Eighteen Years Old

Chapter 11

Chapter 11

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Happy New Year!!! Bonus chapters 3/5

Yu Yao was pushed downstairs by Yu Jiangshan, and when she rolled to the corner of the stairs, she bumped into the decorative stone sculpture and completely lost consciousness. And before that, Yu Jiangshan slashed her right arm twice.

The reason is to protect Pan Jiaying.

In fact, Yu Yao already knew that Pan Jiaying was Yu Jiangshan’s mistress. She debuted at the age of 19 when she was a freshman. As soon as she debuted, she was valued by Zhaoshan Media’s S-level manager Wu Ruoke. With the best resources, she won the best treatment ever. In addition, she herself has real materials, but in just three years, she already has a representative work, becoming the first of the four newly promoted female roles.

She is a woman with great ambitions, not only in her career.

It has been eight years since her debut, and there are new works every year, but no one knows that she has quietly given birth to a child.

What’s even more ridiculous is that the child is only two years younger than Yu Zhi, and his name is Yu Cong!

Yu Yao knew that her mother knew it, but she didn’t want to bother with it because she knew there was a word called forbearance.

She is still too young, has no money and no one in her hand, and her mother hurt her body after giving birth to her younger brother at an advanced age. She has to take medicine all the year round and take care of her younger brother. She has no ability or energy to take care of it. Grandpa and grandma passed away in a car accident early on. Even though Yu Jiangshan relied on Zhao Jiafa’s family, but now the Zhao family only has Zhou Yan, the adopted son adopted by grandpa and grandma very late. Zhou Yan is only five years older than her, and Yu Jiangshan doesn’t care about them at all.

If it wasn’t for that woman Pan Jiaying who is too much, it doesn’t count if she is the proprietress in the company, and she deliberately goes to the hospital to meet her mother by chance, and takes Yu Cong, who is only two years younger than Yu Zhi, to stimulate her mother, she will not lose her temper.

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Pan Jiaying has already bullied her mother and younger brother, how long will she endure?

So she didn’t listen to Zhou Yan’s words, and after knowing that Pan Jiaying was taking drugs secretly, she used money to mess with one of her friends, and reported them when they gathered together to take drugs again. After Pan Jiaying was arrested, she quickly broke the news with the paparazzi. After so many years of debut, even though Pan Jiaying did not dare to have scandals in the relationship between men and women, she played big names, excluded her peers, and socially murdered her peers.

The only thing she feels comforted now is that Pan Jiaying’s stardom has been completely ruined.

Even for Yu Cong’s sake, Yu Jiangshan would still treat Pan Jiaying well, but Pan Jiaying was sentenced to six months for allowing others to take drugs. During these six months, she would not be able to trouble her mother. And six months… She will definitely stand by her mother’s side within these six months!

Just thinking about it now, not all parents in this world really love their children.

In the past, Yu Jiangshan killed Pan Jiaying because of her, and later, Xue Chunfang cursed her daughter to die for some reason.

Yu Yao suddenly frowned, the original body was indeed gone, she borrowed the original body to live on, and wanted to avenge herself in the future. Then, is she also responsible for finding out the reason for the original body’s suicide, and if it is related to others, she will also vent her anger on the original body’s behalf?

There should be. When she avenges herself, she must find out.

Speaking of Chen Yuqi, Pan Jiaying’s most outstanding masterpiece is Chen Yuqi’s “Song of Lime”, which made her debut as an “odd girl”. And Chen Yuqi once even said that Pan Jiaying played Qing Ning, who is unique in his heart and cannot be replaced by anyone else.

Pan Jiaying was originally an ambitious woman. She knew what Chen Yuqi represented in the Chinese film industry, so she went ahead and accepted Chen Yuqi as her godfather. Although she never acted as a leading actress for Chen Yuqi after that, she made cameo appearances in almost every one of Chen Yuqi’s subsequent films, and it is said that she was never paid for it.

That’s right, Pan Jiaying is not short of money.

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She gave birth to a smart son, and Zhaoshan Media will belong to her son in the future.

Whether Chen Yuqi knew Pan Jiaying’s character, Yu Yao didn’t know, but she knew that this was a good opportunity, so after a short reaction in her heart, she hurriedly asked Zhang Meimei: “Sister Zhang, do you know the general situation of this character? What is it for, what is Chen Yuqi’s request? This beauty can be distinguished from pure to bewitching, what does he think?”

Zhang Meimei glanced at Yu Yao in surprise, thinking that she really made preparations.

With this heart in mind, she might become popular in the future.

The future big star has lived in her house, and when Yu Yao becomes popular, her supermarket business will be booming, right?

Thinking about it this way, Zhang Meimei became more enthusiastic when she saw Yu Yao: “I’m not sure about this, wait a minute, I’ll ask Yongsheng.”

She sent a message to Chen Yongsheng.

Yu Yao waited for her to finish posting, and said, “By the way, Sister Zhang, I want to discuss with you, that is, the room upstairs, I want to rent it out. Do you think 5,000 yuan a month is okay? Then we may need to borrow the kitchen, and then the money will be calculated separately.”

Zhang Meimei immediately shook her head: “Oh, don’t! I told you yesterday that the house is for you to live in for free, otherwise it’s still free, and you are Ding Dong’s and our benefactor. If I take money from you, then who am I? Besides, Sister Zhang likes you, you have lived with me for a short time, even if you can’t play a significant role, but you will definitely soon If there is a play, when the time comes, everyone and the crew will have a hotel, you said that if you let me stay here for ten days and a half months, I will charge you money. If Lan Lan knows that, won’t she scold me to death?”

Yu Yao didn’t offer to pay to boost her confidence.

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Besides, this place in Hengcheng is no better than other places, if she doesn’t pay the rent if she stays here, it’s taking advantage of the National People’s Congress. Favors need to be considered, but the money should also be accounted for. Although she saved Ding Dong, she couldn’t make people pay back for it, not to mention that they picked her up and recommended her to film, which is already considered a reward.

But before she could open her mouth, Qin Feng pulled her away and said, “Since this is the case, then don’t argue with Xiao Zhang. Anyway, I’m free when you go to filming, so I’ll stay here to help with the cooking. It can be considered as paying the rent.”

Qin Feng came from H city, and the rent of a house with three bedrooms and one living room there is only less than two thousand yuan, and Yu Yao opened her mouth to give Zhang Meimei five thousand, Qin Feng’s heart ached and almost broke. But now that Zhang Meimei is here, she can’t say anything, so she can only cut off Yu Yao’s words.

Yu Yao was helpless, not to mention she was rich, there was no reason to make Qin Feng work hard, even if Qin Feng was really made hard, the work would not earn five thousand a month. But seeing Qin Feng winking at her, she probably guessed the reason, so she thought it’s better to turn around and speak quietly, so she didn’t say anything.

Zhang Meimei nodded again and again, and said, “That’s good, that’s good. I’m so busy all by myself every day, it’s a lot easier to have aunt help me.” While talking, Chen Yongsheng’s message came, and she glanced at it and handed it over. To Yu Yao: “Yaoyao, take a look.”

Chen Yongsheng said in the message that “Qing Huan” is a costume martial arts drama, and the role he is looking for now will play the hero’s childhood mother, a girl who does not know martial arts. The gentle woman, the image is more pure and gentle. Yu Yao thought about it, then she didn’t put on makeup. Although she was eighteen years old, her original skin was much better than hers, white and delicate, without blemishes, and makeup was superfluous. Her hair was washed last night. It is medium-length hair. It is true that she looks quiet with it, but it is gentle… It feels like Yu Yao is not too clear about it. Looking down, the white skirt is fine, but the pink flat sandals don’t seem to match.

But she wore this pair of shoes when she went out, and it was too late to buy a new pair now.

Zhang Meimei took a good look, and immediately said: “I have a pair of high-heeled sandals that look good, you wait, I’ll get them for you.”

Zhang Meimei’s bedroom is on the first floor, and she brought it quickly. Brand sandals, black stiletto heels, ankle straps and insteps are embellished with pearls, the flaws on the fake pearls can’t be seen from a distance, but they look pretty. But Yu Yao’s feet are white and her ankles are thin, so she looks even better when she wears them together.

Zhang Meimei was about to boast when Chen Yongsheng called again.

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She picked it up and handed it to Yu Yao, and Chen Yongsheng said over there: “Yu Yao, you are ready to go to my office next door right away. Director Qiu and I are already on our way here, and it will take about fifteen minutes. If you can get there, go over there first and wait.”

The second floor of Zhang Meimei’s supermarket is a whole, but the first floor is divided into two with a wall in the middle. One side is a supermarket, and the other side is Chen Yongsheng’s office. Yu Yao agreed, and after hanging up the phone, she talked to Zhang Meimei and Qin Feng, went to the bathroom to check her hair in the mirror, wiped her eyes lightly with clean water, and went out.

Chen Yongsheng’s office is very simple, divided into two parts, the inner one is invisible to Yu Yao, but the outer one is only equipped with a table and two chairs, and on the other side there are many posters on the wall. The sticky note should be some information released.

As soon as Yu Yao entered the door, Chen Kai who was sitting outside got up to greet her: “My uncle has already told me that he and Director Qiu will be here soon, you can go to my uncle’s independent office inside and wait.” He said in a low voice, “There are already two people inside who are competing for the role of Hua Xiang just like you. Just ignore them and just wait quietly.”

Yu Yao nodded and said softly: “Thank you.”

Chen Kai blushed slightly, and hurriedly took a step back: “Go in quickly, the air conditioner is turned on inside.”

Yu Yao entered the office inside, and coincidentally, there were only three chairs inside. One belongs to Chen Yongsheng’s boss chair, while the other two have already been occupied by two young girls. Originally, when they heard footsteps, the two girls stood up excitedly and wanted to say hello respectfully, but when they saw that it was her, their expressions immediately changed.

The one in the green skirt on the left just drooped her face, looking dejected.

And the one on the right, who was wearing a white dress like her, pierced her eyes like sharp swords in an instant.

Yu Yao understood her. Although she might not be selected without herself, at least she lost a competitor. Now that there are more people, among other things, Yu Yao has to admit that the original body looks a little better than herself. So it’s no wonder that people are hostile to her. If she only chooses her appearance, her strength is a bit too strong.

Yu Yao didn’t say anything, she nodded to the two of them, and walked to the window.

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