Elder Blood Witcher

Chapter 226

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Reima doesn't actually instantly leave however as there are still a few things he needs to deal with, he goes to Firelink shrine to visit Domnall to buy all the armour sets he'd pillaged from graves. He buys the rest of the armour sets from him, Gwyn's armoured robes that he somehow aquired, Gwyndolin's moonlight robes, and the Golem's heavy iron armour. He'd previously bought Ornstein's set and so almost had all the armour sets, with the exception of Smough's that he fundamentally refuses to purchase.

Next stop? The great hall housing the Painting of Ariamis. What? Did you think his furniture robbing days were over? Reima appears in the great hall and briskly walks over to the giant painting, he can teleport inside but he'd given the doll which is used as a key back to Priscilla. This makes it an portable prison, he'd like to create a base inside of the world of Ariamis but he'd promised Priscilla not to harm the inhabitants. He walks around and judges how it's connected to the wall, finding it to be secured on each corner by large metal clamps, he walks over to each one and gives it a quick slice with Arcell while leaning the painting against the wall to prevent it falling over. After this he extends his Folded Space as much as he can before slowly guiding the painting inside, even despite his huge reserves, forcing the Folded Space to open this large without destabilising it still takes a huge amount of effort. After "Requisitioning" the painting Reima finally feels comfortable leaving this world.

He hadn't actually decided his next destination yet and thought he would go with the flow. Thinking about his short term goals he wishes to gain better control over his magic, he concentrates on that thought as he envelops himself in Elder Blood energy. He struggles to do this and remain in control of his Aura but eventually manages, a "Pop!" is heard as he vanishes in a bright flash


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A white haired woman appears in a Turquoise flash, she falls to the ground breathing heavily but even despite this shakily gets to her feet. She starts walking away but increases her pace as the temperature around her decreases, allowing her heavy breaths to be visible. She starts sprinting through the forest and eventually the temperature returns to normal. She kneels down breathing heavily, thinking that she'd escaped her pursuers, that is until she hears something rustling the foliage around her.

She tenses up and holds her long sword up in preparation to cut down whatever is stalking her... She waits, her green eyes darting around, surveying the surroundings. A minute later something sprints towards causing a great disturbance in the bushes between them, she stabs the sword at the black figure that leaps at her, receiving a loud whine and whimper as she penetrates it's flesh. Looking down she sees that she'd impaled a black dog through the chest, it's life force being rapidly drained as it's blood spurts out of it's large wound. She hears many feet approaching her and is about to run away when the black dog transforms into a man, he grabs her wrist while holding his fatal wound and hoarsely mutters something.

She doesn't manage to pick up what he's saying, "I don't know who you are and I'm sorry but I need to go!"

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The man keeps a tight grip, refusing to let go, "Pro-tect H-harry!" he says with an intensity that shouldn't be possible for a dying man. He falls on his side and groans in pain, she tries to get him to let go of her but can't find it within herself to strike him again. Finally the footsteps reach them revealing many strangely dressed people pointing sticks in their direction.


Reima appears in a large street, bustling with many people wearing old fashioned clothing, this isn't strange considering he'd been living in medieval worlds since his reincarnation. Someone walks into him and almost falls over at his rock solid stance.

??? "You! Are you stupid! What on earth are you doing Apparating in the middle of the street?"
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Reima looks at the man confused, "Err what?"

??? "You know what I mean! I swear if you do it again I'll report you to the Auror's!"

Reima bows his head, "Look, I'm sorry... I was in a rush, please understand my predicament."

The man nods, "Very well, I can tell you're not of the bad sort... Oh, before I leave you should find some new attire if you wish to traverse the Muggle world, your outfit is quite extravagant even among wizards."

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Reima can only nod at the man, finally realising what world he'd appeared in... Harry Potter!

He immediately looks around and sees the place depicted in the movies, Diagon Alley! The many strange shops continue and almost never end as the large group of people hustle and bustle to get to one place or another. He walks around, trying to gain his bearing and decides to figure out what part of the timeline he's on, he walks to a nearby store selling newspapers and looks at the headline, his mouth drops... "Sirius Black caught and killed by a passerby!" he reads the article and his shock only deepens, "The valiant hero responsible for this is named Ciri Rivia"...

"WHAT!" he exclaims making those around him jump in surprise.

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