Elder Blood Witcher

Chapter 363

Rita frowns at him, "Please Ludo, you'll let me have this or you might find me remembering a certain incident that almost had you in a certain prison?.." she says sweetly.

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Said man glances around at the champions to see there reactions before giving Rita and angry look. He's about to reply when Dumbledore, Barty Crouch, Madam Maxine and Karkaroff along with Ollivander steps inside, the latter giving Ciri a smile when he sees her. They all take a seat with Rita reluctantly placing herself down in the corner with her camera man.

Dumbledore "Shall we begin the ceremony then?" he asks, looking at every to see if there's an objection.

Ollivander nods, "Indeed... Perhaps we should start with Mademoiselle Delacour?" he says, stepping into the middle of the room so everyone can get a good look.

Fleur briskly walks forward and hands him her wand, Ollivander looks at it closer, spinning it in between his fingers before pointing upwards and releasing a small torrent of gold and pink sparks. "Rosewood, containing-"

Fleur "A 'air from my grandmuzzer, Veela."

This immediately gets Rita prodding her camera man to take pictures when she hears this, a quill is already quickly scribbling into a parchment, no doubt making bold remarks about Fleur's heritage.

Ollivander "Veela hair tends to make very temperamental wands, though I can see you've thoroughly tamed this one." he says with a smile.

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He hands the wand back to her while commenting "It's a fine well working wand, nothing wrong at all."

Fleur "Thank you Monsieur." she says before walking back to her seat.

Ollivander, "Hmm, let's try the Durmstrang Champion, Mr Krum." he says gesturing for him to come towards himself.

Victor steps over, looking significantly less graceful than Fleur and not even approaching as beautiful. "Have a look." he says handing over his wand to the pale eyed man.

Ollivander takes it and starts examining it, he tries to make it cast sparks like he had done with Fleur's but nothing comes out. He frowns and look at Krum, "This is a Gregorovitch creation,

unless I'm much mistaken? Well made but I've found them to be somewhat... Less efficient, lets say?

Hornbeam and Dragon Heartstring..."

"Avis" he casts, causing some small birds to shoot out of the end of it like a cannon.

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Ollivander "Ah... Yes, it is in... Working order" he says with some bitterness in his voice.

"Next, let's see... Harry Potter." he glances at Ciri, "We'll save the most interesting for last."

Harry steps over and passes his wand to Ollivander nonchalantly.

The old man looks at the wand and then at him, "Harry, you must know that polishing your wand occasionally is key to it's long term health."

Ciri hearing this smirks and can't help but feel Reima would be giggling like a school girl if he was here.

Harry nods, "I must have forgotten last night..."

Ollivander gives him a look but doesn't pursue this, "Holly and Phoenix feather... You've formed a strong bond together, I must say you've been through quite a lot..."

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Rita "What do you mean by that Mr Ollivander?" he asks from her corner.

Ollivander "Nothing you'd understand Miss Skeeter." he says before returning his attention to the wand. He twirls it around his fingers and shoots out gold sparks from it's tip, "Hmm, curious."

Harry "Curious sir?"

Ollivander look up and shakes his head, "Oh, don't mind me, I was just remembering when you'd bought this wand... Regardless, it's in perfect working order. If a bit scuffed." he gives Harry a look before waving him away.

"Now, shall we begin with you Miss Rivia?" he asks.

Ciri nods and hands him her staff before backing away.

Rita and indeed everyone else present is interested in why she uses a staff instead of a wand, they'd assumed it was due to her foreign origins but maybe Ollivander could illuminate some facts on this?

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Ollivander "My, my Miss Rivia, you've certainly been using this a lot more than last I checked. Indeed..." he says, spinning in his hands and shooting orange and turquoise sparks from the obsidian stone atop it. There is one problem however, when the sparks touch the floor they immediately ignite the floor boards, causing the pale eyed man to jump back in surprise. Dumbledore quickly douses the flames with a spray of water but everyone focuses their attention on Ollivander for an explanation.

Ollivander "Every time I get a hold of this I'm always surprised." he says with a smile, "It's temperamental and seems to lean towards fire..."

Rita "Could you elaborate on this Mr Ollivander?" she asks again from her corner.

Ollivander "Well what I said is self explanatory, any spell haphazardly cast with this magical foci will be attributed to fire." he says simply.

Karkaroff looks appalled at this information, "Is this legal for the competition!?"

Ollivander nods, "There is nothing wrong with it, to put it in layman's terms it acts as a more powerful more temperamental phoenix feather core... Yes, much more powerful." he mutters the last part to himself.

Ciri "A-are you done?" she asks, wishing to get this over and done with.

Ollivander shakes his head, "Wood unknown, core unknown." he says before casting "Avis" again, causing many small birds made from fire to fly out of the window. He nod and hands the staff back to Ciri, "It's in working order, what a wonderfully unique companion you have."

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