Eighteen Years Old

Chapter 7

Chapter 7

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Wang Ermei felt that something was wrong, she looked up at Yu Yao, she was stunned for a moment before she smiled and said, “Little girl, why are you looking at me all the time, is there something wrong with me?”

In other places, maybe it will harm other families.

Yu Yao forcibly suppressed the anger in her heart, blinked her eyes, and smiled on her face: “No, I just think you look kind and amiable, old lady, a bit like my grandma.”

Qin Feng was dozing off when he heard Yu Yao With these words, he sat upright and opened her eyes wide.

Looking at the old lady opposite, her hair is combed brightly, with gold earrings on her ears, a gold necklace around her neck, and a pair of green jade bracelets on her wrists, she looks like an old lady from a rich family. Qin Feng laughed when she thought about her granddaughter saying that she felt similar to this old lady, and she didn’t care that she didn’t have a piece of jewelry on her body and it was written all over her face that her life was not easy

“What are you talking about, grandma is right next to you, can you still recognize her?” She pretended to be angry and scolded Yu Yao with a smile.

But on the opposite side, Wang Ermei had a flash of disdain in her eyes.

An old woman with a poor face at first glance, it’s too embarrassing to say that she looks like herself, without any self-knowledge!

But… this little girl is really beautiful, look at her white and tender skin, her pair of watery eyes seem to be able to talk, it seems that she should make a fortune this time, just like that, she can sell for more money than that little furry child.

It’s just that she is not young, so I’m afraid it’s not easy to coax.

Thinking quickly in her heart, she showed a more amiable smile on her face: “Oh, what a beautiful little girl. Old sister, I didn’t say that, you are very lucky to have such a pretty and smart granddaughter, a good day is waiting for you!”

Yu Yao clearly saw the disdain in the other old woman’s eyes.

But Qin Feng was so coaxed by these words that her mouth twisted. When Xue Chunfang divorced and took Yu Yao away, the Yu family had been comforted by the neighbors and joked behind their backs for so many years. This time Yu Yao committed suicide even more, otherwise Qin Feng would not have been so angry that she wished Yu Yao could become a big star.

But she didn’t expect that the old lady who they didn’t know on the train, an old lady who was rich at first glance, would say such a thing.

Qin Feng has never been able to show off her family to others in her life, and now that Yu Yao is by the side, she has the capital to show off: “I will borrow your good words, and I will wait. But it is not my mother-in-law who sells melons. My family Yaoyao is really a good child, not to mention beautiful, but also very smart and filial, no one in our family’s neighbors do not praise this child.”

Although not the original body, but Yu Yao blushed a little and was shy by Qin Feng’s praise.

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However, Qin Feng had deceived herself, and her face was full of pride.

Wang Ermei smiled and answered: “Blessed old sister! Unlike me, although I also have a granddaughter who is also beautiful, she just doesn’t get close to me, alas! By the way, your granddaughter is called Yaoyao? Which two words, what a coincidence, my granddaughter is also called Yaoyao!”

Qin Feng couldn’t read, even if it was her own granddaughter’s name, she didn’t know it.

She looked at Yu Yao with a slightly embarrassed smile, and motioned for Yu Yao to say.

Suddenly, a ridiculous idea came to Yu Yao’s heart, this old woman, could she also have an idea on her? Child abduction can be sold for money, but it seems that there is more money in abduction and trafficking of women into the mountains. As for the appearance of Yu Yao, the original body, maybe there is no need to sell it in the mountains, and it will cost more to sell her elsewhere!

Damn it!!!

Yu Yao laughed and said, “There is a place called Yuyao. My parents met there. It just so happens that my father’s surname is Yu, so he gave me this name.”

Wang Ermei slapped her hands and said excitedly: “What a coincidence, my granddaughter is also Yao, but our surname is Wang, and my granddaughter’s name is Wang Yao.”

Yu Yao: Hoho, you can make it up, as long as you like it.

I hope you can still be happy when you get out of the car.

Holding Qin Feng in her arms and boasting a few more words, Wang Ermei lowered her hair contentedly and sent a message. Then she looked up and saw Dingdang who had just finished drinking milk, and with the mentality of earning a fortune, she asked Zhang Lanlan with a smile: “Dingdang is a really good-looking child, so cute and chubby, is he a boy?”

Before Zhang Lanlan answered, Qin Feng rushed to say: “It must be, I knew it was a boy at first glance!”

Yu Yao raised her forehead, dear grandma, please stop making trouble.

Before Zhang Lanlan agreed, she went up to look at Ding Dong. The outer hand was in a place where Wang Ermei could not see, but she pinched Zhang Lanlan’s wrist gently and said, “Sister, is this a boy? How can I look at it? Like a girl?”

Zhang Lanlan was a little confused, why did this pretty little girl pinch her?

She looked at Yu Yao puzzled, and Yu Yao put in more effort underneath and pinched her again.

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Although she didn’t know what Yu Yao meant, but Zhang Lanlan saw Yu Yao’s kindness just now. If it wasn’t for Yu Yao, her Ding Dong might not be able to drink milk right now. So Zhang Lanlan followed Yu Yao’s words, and said to Wang Ermei and Qin Feng, “It’s a girl.”

Qin Feng still didn’t believe it, the old lady was old, she had a thick skin, and immediately wanted to take a look at Ding Dong’s crotch.

Although Wang Ermei didn’t move, her eyes were fixed tightly.

Seeing her appearance, Yu Yao sneered in her heart, and hurriedly took Qin Feng’s hand: “Grandma, what are you doing, sister can even be wrong about whether her child is a boy or a girl? I’m hungry, take a look in the bag. What are packed there? I want to eat something.”

No matter how important other people’s family affairs are, they are not as important as their own granddaughter’s. After Yu Yao interrupted, although Qin Feng still didn’t believe that she could see wrongly because of her bad eyesight. It was more important for her granddaughter to eat first, so she turned around and opened the bag on the table, opened a box of washed grapes and handed it over.

“You eat the grapes first, and when we get off the train, let’s pass by the staff that sells meals, you have a box lunch.” The meals on the train are a bit more expensive, but they are definitely more nutritious than instant noodles. Qin Feng is very generous to her granddaughter.

Yu Yao took the box, ate it by herself, and then gave it to Qin Feng.

Qin Feng thought that if she ate it, she would have to tell the old lady opposite to eat it too, so she immediately shook her head: “Grandma won’t eat it, you can eat it yourself.”

Yu Yao didn’t understand Qin Feng’s meaning, and thought she was reluctant.

“Grandma, we can eat together, it’s okay, don’t wait until we arrive…” Thinking of the traffickers sitting opposite, Yu Yao dared not tell the truth, “When I make money in the future, we can eat every day.”

“You, girl!” Qin Feng was really reluctant, she said: “You eat yours, and grandma will eat after you make money later.”

Wang Ermei smiled and said: “Old sister, look, this is your granddaughter’s filial piety!”

Qin Feng was also happy in his heart, no matter what happens in the future, but the granddaughter said so now, that is filial piety.

She smiled and nodded, and praised Yu Yao again.

Yu Yao had no choice but to eat by herself.

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Wang Ermei was chatting, and then asked where the grandparent and grandchild were going.

Although Qin Feng had hopes in her heart, she was unwilling to say it out loud. How could it be so easy for an ordinary girl to become a big star. So she hesitated for a while, and lied: “Isn’t it just the summer vacation? I’ve always wanted to come to Hengcheng to see, Yaoyao is fine, so she volunteered to bring me here.”

Wang Ermei exaggerated: “Oh, it’s not easy, this girl is really a good girl!”

While eating grapes, Yu Yao listened distractedly to the conversations of Qin Feng, Wang Ermei, and Zhang Lanlan who occasionally interjected. After eating the grapes, she went to the conductor on the pretext of going to the bathroom, and asked her to take her to the police.

Xiao Guocheng is the policeman on this train. As a policeman, his greatest wish is to be able to safely transport a carload of people from City H to City D. It is best not to have any accidents along the way. Of course, if there is any accident, it is best to know in advance to avoid any harm to passengers.

So when Yu Yao was brought over by the conductor, he solemnly asked Yu Yao to sit opposite.

“What do you mean?”

Yu Yao said, “The old lady sitting opposite me is a human trafficker.”

Xiao Guocheng didn’t neglect because Yu Yao was just a little girl, and immediately asked, “Reason? Evidence?”

Yu Yao and Xiao Guocheng couldn’t talk like they did with Min Ruixue. She had to lie: “I saw her once, in the elevator of a community over my house. A child who lived upstairs from me, that day I when I got home, I happened to see her holding the child in the elevator. The child was crying so much at the time. I took a second look. She explained that she was the child’s grandmother. She wanted to take the child to the hospital because he was sick and uncomfortable. The family is not very familiar, so I didn’t care about it. But I found out the next day that the child upstairs in my house was missing. It is said that the child’s grandma and the old lady were talking about a fellow, so they took her home, who knew that this person was a human trafficker, and took the child away while the child’s grandma was not paying attention!”

Yu Yao had a serious face, thinking that she was going to enter the entertainment circle, so today she regarded it as acting.

She acted in the script she had thought up before, a girl who saw a trafficker abducting a neighbor’s child with her own eyes and came to the police.

This girl must be angry, but also guilty. If she could ask a few more questions and take care of her when she felt something was wrong, maybe the neighbor’s child would not be lost.

Yu Yao was angry. Thinking of Zhang Lanlan’s ending, she wanted to kick Wang Ermei to death.

Feeling guilty… thinking about occupying Yu Yao’s body and gaining the love of Qin Feng and Yu Zhaoxing. Thinking about how she was pushed downstairs by Yu Jiangshan, is her body now a vegetable? Can she no longer protect her weak mother and brother who doesn’t understand anything?

There is also guilt.

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Yu Yao’s eyes turned red, and she said excitedly: “Uncle Police, you must take care of this matter! Don’t let her escape! Even if what I just said can’t be used as evidence to arrest her, you can send someone to watch it first. I found that something was wrong with her, she kept asking me about the situation of the young lady and the child opposite me, and asked my grandma about my news, I doubt that she will not make a move after getting off the train!”

This means that not only the child, but even she may be targeted by traffickers!

Without actual evidence, just based on Yu Yao’s few words, Xiao Guocheng is really not good at taking immediate action against Wang Ermei.

But Yu Yao’s last words lifted his spirits, if it was true, then what he caught was a repeat offender! If such a person is caught, his future promotion is secondary. The most important thing is that it can prevent another family from being torn apart by the traffickers, and the child who was abducted earlier may also be found!

He got up and said: “Okay, you go back first, don’t let her see that something is wrong, just leave the rest to me.”

Although Yu Yao felt that she could help Zhang Lanlan take the child by herself, but the other party seemed to also grow fond with her, but there must be more than one responder at the exit. For safety reasons, she can only lie and call the police first.

It’s just that her behavior is not good, and I’m afraid she will be educated afterwards…

Walking all the way to the carriage where they were staying, when she reached the door of the bathroom, the door happened to be opened.

As soon as Zhang Lanlan came out, she saw Yu Yao, and hurriedly said, “Where have you been? Your grandma saw that you were not going back. Just now, I have to go to the bathroom and asked me to look after you. I didn’t see you on both sides.”

Yu Yao nervously asked: “Where is your child?”

Zhang Lanlan said: “I couldn’t help it just now, your grandma offered to look after Ding Dong. What’s the matter?”

Although Yu Yao has never been a mother, she knows that under normal circumstances regarding the significance of her mother, she did not dare to disclose the news in advance, so she shook her head: “It’s nothing, I just asked out of curiosity, my grandma should be in a hurry, I’ll go there first.”

“I still want to ask, why did you pinch me just now?” Zhang Lanlan muttered in a low voice, didn’t care, and washed her hands.

Yu Yao quickly walked back to her seat, and saw that although Qin Feng was holding the child, Wang Ermei somehow made something like a crystal ball that twinkled and twinkled, making Ding Dong laugh.

It seems that I did the right thing by going to the police in advance!

As soon as Yu Yao sat down, she immediately said, “Grandma, can you let me hold Ding Dong, I’ll tease him too.”

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