ECPC Chapter 9: The Acting Dumb Trio

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Ruan Tangling immediately understood that the middle-aged man was the Great Emperor Ji Xiao!

Everyone present is a descendant of a noble family, but even so, few people know who Ji Xiao is. Occasionally, a few people who know Ji Xiao as well as Ji Weiming do not dare to reveal their identities.

And the few people who know Ji Xiao must also have remarkable identities. Would these people go against Ji Xiao's wishes? Ji Xiao said that Ruan Su sang well, not to mention whether Ruan Su really could sing well, even if he sang like a crow, it was still good.

So everyone nodded in agreement that Ruan Su's singing was good. Ruan Su ignored them all and walked forward confidently, sweeping his robe as he went.

He seemed so carefree as if he had only come to make a casual appearance.

Ji Weiming nodded toward Ji Xiao, and then he quickly followed Ruan Tangling to catch up with Ruan Su. Ruan Su was not walking fast, and they caught up with him after they exited the alley where the Chong Er theatre was located.

"Father!" Ruan Tangling reached out and grabbed Ruan Su's shoulder.

Ruan Su turned around and looked up and down at Ruan Tangling, then said seriously: "Dazhuang is still carrying the props, why don't you help him?"

Ji Weiming quickly explained: "Your son-in-law has already asked Ji Dong to help him carry things back. Father-in-law, how did you get involved with the Peach Blossom Troupe?"

Ruan Su then glanced at Ji Weiming and said, "Do you need to speak like this?"

Ji Weiming was stunned. What did he say?

Ruan Su touched his beard and said, "This old man didn't argue with them. You see, the eyes of the masses are sharp. I won!"

Although he won, it was personally judged by Ji Xiao.

Ji Weiming felt that he was not on the same level as Ruan Su when talking to him.

On what level is Ruan Su on? Ji Weiming never dares to underestimate him. He was better than Ruan Tangling and Ji Weiming in pretending to be stupid. They are clearly the three treasures of acting foolish, a harmonious family.

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"There are several good jars of wine at my home, which were presented as tribute from Beiyou recently. I requested a few jars from the palace and brought them over. Would father-in-law be interested?" Coercion was no longer effective, so he could only tempt him with fine wine. Ji Weiming's curiosity about Ruan Su was no less than that about Ruan Tangling.

Upon hearing that there was wine, Ruan Su's face lit up with a smile, he clapped his hands and dragged Ji Weiming and left.


The Peach Blossom troupe was still packing up props on the stage, while Ji Xiao leisurely strolled into a private room. Those who didn't know Ji Xiao's identity had already left, while those who did know didn't dare to reveal themselves, at most just crouching at the door to see who Ji Xiao had invited.

Before long, Wang Ruyan accompanied Wang Xuan into the private room, while Qin Fuyu had already been inside.

"Did you see what just happened?" Ji Xiao asked as he drank tea and looked out the window. The back of the Chong Er Theatre overlooked the Tingshui Lake, the only place in the capital where one could still enjoy the scenery.

"I saw it," Wang Xuan replied respectfully.

"Then what's the story behind the Peach Blossom Troupe?" Ji Xiao asked casually, not asking about Ruan Su, but about the Peach Blossom Troupe.

Qin Fuyu was suddenly stunned. She had thought that it was Ji Xiao who had arranged to test Ji Weiming that night, but she had just accidentally been caught up by Ruan Su today.

"Indeed they came from Dongyu," Wang Xuan frowned, and deep furrows appeared on his aged forehead. He had no intention of investigating the origin of the theater troupe, but unfortunately, Ji Xiao had issued an order and he did not dare to disobey.

Ji Xiao looked at Wang Ruyan and asked, "Ruyan, how did you get in touch with this group?"

The name "Peach Blossom Troupe" was very famous in the theatre circle of the Great Ji, so when they came to the capital, everyone knew about them. Wang Ruyan and other young nobles usually either played with grasshoppers or listened to plays. When they were in high spirits, they would even race horses, so he was not surprised to know about them.

Wang Ruyan said he wanted to hire the Peach Blossom troupe, and they agreed without hesitation. You know, anyone with some fame in any circle has an attitude, and this Peach Blossom troupe must have the support of the people behind King of Dongyu to have such a reputation. Wang Ruyan tried to suggest that he wanted to perform a play in Xihuai, and they agreed immediately!

They were completely different from the rumored Peach Blossom Troupe, which was a top-level opera group in the entertainment industry. Wang Ruyan thought to himself, no matter how high the status of King of Dongyu is, how could he compare to Ji Xiao? No matter how famous Dongyu is, can it compare to the entire Great Ji? It must be arranged by Ji Xiao without a doubt!

As a result, they accidentally ended up singing a secret history of Xihuai, but in the end, they didn't even know who was behind it all.

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Ji Xiao pondered for a moment: "Send someone to keep an eye on this Peach Blossom Troupe and see who they are in contact with within the capital. I already investigated Ruan Su’s background and there is no problem with the Ruan family's details. Ruan Su seems to be a bit crazy, and it is unclear how much is true and how much is false. Fuyu, after you go back, try to inquire more about Ruan Tangling. I think her relationship with Ji Weiming is not ordinary."


"Why are you keeping an eye on the Peach Blossom Troupe?" Wang Ruyan was confused and asked a question, but was met with a glare from Wang Xuan.

Ji Xiao waved his hand with a smile: "It's okay. Young people are straightforward and outspoken. Although the Peach Blossom Opera Troupe has no problems with their singing and skills, I always feel uneasy in my heart. Just like Ji Weiming, he has not made any radical moves in the capital. The more calm he is, the more I feel that his playboy image is fake."

Thinking that Ji Weiming's father, Ji Zhou, is a practical person. When Ji Weiming came to the Capital, he carefully selected four great bodyguards. If he really teaches his son to be a prodigal son, then Ji Xiao wouldn’t need to watch over him until he goes back home. Ji Zhou would probably want to beat Ji Weiming to death.

Nowadays, Ji Weiming is a second-generation prince with nothing to do, wandering around aimlessly. Although he is useless, for over twenty years, Ji Xiao has not been able to find any reason to dismiss him.

He was obedient and married Qin Fuyu, even though Ruan Tangling appeared inexplicably three days ago.


When Qin Fuyu returned, Ruan Su was in the backyard having a drink and chatting with Ji Weiming.

Ruan Tangling sat on the side and watched the two of them get along for an hour. She was quite suspicious that Ruan Su mistook Ji Weiming for his own son.

Ruan Su was the kind of person who would turn red all over after drinking, unlike Ji Weiming who remained sober no matter how much he drank.

At this point, Ruan Su has already drunk to the point of being very drunk, and even when Ji Weiming asks him questions, he speaks incoherently. Even when he is sober, he is unable to provide any valuable information to Ji Weiming.

Just like Ruan Su's disdainful expression towards Ruan Tangling when she filled his cup with wine, it made her doubt if he had come just to scam drinks.

"Wife, why do you look unhappy? Did someone owe you money?" Ji Weiming squinted and rested his chin on his hand as he looked at Ruan Tangling.

"I was dirt poor, and I still owe a lot of debt." Ruan Tangling casually threw a few peanuts and said, "My dad acts like this whenever he drinks. You miscalculated."

Ji Weiming looked confused, "Oh? What miscalculation?"

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Ruan Tangling looked at him with a sidelong glance, thinking to herself "You can keep pretending all you want, since we're all just acting anyway. Your acting skills are on par with those of opera performers." With that, she gave him a fierce glare and continued to shallowly sip her drink.

Lotus flowers were in full bloom in the courtyard, with the scent of wine mixed with the faint fragrance of lotus flowers. Ji Weiming looked at Ruan Tangling's profile, with an unadorned expression in her eyebrows and eyes that exuded freedom and boldness, a noble air that did not come from a common alley. A touch of blush stained her delicate cheeks, making her look like an elegant lotus without the glamorous beauty of Qin Fuyu, but with a unique freshness and elegance.

If Ruan Tangling's eyebrows didn't have the flavor of Ruan Su, Ji Weming would probably think that Ruan Su was not the biological father of Ruan Tangling.

"Tang Tang," Ji Weiming's tone was somewhat playful. "My father-in-law has taken over a flour shop. If you didn't marry me, you'll still be a Flour Beauty."

As Ruan Tangling took a sip of wine, she wiped her mouth and said, "Ji Weiming, not only do you have a bad brain like me, but your eyesight is also bad like mine."

"As the saying goes, 'If you are with the red, you become red; if you are with the black, you become black.' You see, you've only been here for six or seven days, and you've already corrupted me."

Ruan Tangling angrily pressed her fingers, "Look at you, such a...".


Ji Weiming and Ruan Tangling were startled. How did Ruan Su, who was drunk and passed out, seamlessly finish this sentence?

Ruan Su suddenly raised his head, still dazed, sniffed in the air, and mumbled, "Bugs... someone, is inside the bugs!" (Bugs = Chong)

Ji Weiming looked confused.

"He said someone has come to Chong Er Theatre," translated Ruan Tangling.

Then the two of them exchanged a glance. It was natural that no shopkeeper's assistant from Chong Er Theatre would come to visit Ji Weiming in the Prince's Mansion, so it could only be someone who had just visited Chong Er Theatre who entered the mansion.

It's very quiet in the backyard, except for the chirping of insects and the clinking of glasses. There's no one around. How did Ruan Su know?

Ruan Tangling knew that Ji Weiming was confused and said, "I already told you before that my father is a half-immortal of flour. Do you remember when he made a steamed gluten cake in Chong Er Theatre? He can smell the residual flour on someone's body."

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"And there's rouge," Ruan Su added, lifting his head once again, "the Jin Orchid from the Xingyue store."

Ruan Tangling felt embarrassed. Ruan Su even knew about the most expensive Jin Orchid from the Xingyue rouge shop. He had just revealed his true nature in one sentence!

Ji Weiming also noticed it, but it had nothing to do with him.

"It's Qin Fuyu," Ji Weiming immediately confirmed, "It seems that she was indeed seen at Chong Er Theatre!"

Then it is easy to understand that there are not only Ji Xiao and Qin Fuyu at Chong Er Theatre, but also Wang Xuan and Wang Ruyan.

"This world is really wonderful." Ruan Tangling sighed, "There are people who want to keep you in the capital, as long as they give an order, why bother to search for your flaws? Those who have power but don't use it are fools."

Ji Weiming is not like Ruan Tangling, who has been free since childhood. Ruan Tangling doesn't understand, but Ruan Su must understand.

Ji Zhou isn’t the only King in the Great Ji. Ji Xiao wants to take back the Xihuai fiefdom for various reasons. Of course, there are those who want to regain power in the central government. Although he is the ruler of a country, if he acts recklessly, those Kings with real power will start to take action in secret. No one wants to give up power. If there is an uprising from all sides, will Emperor Ji Xiao still be able to keep his throne?

Ji Weiming raised his wine cup and played with it, while Ruan Tangling followed his gaze and swayed from left to right.

"Tang Tang, if you have time, you can spend more time in the study."

"Hmm?" Ruan Tangling was puzzled.

"There are some interesting books in the study, and I think you will be interested." Ji Weiming smiled lightly like a gentle spring breeze, but Ruan Tangling couldn't help but shiver.

After lying down for a long time, Ruan Su suddenly lifted his head, and Ji Weiming and Ruan Tangling immediately quieted down.

"The smell is nose is blocked!"

Ji Weiming subconsciously followed Ruan Su's direction and glanced at the archway in the courtyard. Qin Fuyu happened to walk in and was shocked to see the messy table.

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