Uh ……”

The first thing you needed to do was get a good idea of what you wanted to do.

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