Chapter 12. Celebrating birthday

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The morning mist had yet to dissipate. Chill already began to set in in the morning after the Mid-Autumn Festival. The early-riser You Jin wore a quilted coarse clothes with several patches. She gave Mrs. Han a greeting before heading out with a bamboo basket on her back. Today was old Mrs. Chen's 50th birthday. She gathered the pigweed in the mountain while it was early. If not, the pigs at home will have no pigweed to eat today.

"You Jin, you're going up to the mountain so early. Aren't you afraid, little girl?" The youth behind, who was also carrying a bamboo basket, caught up with You Jin. It turned out to be Lin Family's Lin San Lang.

"Third Uncle Lin." Although Lin Family's third son was only six or seven years older than her, he was a generation higher. You Jin respectfully called Third Uncle.

Lin San Lang followed You Jin's footsteps: "It just so happens that I'm going to gather pigweed. We can be each other's accompany?"
He was considering how a little girl would be afraid to go up the mountain alone and kindly suggested to go together.

You Jin shook her head. Although it was said that the barrier between men and women in the countryside was not as strong as in the city, there was still the possibility of gossip when walking together: "Third Uncle, you go first. I have to wait for Second Uncle Zhuang's Qiao Qiao."
Seeing that she stopped and said she was waiting for someone, Lin San Lang didn't press on: "Okay. Then pay attention to safety. Third Uncle will go first!"

Standing on the spot, she waited for Lin San Lang's figure to gradually disappear in the morning fog. It didn't take long for Qiao Qiao to jog all the way to the meeting place chosen by the two: "You Jin, I'm here!"

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Qiao Qiao was thirteen years old this year. A sturdy, cute little girl. She had a good relationship with You Jin. The two of them went up the mountain to forage pigweed from time to time. They can be regarded as a companion.

"Then let's go!" Upon her arrival, the two went up the mountain together. Now that it was getting colder. The pigweeds on the mountain were getting less and less. It was estimated that it will start snowing in a month or two. Then the pigweeds will be gone.

The two little girls climbed up the hill one after the other. Soon, they found the pigweed. The two of them were cutting the pigweed as they chatted: "You Jin, what are your family going to do? Why are Third Uncle's family and your two cousin brothers from Eldest Uncle's family ​​back?"
Yesterday, the majority of the villagers witnessed Yue Chang Shou and others entered the village in a mule cart, but they didn't know why. Qiao Qiao was also very curious, so she asked.

"My grandmother is celebrating her birthday. So they all come back." You Jin's action was clean cut. A handful of pigweed entered into the back basket one after another in a short while. The back basket was filled up soon: "Qiao Qiao, hurry up. My grandmother is having a birthday celebration today. There is still a lot of work at home waiting for me to do!"

Seeing You Jin already filled the back basket with pigweed, Qiao Qiao hurriedly speed up her hands and feet and soon filled the back basket. When the two of them walked home with pigweed on their backs, the sky in the east began to glow with golden light. The sun was coming out. After separating from Qiao Qiao at the intersection, You Jin returned home with a heavy basket on her back. As soon as she opened the courtyard door, she heard old Mrs. Chen yelling at people. Sure enough, can hope for her to improve her temper on her birthday...

Putting the pigweed at the door of the pigsty, she went to old Mrs. Chen's front to replace the scolded Yue Yin and Yue Zhu: "Grandmother is celebrating her birthday today and you two still make Grandmother mad. Go do what you're supposed to do now!"
She took the food from You Yin's hand and hurriedly drove the two younger sisters away. She turned her head again and merrily spoke to old Mrs. Chen: "Younger sisters are still young. Grandmother, you're the adult, got to be the bigger person. Besides, you having your birthday today. You have to be happier!"

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Standing at the corridor with her hands on hips, old Mrs. Chen stared at You Jin, who was smiling like a dog. Then she swept her gaze to the row of money-wasting goods standing at the door of the west wing. She snorted heavily before returning to the main room. Today was her 50th birthday. She can't be angry with this group of money-wasting thing for nothing.

Although it was a birthday celebration, Yue Family was only a rural household. They just ate a better meal than usual and boiled ten red eggs. This was considered a birthday celebration. Old Mrs. Chen's married out daughter brought back two grandsons to celebrate their old mother's birthday. They also brought back two old hens. It made old Mrs. Chen so delighted that she boasted that her daughter being promising.

Yue Chang Hong married the only son of a wealthy family surnamed Ge from a relatively wealthy village on the edge of the town. The year she married into Ge Family, she gave birth to a big chubby boy. Later, in total, she continuously gave birth to two sons and a daughter. This made her position stable in Ge Family, which had only one son for three generations. What's more, her man was a hen-pecked husband. Like this, Yue Chang Hong's life in Ge Family was very comfortable.

Ge Jin Bao, the son-in-law of Yue Family, was a thin middle-aged man. He jollily spoke, "Today is Mother's 50th birthday. Although our family doesn't have much money, we should be filial to Mother when we should." These words were pleasing and fully express one's filial piety. Old Mrs. Chen was coaxed to happiness.

At lunch, old Mrs. Chen showed a rare display of generosity. One of the two old hens that her daughter brought over was slaughtered. Then some potato was chopped up and simmered together. Adding the unfinished pork that Yue Chang Shou brought back yesterday, it can be regarded as having two meaty dishes. Although there were many Yue Family's members, they can taste a meaty dish. Everyone was satisfied.

As for the birthday's red eggs, old Mrs. Chen followed her usual biased way of allocating: she first took one for herself. Next, she gave one to each of her four grandsons. Then she gave one to each to Yue Da Fu and their sons. Exactly ten eggs were divided up. Even her daughter and son-in-law didn't get a single egg, let alone second branch's seven granddaughters.

Seeing old Mrs. Chen and others peeling the shells of red eggs, Little Ninth, who was sitting in You Jin's arms, smacked her lips. She really wanted to eat eggs! "Third Elder Sister, egg, egg!"

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Before You Jin could react, old Mrs. Chen threw the egg shell she was holding in her hand. Then she gave Little Ninth a vicious look: "Money-wasting good still wants to eat eggs!"

You Jin picked up all the eggshells she had sent over and threw them under the table. She coaxed Little Ninth, who was scared to tears, as she made amends with old Mrs. Chen: "Little Ninth is still young. It's just a slight craving, She's insensible. Don't be angry, Grandmother. I'll take her back now." Little Ninth was still young. Although she was beaten by old Mrs. Chen before, how can she, a child that had just started talking, hold grudges? Due to wanting to eat egg, she got frightened by the sour look of old Mrs. Chen and hid in You Jin's arms as she started crying.

"Every day, it's either crying or eating! Simply a disaster for the family! Money-wasting goods!" Old Mrs. Chen disliked second branch's granddaughters the most. Now seeing Little Ninth cry, the annoyance in her heart grew. But thinking how today was her own birthday and daughter's family came back, she resisted the urge to beat the other party. You Jin hurriedly carried the little one back to the west wing to coax her. If she continued to cry in front of old Mrs. Chen, she might sort Little Ninth out!

Seeing that old Mrs. Chen was still scolding and nagging, Yue Da Fu's face was a little unsightly. There were still outsiders, his son-in-law and his family present today. How could they lose sense of proportion? So he spoke out to halt her: "Enough! Think of what day it is today?"
Seeing that Yue Da Fu open his mouth, old Mrs. Chen stopped grumbling. Still, she resented the money-wasting girls from second branch. If it weren't for that lazy and greedy money-wasting thing acting up, how could she get scolded by the old man in front of her children? The resentment in her heart increased by three thirty percent.

Seeing that she was unhappy, Yue Chang Hong hurriedly changed the subject and told old Mrs. Chen about the current gossip in the city. Women were all gossiping creatures. So old Mrs. Chen's mind was diverted by her. The awkward atmosphere slightly returned back to normal. The family peacefully and merrily chatted and laughed. Only the remaining five daughters from second branch sat in their place in a daze. Motionless and silent.

The next day after old Mrs. Chen's birthday, third branch and the two grandsons from first branch all returned to the county city. After sending away two grandsons, old Mrs. Chen's heart was up and down: "Old man, what to do if we spent so much money and it doesn't work?"
One hundred liang was almost all of the family's asset. The money they had saved for decades was given away at once like this. It was normal for old Mrs. Chen to be restless.

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Resting on the kang as he smoked tobacco pipe, Yue Da Fu frowned slightly. He was a little worried, but still felt it was worth a try: "I think Wen Tao isn't a child that would lie. Since he dares to ask us for so much money, then there is really a way. If the Tongzi exam can be passed next year, then spend the money."

"But Family Head, this Tongzi exam cost 100 liang. Then in the future, if they are going to take the official exam and the provincial exam, how can our family take out the money?"
Although the old Chen has never read books, he has heard a lot of it. The gossip about the difficulty of being a scholar is naturally worried that more money will be required for the exam in the future. "Now our family has only seventeen to eighteen silver liang left. If they want to spend more money, we can't." Old Mrs. Chen directly bared the bottom to Yue Da Fu.

Puffing the tobacco pipe, Yue Da Fu's expression appeared a little heavy: "There will always be a way. If it doesn't work, everyone can eat a few mouthfuls less of rice and save some food to sell for money."
Yue Family got a lot of land. So their food was more than the people around. These years, they had relied on selling some food every year to save some money. But one hundred silver liang! Yue Da Fu was also very distressed when he thought about it. The three sons were all working outside. Old Third was in the county all year round. Every year, he sent back a few silver liang every year. Old Second was honest and never hid any private fund. While Eldest couple was sly and must have hide a lot of fund.

Old Mrs. Chen sternly rolled her eyes at Yue Da Fu who didn't manage the house and didn't know how expensive things were, "It's not so easy to save on food. Let's not say the rest, just the seven money-wasting things from old Second's family. Who knows how much food they need to eat in a day!"
Thinking of those several money-wasting things that only knew to eat, old Mrs. Chen's chest felt stifled with anger. Her eyes spun a few times before coming up with an idea: "How about during the autumn harvest in a few days, drive the second branch's money-wasting things to the field to do work? The little ones can't work it. The half grown You Jin and You Yin can add up to one short-term worker?"

Yue Da Fu didn't have much affection for second branch's granddaughters. In addition, You Jin went against her elders a few days ago and attracted Lizheng over. Although Yue Da Fu didn't have act up on the surface, there was still a thorn in his heart. The child was so rebellious. How will she be in the future? After thinking about it, he agreed with old Mrs. Chen's suggestion: "But they're still a child. Do as much as they can."

Seeing that Yue Da Fu agreed, old Mrs. Chen beamed. One must know the autumn harvest was a very tiring thing. A half-grown girl will shed a layer of skin even if she doesn't die. She smiled and helped Yue Da Fu stuff the tobacco pipe: "This way, it can save a lot of money on hiring short-term workers!"

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