Chapter 101 Conflict

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It took only ten days to harvest the osmanthus. Then it was the autumn harvest season.

The wind and rain were on their side this year. It was a bountiful year. Since last year, Su Family no longer needed to buy food from outside. The produce from their own land was not only enough for Su Family to chew, but also supplied some flour for Su Family's snack shop. This year's grain harvest was bumper. This was also excellent news for Su Family, who currently had nearly a hundred mu of fertile land.

The autumn harvest was a big event for Su Family. To the little ones, it was a big event. The autumn harvest meant that they could play in the fields again!

After coming to Luohe Prefecture, under You Jin's insistence, an unwritten rule was added to Su Family- with the exception of Mrs. Su and the two youngest ones, everyone had to go to the fields to ‘transform’ themselves. You Jin euphemistically called it ‘recalling the bitterness, thinking the sweetness’.

Although the current situation of Su Family had improved by more than a star and a half compared with before, You Jin still insisted that her younger sisters go to the field to grind. The younger sisters were all young and the family can be regarded as a nouveau riche now. It was possible for them to be raised crookedly. You Jin cared about her younger sisters no less than Mrs. Su. Mrs. Su also knew that she was too weak. She was relieved to let You Jin discipline the children.

In the past two years, the eldest to the seventh went to the field. But now little Eighth and Kang-er can walk and run, You Jin counted the two youngest in when the long-term workers in the field report that they can prepare for the autumn harvest.

The two youngest have never participated in the autumn harvest, but they had heard from their elder sisters that there were grasshoppers and sparrows in the field during the autumn harvest. Full of yearning, they wished to immediately head out. Only Mrs. Su was a little bit reluctant.

"Little Eighth and Kang-er are still young. Kang-er has poor health. Why don't we just forget about it this year?" Mrs. Su tentatively asked Eldest Daughter. She only had this one son, Kang-er and had always held him in the palm of her hand for fear that he would fall. Although it was autumn now, the autumn sun was still fierce! What if Kang-er suffers from heat stroke?

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You Jin had a smile on her face when Mrs. Su called her. But after listening to Mrs. Su's words, the smile on You Jin's face gradually faded: "If Kang-er doesn't go, what about little Eighth?"

"With little Eighth's temper, I'm afraid she can't be pulled back. So let her go!" Mrs. Su didn't notice that her daughter's attitude was getting cooler and only thought that she agreed with her idea. She continued: " You Jin, you don't know. Kang-er usually has to be coaxed and held after walking two steps. How can he endure this bitterness? He isn’t in good health, so what if he bumps into something? "

After listening to Mrs. Su's expression of distress for son, You Jin's heart was completely cold. She spoke: "Our family has autumn harvest every year. Since Kang-er is a member of my Su family, he should go to the field with us. I will take good care of Kang-er. Mother, just take care of yourself."

After saying that, she ignored Mrs. Su's unfinished words and left on her own.

No matter how dull Mrs. Su was, she could tell that her daughter was angry at this moment. But she didn't understand why her daughter was mad about? She had only one son, Kang-er and Kang-er wasn’t in good health. What was wrong with her loving him a little more?

This time, You Jin wasn’t only angry at Mrs. Su. She was also thinking about how to govern Kang-er in this aspect. Although the current Mrs. Su was able to read a few words, she still had to rely on others to survive like a dodder flower. In the past, she relied on Yue Chang Lu. Right now, her. It seems her future hope was already on Kang-er, who wasn’t yet three years old?

When she was thinking about how to solve the predicament in front of her, she witnessed Kang-er, who accidentally fell while running and playing in the yard. He slapped the servant woman on the face who helped him up. The expression on You Jin's face instantly became serious: "Su Kang, what are you doing!"

Kang-er had been spoiled to no limit by Mother for a long time. Just now he fell and was in great pain. So he slapped Auntie Zhang's face who came to pick him up. It wasn’t the first time for Auntie Zhang to be beaten by him. Thinking about how Younger Master Kang was the only son of Su Family and he was young, she dared not say anything even if she had complaints in her heart. This time, she thought getting slapped was the end of the matter. Unforeseen, Eldest Miss suddenly made a fuss. She instantly knelt down: "It's all Servant's fault! Servant knows my wrong! Eldest Miss, please spare the servant!"

You Jin looked at Su Kang who had already climbed up on the stool and was eating snacks. Not a glance was spared to Auntie Zhang who was kneeling on the ground, as if this matter had become normal for a long time. Only then did she realize that she was really too negligent with governing youngest brother on normal days. It made him have such a temper at such a young age.

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She helped Auntie Zhang up by herself: "Auntie, what are you doing? Why are you kneeling for nothing?" Seeing that her left face was slightly red and swollen after being hit, You Jin knew that Kang-er's slap just now used all his strength and fury bubbled. Still, she smiled and said to Auntie Zhang: "Auntie, go back and apply some medicine to reduce the swelling. You don't need to come to serve today. I will let you rest for a day."

Auntie Zhang thought that Eldest Miss was going to blame herself for not taking good care of Young Master and would punish her. Unexpectedly, Eldest Miss saw the injury on her face and gave her a day off. Seeing that Eldest Miss in a bad mood, she didn't say anything more and walked out of the backyard quickly; leaving only You Jin siblings and the two little maidservant who served You Jin.

Su Kang didn't care about these things. He acted like he didn't see Eldest Sister until she sat opposite him and stared at him. His next move was to hoard all the snacks on the table, for fear of being robbed and eaten by You Jin.

"Kang-er, why did you hit Auntie Zhang?" You Jin's heart sank slightly. Still, she felt that she should give young and ignorant younger brother a chance to defend himself.

Su Kang's fair little face was full of disgust: "That woman caused me to fall. So what if I hit her a few times? Anyway, they are our family's servants, no?"

"Who taught you this?" What little reasoning You Jin had just now was completely wiped out with Su Kang's words now.

Su Kang was young, so he naturally didn't keep these matters in mind. After swallowing the chewed snacks, he stuck his neck out, "I'm not wrong. They are our family's servants."

"Su Kang, properly stand up." You Jin's pretty eyes were full of sullen anger. Younger Brother was only three years old. How did he develop such an obstinate personality? Seeing that he was unmoved, You Jin stretched out her hand and heavily pat grumpy Su Kang’s hands that were still holding a snack: "Stand up!"

Su Kang grew up under Mrs. Su’s tender care and protection from small until three years old. How could he have suffered such grievances? His little hand rapidly reddened, swelled and emitted stinging pain. Su Kang's tears had already flowed down and he wailed out loudly.

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Su Kang was playing in the courtyard. As soon as there was a movement, Mrs. Su hurriedly rushed over from within the main yard and came across her only precious son crying with watery eyes. His white jade little face was flushed red from crying. Immediately she rushed over and took her son into her arms. As she wiped his tears as she blamed You Jin who was standing at the side: "Jin-er, what are you doing? Your younger brother is only three years old. If there’s any matter, just speak. Why did you have to hit him until he cried?" She noticed her son's red hands at a glance and her heart ached.

"Pull Mother to one side." You Jin took in this scene with cold eyes. The anger within was boiling. She directly ordered the younger sisters who heard the ruckus and came out.

You Bao and the others looked at each other before walking to Mrs. Su's side and softly coaxed her: "Mother, don't be anxious. Just sit down and rest for a while."

However, Mrs. Su simply shook off a few daughters who were pulling at her sleeves: "She dares to beat your younger brother when I am here. If I leave, wouldn’t she beat Kang-er to death!?"

"Pull Madam away!" Seeing that the younger sisters couldn't persuade Mrs. Su, You Jin’s anger reached its max and told Auntie Song to pull her away.

Although Auntie Song and the others were in a bit of a dilemma, they all knew that it was Eldest Miss who made the decisions in Su Family. So they hesitantly stepped forward and pulled Mrs. Su away. Mrs. Su sullenly looked at You Jin: "You Jin, what are you doing?" She knew that Eldest Daughter was someone with opinions. Today she actually embarrassed her like this in front of all the servants in the family?

You Jin frigidly glanced at her and signaled Auntie Song and the others to retreat: "Auntie Song, take everyone out."

The servants weren’t without tacit. They naturally saw the undercurrent between the masters. After getting the words from Eldest Miss, they naturally left in a hurry. Only Mrs. Su, You Jin, You Bao, little Sixth, little Seventh, and Su Kang were left in the pavilion. Everyone was speechless for a while. The little ones didn't know what happened. Quietly. Their gaze went back and forth between Eldest Sister and Mother.

"Su Kang, do you know your mistake?" You Jin solemnly asked and stared at Su Kang who was dejectedly standing there with little tears still hanging on his face.

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"I know my mistake..." Seeing that no one helped him, Su Kang knew that Eldest Sister had the final say in the family despite being little. Although he didn't feel that he was wrong, he had the tact to acknowledge his mistake immediately.

But You Jin didn't give him a chance to muddle out of the troubled waters and persisted in questioning: "Where are you wrong?"

"You Jin!" Su Kang shrank his head. Before he could say anything, Mrs. Su couldn't bear it anymore. She stepped forward to protect Su Kang behind her: "Kang-er is only three years old. What does he know? What are you doing this for!"

"Mother also knows that he is already three years old!" You Jin's expression that she had been trying to maintain finally collapsed. Her voice became a little higher as they glared at each other :"Little Fifth, little Sixth, and little Seventh already knew to pick rice ears behind us when they were three years old. What about him!?"

Mrs. Su was startled by her daughter's sudden rage. Her spirit couldn't help feeling a little weak and she softly murmured: "This is different. Kang-er is a boy. His body is weak..."

"Mother, what's the difference between you and those from Yue Family?" Hearing Mrs. Su's remarks, You Jin couldn't help feeling her heart become a little colder.

The younger ones have almost forgotten what happened three years ago. But You Bao still remembered. Naturally she knew how much Eldest Sister hated those people in Yue Family. Since she said this, it was clear Mother made Eldest Sister’s heart break. She moved a few steps to You Jin's side and said in a mournful voice: "Eldest Sister..."

Mrs. Su didn't expect defending her son would result in her daughter putting such a big hat on her. She felt sad and angry at the same time: "You Jin, what happened to you today? After hitting Kang-er, are you going to accuse me now?"

It went without saying Mrs. Su won’t forget the hardships she had suffered in Yue Family. She was repulsed from the bottom of her heart being classified as the same as Yue Family by daughter.

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