Elder Blood Witcher

Chapter 91

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After watching Logan's demonstration it doesn't seem that complicated... It's slightly different to how Pyromancy works due to not having the complexity that Sorcery spells do, for instance, you can't direct a fireball after it's thrown... Any magic you apply to it will be used as fuel and make the spell harder hitting, while this is good for some things it also makes it rather terrible for long distance attacks and delicate formulae. Maybe Lord Gwyn and the Witch of Izalith was able to form Pyromancy Formulae with their almost perfect control of fire?

Reima is handed a small catalyst which acts like kind of like a wand from Harry Potter, Reima suspects that catalysts are necessary due to humans flesh not being magical. Logan says that magic is drawn from the soul and is channelled through the Catalyst to cast spells, due to the Elder Blood his flesh and blood is very close to magic. So much that those swamp witches would betray the Wild hunt just to devour Ciri, the only thing that could probably come close to his bodies magical potential would be the heart of a ancient true dragon or something similar, while most of his theories are based on novels and myths from earth, some of them must be true due to the worlds he is hopping around having significant influence from it.

After only a day Reima manages to form a small glowing ball on his fingertip, Griggs sees this an shouts for Logan to come see, they both get close to him and inspect it with worship in their eyes.

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Logan "How is this possible? Young Reima! Where is your catalyst?" he looks around and doesn't see it anywhere.

The sudden shouting causes Reima to lose concentration which causes the blue ball to dissipate, he glares at the two sorcerers with his predatory eyes making them get goose bumps.

Logan "I'm sorry but casting magic without a Catalyst is supposedly impossible! You must tell me how you achieved such a thing!"

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Reima shrugs, "Sorry but I have no idea, Perhaps I have a special constitution that allows magic to flow freely?" Logan leans back and caresses his beard while pondering his words... It was theorised that such a thing is possible... But no one has ever been found to be able to do it...

Logan's eyes light up again, "Young Reima, I will train you to become the most powerful Sorcerer in these lands! Your magic abilities don't only allow you to cast without a Catalyst but also present new opportunities to magic..."

Reima nods his head, "Then I will accept your guidance once more."

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Griggs looks on with jealousy in his eyes at the attention Reima is getting from Logan but can't seem to work up anger against him, he had saved both himself and his master so having any ill thoughts about him would be most dishonourable. He's also happy to see his mentor be so excited to discover something new, it didn't know how long it had been since Logan had smiled.

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After Logan had discovered Reima's magical abilities he'd not had a break for two days... He'd been run ragged by Logan trying to teach him all the theories he knew, not just how to cast pre-made spells but also design his own... While it does excite him at the possibilities creating spells presents, it's not easy... It takes decades or even centuries of work to design a spell, much less have it be effective. Over the two days of work Reima had manged to cast a weak soul arrow, while it might not seem very impressive, being able to cast a soul arrow should take a couple years of training... Needless to say, Logan went ape shit and almost molested Reima for his achievement. A quick chop to the back of the head allowed Reima to take his first break in two days...

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While Logan is "sleeping" he went to visit Laurentius to practise various Pyromancies... He didn't plan to get rusty just because he was learning Sorcery. Laurentius was very impressed at his progress, this causes him to beg even more for the location to where he had learned... Obviously he told him to continue waiting as he didn't want him to die yet...

When Logan awakens he grabs Reima by the back of his armour and drags him back to teach him more, he waves sadly a Laurentius as his boot camp continues...

Logan decides to tell Reima about crystal... At first Reima is confused but when he hears Logan's explanation he realises what he means. During Logan's travels he'd learnt many things, the thing that made him want to find Seath is the spells that came from him, Crystal spells... The basic explanation is this, normal sorcery like soul arrow or homing soulmass only attack the soul... But crystal is different... It's the solidification of Mana that is still able to be controlled. If you condense Mana enough it becomes solid, crystal... But Formulae that allow such a large concentration of magic are extremely rare. Only looted from Seath's laboratory in-fact... Logan demonstrated the power of a Crystal soul spear, at first it looked like a regular soul spear, a large few meters long blue light that doesn't nothing to the wall when it hits... But the crystal variant is different. After the soul spear is formed it starts sprouting crystals, similar to how scales appeared on the fair lady... Logan launched it at the wall causing it to penetrate... The 6 metre crystal spear penetrated a couple feet into solid rock.... Scary. Logan rambles for the rest of the day about how revolutionary crystal is for sorcery and Reima finally understands why he goes mad in Seath's library... Logan's already half-way out the door when it comes to sanity.

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