Elder Blood Witcher

Chapter 219

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In the end the experiments finally concluded, Reima had finally found the correct sequence that'd produce the best and most stable results. He didn't immediately perform the operation however, such a thing is as dangerous for himself as it is everyone else. To take precautions Reima went to visit Solaire who was currently guiding Anastacia on how to cast a Great Lightning Spear.

Reima "Yo, Solaire!" Said person quickly turns around and greets him, "My friend! It's been months since you've left that dingy lab of yours, I trust all is well?"

Reima nods "My experiments have provided results... I actually need to talk to you about something, could you spare me a moment?"

Solaire agrees and leave Rhea to coach Anastacia on her Miracles, the walk a couple metres away and Reima begins speaking, "So, what I'm about to say might be incredibly stupid but you mustn't interrupt. Ok, so I need you to watch me perform an experiment on myself and kill me if it goes wrong... Good?"

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"WHAT!" Solaire exclaims, definitely not "Good"... "My friend think of your friends and the Chaos Covenant before you go hollow!"

Reima shakes his head, "No, I'm not going hollow... I just need you to be there when I do this otherwise if I fail shit will hit the fan."


Solaire "Is there a reason for such drastic sounding experiments?"

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Reima "I need to be stronger and these will allow me to become much, much more powerful."


Solaire "I can't dissuade you?"

Reima affirms, "No, I've already made my decision."

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In the end Solaire was reluctant to leave Reima to do this on his own and thus followed him. Reima had already picked the spot where he'd perform this ritual like experiment, he'd found that the best place for it would be the giant kiln in the belly of Izalith, where the bed of chaos used to reside. The reason for this is that it's designed to take overwhelming heat, pressure and it also has mechanisms of reducing them. It may not be needed but it's a necessary precaution.

The two teleport inside of the giant chamber of the kiln and look at the collapsed floor around them, almost the entirety of the room had collapsed apart from the small section where the Chaos Bug containing the Soul of the Witch of Izalith dwelled. He positioned Solaire at the entrance and began preparing for the "ritual", first he retrieves the Transposing Kiln and the Four large souls, The Chaos Soul, Nito's death Soul, Gwyn's Soul and the Dark Soul of Manus. He doesn't bother with the Lord Souls and places the Dark Soul into the Kiln with the Four Fire Keeper Souls, the reason he'd added the additional souls is for their miraculous melding of a powerful soul intertwined with humanity. Such a thing when included would lower the powerful aggression he'd be subjected to under the Will of humanity.

After all five souls are placed inside he channels almost 100,000 souls into it, after the Dark Soul has enveloped the Fire keeper souls he Sudden splits it into four equal pieces... The Dark Soul resisted but under the pressure of 100,000 souls it gives way.

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After preparations for the Dark Soul are completed he looks at the Lord Souls, he had previously thought the order wouldn't matter much but he was wrong yet again. His experiments had concluded that the correct order would be The Chaos soul, followed by Gwyn's soul and ending with Nito's soul... The main reason for this is that if you take Nito's soul in too early it'll effect the physical body and render it similar to Nito's skeletal form. The other would be the Mutative qualities of Chaos, while unpredictable and one of the more dangerous things in the ritual the adaptive qualities the Chaos Soul would imbue would drastically raise the chances of a successful result. The reason for this being it'd prepare the body to take massive changes while also combating the Dark Soul.

He sits and meditates for who knows how long until he's finally ready to take the plunge. First he pushes one shard of the Dark Soul into his chest, quickly followed by the Chaos Soul... The first thing he feels is "COLD!, HOT!" the two massive energies immediately start Chaotically churning around in his body. They fight against each other while affecting different parts of his body, his left arm turns black for a moment before changing red and then black again. His own body and soul fight off the drastic changes trying to be made but it's a hard fought battle, the only reason he manages to stay conscious is the fact that if he fails now he'll most likely die. And while he might come back to life form a bonfire, whether or not it'll be him or some rampaging monster is not known.

The energies continues to rage about his body for a 3 hours until they slow down but don't cease fighting, Reima immediately grabs another shard of the Dark Soul and forces into himself while doing the same with Gwyn's Soul. Again, the hot and cold energies rampage, Gwyn's soul is much larger but less Chaotic than the Witch of Izalith's which evens it out slightly. This time there are no Mutations, instead a thick black ooze begins leaking from every one of his orifices, this isn't the end however as the black substance ignites and horrifically burns his body as if it's gasoline. Reima can't hold his screams back anymore as he feels his flesh burning from his bones, he doesn't die however, the black ooze even while burning seems to regenerate his flesh, the black substance becoming delicate pale skin before being burned yet again. This continues for 2 hours, leaving Reima whimpering mess at the end of it, he's somehow still aware and conscious as the energies start to slow again.
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Reima slurs, "F-fuck this fuckkkking hu-hurts!" he says as he pushes another Shard of the Dark Soul accompanied by Nito's.

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