Chapter 110 Chaos (part 2)

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Back to the capital’s side. No matter whether it was the current emperor or the hundreds of officials’ household, no one had lived a good year.

In previous years, it was only after the fifteenth day that the court meeting opened up. This year, due to the war in the north, the Dafeng’s garrison fell again and again. His Majesty aged a lot overnight. Those important military ministers were all so worried that their heads turned white too. The Ministry of War said that The Ministry of Revenue wouldn’t give money. The Ministry of Revenue cried of poverty. They cried and made trouble in the Esteem's study room every day. It made his Majesty’s head big and lose his temper. Several unlucky little eunuchs and little maids faced the receiving end of it.

"Recently, Northern Xinjiang continuously lost. His Majesty is upset. You guys are careless in serving and become a bother in the eyes of his Majesty. If you don't get punished, who will?" The chief eunuch of Qingyang Palace, Eunuch Lin squinted at the two kneeling on the ground. The shivering maid who dared not make a sound: "Go to the House of Internal Affairs to receive your punishment."

Now it was the first month. His Majesty didn’t want to see blood in the first month. That’s why these ant-like slaves can survive. If it was normal times, they would have died a long time ago.

Hearing that they were only receiving the punishment, the two maids’ hearts that had already reached their throats fell back to their original place. They kowtowed several times: "Thank you, Eunuch, thank you, Eunuch!"

Eunuch Lin didn't bother to look at them. He waved off the guards to drag the two of them down, hurriedly got up and went back to his Majesty's side to personally serve him. The war in northern Xinjiang was tense. His Majesty’s face was getting uglier day by day. Not to mention others, even he, the old man who was always serving by his side since he was a prince, was tense when serving him. Not to mention the others.

"Each and every one of them is crying poverty to meI!" Eunuch Lin had just entered the gate of Qingyang Palace, when he was hit by the booklets that were thrown toward him by his Majesty in a fit of anger.

Eunuch Lin ignored the pain on his body, knelt down, picked up the scattered booklets one by one, and put them away. He brought a cup of hot tea to his Majesty, "Calm down, your Majesty. No matter how big and important the matter is, it’s not as important as the Son of Heaven, right?”

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"How can I not be angry? When fighting for merit on most days, each and every one of them can run faster than rabbits. Now that Northern Xinjiang had been lost, those generals either say that they are old and can't lead the soldiers or that they are injured and can't go far! The Ministry of Revenue is even more extreme. Before I even opened my mouth, he came to cry to me that he was poor!"

His Majesty was over fifty years old this year. And he had a bad temper. Now he was so exasperated that his eyes turned black and he almost fainted.

"Your Majesty! Your Majesty, don't get angry!" Eunuch Lin hurried forward to support wobbling Majesty.

There was no peace in the palace. Everything was complicated outside.

In Xiao's manor in the capital, Eldest Master Xiao and Second Master Xiao were having a secret conversation in the study.

"Nowadays the war in northern Xinjiang is getting tense. The Ministry of Revenue is crying penniless. I think his Majesty’s intention is to get it from the hundred families of officials." Second Master Xiao looked quite similar to Eldest Master Xiao, but had a more distinctive air of scholarness than Eldest Master Xiao. The two brothers talked face to face, and the faces that were 70% similar all had heavy expressions.

Eldest Master Xiao frowned even more after listening to his younger brother's words: "Again? Two years ago, we gave out 200,000 liang for the canal in Luohe Prefecture. Now it's wartime. I'm afraid it will cost more money?" Xiao Family’s foundation in the capital wasn’t too deep. Although Second Master Xiao had a bit of face in front of his Majesty, it was precisely because of this that Xiao Family was always the first bird to be hit.

Second Master Xiao sighed: "If I take the initiative to mention this matter to his Majesty, I will naturally have more face in front of his Majesty. But I am afraid that my colleagues and the major household will be more hostile to our family." In fact, his Majesty had already hinted at him, getting him to propose it at the opening court meeting. This way, his Majesty could ask for money from those wealthy major families.

Xiao Family’s wealth was accumulated through two or three generations. How can it compare with the major households? His Majesty's goal was naturally not Xiao Family. He put more hopes on those in major households. Xiao Family was just an excuse to start the talk.

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"Now the situation is getting more and more chaotic. His Majesty is becoming more and more suspicious. If I don't take the initiative to mention it, I'm afraid he will be suspicious of me too." Second Master Xiao sighed. His Majesty had aged a lot in the past two years and his health had deteriorated a lot too. The obsession with imperial power became more and more obstinate. Although Second Master Xiao had never stood in line with any prince or had the heart of disobedience, his Majesty was suspicious. Many old courtiers had got punished by his Majesty on the grounds of trivial matters. For the lives of hundreds of people up and down of Xiao Family, he had no choice but to show his loyalty again and again.

The two brothers went their separate ways after talking in the study late into the night. Xiao Hai Ru walked back to the main courtyard with heavy steps before collapsing down to sleep. But there were so many things in his heart that he tossed and turned, unable to fall asleep no matter what.

"What's the matter today, Master? Did something happen ?" Mrs. Yu had tucked in not long ago and realized that the person next to her pillow was different today. So she rolled over, leaned closer to, and asked softly.

Xiao Hai Ru sighed slightly and replied: "It's just a small business matter. You should go to sleep early."

He stretched out her arms to hug his wife and patted her lightly twice. Some hoarse and heavy voices sounded in the silent night and stood out against outside’s deep solemnness.

Seeing that he didn't say anything, Mrs. Yu assumed it truly a small business problem and didn't ask any more questions. Initially, she wanted to talk to him about Eldest Son's marriage, but seeing his frowning, Mrs. Yu was silent for a moment. The husband and wife remained speechless for a while. Each went into slumber, but had different dreams in the same bed.

Back to Xiao Lin Yu. After having an open and honest talk with Father that time, he deliberately restrained himself, suppressed his thoughts, and stopped writing to Luohe Prefecture. He occupied himself with the family’s business every day. After getting drunk that one time, he woke up from the dream and no longer mentioned the past in Luohe Prefecture. Everyone thought that the people and things in Luohe Prefecture were blown away by the wind. Only Xiao Lin Yu himself knew that in countless sleepless nights, he read the girl's letter to him over and over again. Afterward. he locked it back into the box like holding the world’s treasure. This way, it was as if he had locked all his affection and thoughts.

Feng Hua was still playful and fun-seeking. When he had free time, he liked to invite Xiao Lin Yu for alcohol and tea. Xiao Lin Yu would mostly attend these invite.

"I heard that the girl from Bai Family came to look for you?" Feng Hua heard the big gossip today and hurriedly came to Xiao Lin Yu to confirm it: "How was it? Isn't the beauty’s tears so moving?"

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Xiao Lin Yu didn't even raise his eyelids. The subordinates poured a cup of mellow tea made from the new tea from Chaxiang to Feng Hua: "What does the beauty’s tear have to do with me?"

In his opinion, engaged Bai Ya-er was just a suitable mistress. Afterward, the engagement was gone and she was nothing more than an irrelevant person in his eyes. He had so many things to do every day. Even if there were forty-eight hours in a day, it wasn't enough for him.

"Eldest Gentleman Xiao is really cruel!" Feng Hua picked up a cup of tea, took a sip, and sighed: "If Bai Family’s girl knew that she can tie the knot with her sweetheart thanks to you, the matchmaker, wouldn't she be more grateful to you?" Last year Xiao Lin Yu did a lot of behind the scene work to take off the pre-marriage green hat that Bai Ya-er put on him. In the midst of it, Feng Hua helped out!

Thinking of this, Feng Hua couldn't help sighing: "What major family’s daughter who was educated by a century-old scholarly family!? Thinking about those matters. I am really ashamed for Bai Family’s Master!"

As he spoke, he spat a few times. His complete dislike for Bai Ya-er was evident between his brows.

"Just drink tea. It still can't stop your mouth!" Irked, Xiao Lin Yu rolled his eyes at him. He really shouldn't have ruined the good tea that You Jin gave him: "You’re a man. Why are you learning from those long-tongued women! ?”

Feng Hua meekly chuckled a little and replied, "Drink tea, drink tea."

The two of them discarded this subject: "By the way, Young Master Xiao, where did you get this tea? It tastes a little different from usual?"

Chaxiang sent two varieties of newly produced sweet-scented tea (osmanthus oolong tea and jasmine green tea), as well as the unique fragrant tea in Chaxiang. This was what Xiao Lin Yu had discussed with You Jin long ago. When Chaxiang produces good tea leaves, it must be sent to the capital as soon as possible. Xiao Lin Yu will be responsible for opening up the market. If the tea were left in You Jin's own hands, it can only be sold at a price a little more expensive than ordinary quality tea. While Xiao Lin Yu had a wide range of people and many methods. If the tea was in his hands, it wouldn’t be hard for him to sell at high-quality tea’s price.

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However, You Jin mentioned one thing during the cooperation between the two; Su Family’s tea wll be under Su Family's brand ‘Sujiacha’. As for the profit distribution, You Jin will account for 60% and Xiao Lin Yu will account for 40%. Xiao Lin Yu didn't want to rely on his family’s assets. Naturally, he hit it off with You Jin. As for the profit share, Xiao Lin Yu only wanted 30%: "After all, you will pay for manpower and material resources. I only open up the sales channel. 30% of the profit is enough."

Thinking of the situation when he signed a cooperation agreement with You Jin last year, Xiao Lin Yu couldn't help showing a slight smile on his face. He responded, "If it's delicious, why don't you buy some back?"

Today, the two of them were gathering in the wing room on the second floor of the first tea shop opened under the brand ‘Sujiacha’. Xiao Lin Yu opened the shop in the name of Su Family. Only the manager knew that he was the owner of the shop. The manager was a loyal servant brought back by Xiao Lin Yu from other places. So he wasn’t worried about the fact of him being the owner of the capital’s ‘Sujiacha’ getting leaked out.

"I noticed that this shop looks like it's newly opened. You are really caring; to have found this novel tea." Feng Hua tasted the tea and sampled a few cakes made from tea leaves. It was novel and delicious. He nodded again and again: "I feel that I don't have much appetite in spring these days. This snack is novel and quite appetizing."

After that, he ate another piece; not looking like he had a bad appetite at all.

‘Sujiacha’ had only been open for less than half a month. Although the price was expensive, there was no shortage of rich people in the capital. In the early stage, Xiao Lin Yu sent out a lot of tea leaves to customers who had business dealings with Xiao Family. Small portions of tea were packed in white porcelain jars engraved with the words ‘Sujiacha’. The newly opened ‘Sujiacha’ had attracted many customers. Nowadays, 50 to 60 percent of the wing rooms on the second floor have customers sitting in them, brewing tea, and enjoying the scenery. The business was really good.

"I'm a businessman, so I'm naturally well-informed." Xiao Lin Yu didn't intend to spread the shop’s backstory. He only smiled, poured him another cup of fragrant tea, and changed the subject: "I heard that the court recently Is restless recently"

He also knew about the affairs in North Jiang. Come to think of it, his Majesty must be anxious. In the early years, the mighty general of Dafeng, General Han Guang Hong led Han Family’s army to fight fiercely with the Northern ethnic in the northern border and returned with a great victory. Northern ethnic’s vitality received great damage. Only then, the people in the northern border of Dafeng were considered to live stable. But four years ago, General Han was accused of collaborating with the enemy and treason and hundreds of people in Han Family were killed overnight. Now, in the whole of Dafeng, where can we find a second godly general?

"I don't know. But I think my family’s old man is so worried that he can't even speak. I guess the situation isn’t optimistic." Feng Hua's father was an official in the court with the position of fourth-rank Ministry of Revenue’s Vice Minister. Now his Majesty asked for money from the Ministry of Revenue every day. How can Official Feng not worry!

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