Elder Blood Witcher

Chapter 427

A few days after Reima receives his new name "Squeaks" he finds himself alone in the Room of Requirements. He's currently sitting on the floor in-front of a jar that contains a blue beetle that seems to be slamming itself into glass walls in an attempt to escape... Even though it would take literally forever for that to even begin to work.

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Reima "I don't know what you're trying to achieve with this... Even if the glass was cracked you still wouldn't have a chance... Or perhaps you're trying to kill yourself?" he says, causing the insect to stop it's actions. "Why not just transform back into your human form if you want to die?" he asks, of course Rita can't answer as she's currently a Beetle.

He was thinking of whether or not to invite Ciri to this.. Event, but decided it was probably a bit too evil for her tastes... "What am I going to do with you Miss Skeeter? I've got a couple ideas but none of them seem appropriate for someone like you."


Reima gains a grin, "I have found myself in need of a test subject..." he mutters, "Ok, I know." he uncorks the jar and lets the beetle fly out, as soon as it does it transforms into a woman wearing a gaudy trench-coat, golden spectacles and platinum blonde hair.

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Rita Skeeter glares at him with a hatefully look, "I'd report what you did to me but I'd rather get revenge personally!" she shouts, casting "Avada Kedavra!", a green bolt is launched from her wand faster than any wizarding spell Reima had seen before. However it still isn't fast enough as Reima fully expected this.

Black ooze jumps out of his shadow as if it were alive, the tentacles made from the black substance quickly coalesce into it's familiar gnarled wooden form. Reima grabs it and bats the green spell away like it's nothing, making Rita gape at him.

Rita "W-what, no this isn't possible! AVADA KEDAVRA!" she shouts again, with Reima using the axe head of his staff to cut the green bolt in two, causing it to instantly dissipate.

Reima "You done?" he asks with a smirk, seeing her not replying he shrugs and says, "My turn then."

He pushes Humanity through the pathways he'd completed and through the Staff of Manus, causing a dark aura to overtake it. Black ooze drips from it as if it was melting, however it's form only seems to become stronger and sharper. He taps the staff on the floor, causing veins made from the substance to pierce the floor and start to infect the surroundings. If Reima weren't controlling it's expansion it'd probably have already overtaken the room, however he's only directing it to one place... Rita Skeeter.

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The woman screams in fear as she sees Reima's eyes flicker pure black, as the tendrils quickly approach her. She begins to back away but seeing that they're approaching faster and faster she tries to run. However... A tendril has already grabbed her ankle...

Instantly she feels agonizing pain pierce her leg, looking down she can see the tendril form a hard point and pierce her leg and then infecting her flesh like it did the stone floor of the room. Her flesh goes pale with black veins, she had lost her heels from trying to run earlier leaving her feet bare, she looks at them and sees her digits start turning into mangled claws.

Rita "PLEASE STOP! AHHHH HELP ME!" she screams in agony as Reima watches on in interest.

Reima "Oh, my apologies Miss Skeeter, it seems I was under the impression a vile bitch like yourself could handle something like this..." he shrugs, "Whatever, it'll all be over soon." he says in a dark voice that sounds like two overlayed into one.

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The tendrils continue to move up her leg, ravaging her body and causing immense pain from the screams she's bellowing out. Eventually the veins reach her throat and he can see her scratching at them, however as the veins had already reached her hands they now resembled claws. Allowing her to gauge deep cuts into her flesh... Only for the damaged parts to be replaced by the black ooze, not allowing her to kill herself.

Finally when the Humanity infects her brain she stops squirming and screaming, her eyes turn completely black but after a moment a cracking sound comes from her, then another... And another. Her body looks as if it's having a seizure as it shakes and shudders from the floor, her arms elongating and the wand still gripped tightly in her hand becoming a mangled mess of branches.

Her head then begins bubbling, the flesh hardening and increasing in size, eventually covering her entire head in a bloated black ball that resembles what the residents of Oolacile looked like after succumbing to the Abyss... Her trenchcoat isn't even left alone as the tendrils turn it entirely black, it occasionally drips with black droplets that create even more tendrils...

Reima "Hmm.. That was interesting.." he says, his eyes returning to their normal Turquoise colour. He points at the Abyssal nightmare in-front of him, "Stand!" it does as he says and stands, revealing it's height to now be around 8ft.

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He then gets the room to conjure a few targets and points at them, ordering the creature to destroy them. He's surprised to see it swipe what used to be Rita's wand at the target, creating a black orb that launches at it and causes it to explode into stone fragments...

Reima "It's a mage from Oolacile... This is fucked..." he says, realising he had basically inherited the Abyss from Manus... He shakes his head and orders the Abyssal creature to disappear, but is stunned to see it collapse into the familiar black Ooze and escape into his shadow.

Reima glares at his shadow, "What. The. Fuck."

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