Eighteen Years Old

Chapter 14

Chapter 14

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In the end, Qiu Lin and Yu Yao returned to the inner office.

Shen Miao was anxious and angry, she pulled Gui Feng’s arm and complained, “Brother Gui, what’s going on, who is Yang Yang?”

“I don’t know.” Gui Feng was also very surprised.

Shen Miao said anxiously: “But Director Qiu seems to care about this Yang Yang very much, will he… will he give this role to that little b#tch just now?”

Chen Yongsheng was beside him, and he was also thinking about it. What Yu Yao was doing, after hearing this, he immediately looked over.

It is true that most of the entertainers had their own faces, but it was the first time for him to see someone like Shen Miao who directly scolded others in public. Thinking that even if Yu Yao wasn’t the great benefactor of his sister-in-law’s family, if he brought out someone, it wouldn’t make sense for others to scold her so badly in front of him, so he didn’t say a word.

They were not afraid of offending Shen Miao in this line of work.

Therefore, he said bluntly, “Miss Shen, I don’t know if your fans know that you are so good at cursing.”

Shen Miao’s anxious expression froze.

In fact, Gui Feng was also trying to tell her that it doesn’t matter what happens behind the scenes, it’s better not to be caught by the pigtails in public.

“Misunderstanding, it’s a misunderstanding. Miao Miao is in a hurry and did not intend to curse.” He hurriedly stood in front of Shen Miao and made a protective appearance.

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Chen Yongsheng took over jobs from the assistant directors of various crews, even if Gui Feng was the leading actor, he was not afraid of offending him. Therefore, he only gave Gui Feng a cold look, then turned his head and left, without any intention of giving Gui Feng some face.

Gui Feng gritted his teeth and turned to look at his back.

“There must be an improper relationship between men and women!” Shen Miao said in a low voice.

“Okay! Don’t talk about it!” Gui Feng scolded, seeing Chen Yongsheng’s appearance, he was too embarrassed to go into that house again, so he turned his gaze, pointed to the tree by the side of the road, and said, “Let’s go and wait for Director Qiu.”

He didn’t open an umbrella, so his face couldn’t be directly exposed to the sun.

In the room, Qiu Lin looked at Yu Yao with burning eyes, as if afraid of missing any expression on her face.

“How do you know Yangyang? Why did you say about not letting Yangyang go out recently? What will happen if we let him go out?”

Yu Yao said calmly: “There will be accidents, irreversible accidents.”

Qiu Lin’s pupils shrank suddenly, and he slapped the nearby table violently: “Yu Yao! You better not talk nonsense!”

Children are the weakness of parents.

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Qiu Lin loved his only son deeply, and Yu Yao touched his bottom line by saying this.

Thinking of the scene she saw before, the terrified cry of the child, the thugs arrogantly saying that they had torn up the ticket, and the fact that Liu Yu, a mother, could not bear the shock and fainted after hearing the bad news… Yu Yao sighed, a little annoyed why she couldn’t see the gangster’s face. But if she saw it, could she really prevent it from happening? When she didn’t see it, she reckoned that it was unlikely that the gangsters would break into the house and rob people, so they could only abduct Yang Yang outside.

“Director Qiu, you should know that I don’t dare to lie.” Yu Yao said: “And it’s related to the child, it’s even more impossible for me to have the slightest lie. Listen to me, Yang Yang really can’t go out recently. If he goes out, he will be kidnapped and someone will ask you for a ransom. If you give it, the consequences will be unimaginable.”

Qiu Lin was still struggling for the last time, pretending to be in disbelief and said: “I am a small director, how much money can I have in my hand? How could someone kidnap my son?”

Yu Yao said: “You may not have that much money, but Liu Yu definitely does.”

Qiu Lin was shocked, his eyes widened in shock: “You… you… “

Yu Yao was a little curious: “Are you and Liu Yu secretly married?”

In fact, Yu Yao has a good impression of Liu Yu, because Liu Yu was born in Zhaoshan, so such a beautiful woman can’t escape Yu Jiangshan’s eyes . But Liu Yu is different from Pan Jiaying. Not only did she not agree to Yu Jiangshan’s unspoken rules, she even exposed Yu Jiangshan’s evil deeds to the outside world. Of course, the final result was not good. Yu Jiangshan was unharmed, but she paid compensation for Zhaoshan to be able to terminate the contract smoothly because of the large sum of money.

Later, she was silent for a few years, and it was only two years ago that she made a comeback and became a hit.

Thinking about it, her son was born during those few years of silence.

Qiu Lin and Liu Yu were indeed secretly married, but no one knew about it except the two of them and the staff around them. Now Yu Yao not only guessed their hidden marriage, but also accurately named their son Yang Yang. Qiu Lin couldn’t think of the relationship between the staff around their husband and wife and Yu Yao, but if it wasn’t for them, there’s really no way for Yu Yao to know this.

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He had a child in a hidden marriage, which was never mentioned by his best friends in the circle.

After all, when Liu Yu came out from Zhaoshan with a scandal on her back, they only got a marriage certificate, and they never held a wedding.

“Yes.” Qiu Lin admitted it straightforwardly, but asked back: “You haven’t said it yet, how did you know about Yang Yang?”

Yu Yao once again took out what she said to Min Ruixue: “I have studied metaphysics since I was a child, so I watched your face, and then came into contact with the personal things around you—the business card. So in the moment of daze just now, I have already seen the disaster that will happen to you next.”

Qiu Lin is not a superstitious person, But Yu Yao could even know Yang Yang’s name…

He thought for a while, even if Yu Yao knew the name, she definitely didn’t know her appearance.

He and Liu Yu have never allowed the staff around them to take pictures, and even if they have photos in their mobile phones, they have set up independent passwords. Even if the staff has access to the mobile phones, they cannot retrieve the photos.

So Qiu Lin asked: “You said you saw it, so what does my son look like?”

Yu Yao thought about it, and quickly said: “Double eyelids, eyes should be big, a little chubby, when you smile There may be dimples. Because I saw him crying, so I can only give a general idea of the face, but he is wearing a T-shirt with a little tiger’s head on it, white cropped pants, and shoes on his feet Like the jacket, it also has a little tiger printed on it. Oh, by the way, there is also a water cup hanging around his neck, which also has a little tiger pattern on it.”

The more Qiu Lin heard it, the more panicked he felt. Yang Yang is a tiger, and he himself likes tigers, so tiger patterns can indeed be seen everywhere around him.

He didn’t care about talking to Yu Yao, so he quickly took out his cell phone and made a call.

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It was Qiu Lin’s mother-in-law Zhang Xia who answered the phone. He didn’t know what she was busy with, she was a little out of breath: “Qiu Lin, what’s the matter, is there anything you want to call now?”

“Mom, are you home now? Is Yang Yang by your side?”

“Yeah, Yang Yang cried at home for a while and said he wanted to eat KFC, and I’m about to take him out now. This brat is making a fuss, he refuses to leave and has to be hugged by me. If you have something to say, hurry up, if it’s nothing, I have to hang up.” Zhang Xia is not young, and it is a bit difficult to hold her chubby little grandson with one hand.

But Qiu Lin’s voice trembled: “Mom, don’t go out! Don’t go out!” After hastily shouting, he hurriedly said: “Take Yang Yang and go back to the house first, and lock the door behind you.”

Zhang Xia, the mother of a female star, is no stranger to paparazzi in the entertainment industry. Upon hearing this, she thought it was the paparazzi who had discovered her house, hurriedly opened the door that had just been locked, and walked into the house with the child in her arms.

Yang Yang looked at the closed door with some puzzlement: “Grandma?”

Zhang Xia ignored him, and hurriedly said to Qiu Lin: “I entered the house, what’s going on, someone is watching this side?”

Qiu Lin was afraid of scaring her mother-in-law, he dared not tell the truth: “Almost, don’t go out for the next two days. By the way, Mom, I haven’t seen Yang Yang for a long time. Can you take a photo of Yang Yang and send it to me?” Yang Yang said he wanted to go out, but Qiu Lin said something.

Zhang Xia glanced at the little grandson who was already pouting, and shook her face with difficulty and said, “Okay! But you can’t go out here, what should Yang Yang do if he wants to eat KFC?”

Qiu Lin responded, “I will order him a takeaway, Mom, take a photo first.”

Hanging up the phone, Qiu Lin was anxiously waiting for a photo, but Yu Yao shook her head violently, just to be on the safe side, you can’t order takeaway either!

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