Chapter 123. Considerate flower

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"With this trip, I was gone for more than two months. The shop matter truly troubled you, Third Aunt." You Jin sat at the top and poured a cup of tea for Mrs. Han. She asked, "Everything going smoothly?”

When Sujiami opened at the end of February, the business was constantly doing well. However, You Jin was away for more than two months. Naturally, there were some worries about Sujiami's business not being on track.

Mrs. Han accepted the tea and took a sip. After taking a long breath of pleasure, she grinned: "Now there is Third Master Huang helping at the shop, everything is in order. After all, he is someone produced by a major household. The shop is getting better and better day by day. I am a bit redundant though. " After Xiao Family's mishap, old Master Huang redeemed himself. Later, Uncle Song visited the thatched cottage and repeated sincere invitations, Third Master Huang finally chose to go to Sujiami to help manage the business with his relationship with the old owner in mind. But going along with Third Master Huang's wish, he no longer sold himself. He just signed an employment agreement with Su Family.

Third Master Huang went to Sujiami to take care of the business. Uncle Song had reported this in a letter to her. In all fairness, Third Master Huang was deep foundations in Luohe Prefecture. Those he interacted with were major households. Since You Jin was aiming to be middle-high end, Third Master Huang was indeed more suitable for the role of the manager than Mrs. Han. However, this meant her original promise to Mrs. Han had become an empty check. That’s why You Jin felt a little guilty: "Third Aunt..."

"Oh! You Jin, what are you doing!" Mrs. Han had thought it through. After all, it was thanks to You Jin that she can reunite with her children, her son can study, and her daughter now gave birth to a baby. She wasn't greedy. Besides, Third Master Huang was more suitable than herself. How could she blame You Jin? Mrs. Han smiled sincerely and said, "I have been in contact with Third Master Huang. I also know that he is indeed more suitable as the manager. Besides, your Elder Sister You He had just given birth to a baby. I can go see her whenever I’m free. Isn’t this wonderful? It’s just I’m freeloading. This is a bit overboard. Whatever you want me to do, I have no objection."

Mrs. Han's sincerity made You Jin more guilty in her heart as well as feeling closer to Mrs. Han: "How about Third Aunt learn a bit or two from Third Master Huang. Then we can see what business you can do. I will give you my support at that time! "

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After listening to Niece’s words, it would be a lie to say Mrs. Han wasn’t moved. After all, she had two sons who hadn't yet started a family. Although her daughter was married, she needed a strong maternal family. Although, there was second branch for everything, she can't freeload for a lifetime, right? Although there was affection between the two families, it shouldn't be worn out this way.

"Sure! But I can't bother you in vain. Although I want to do something small, I have to give you a share." Although Mrs. Han had suffered a lot of suffering the last few years, the toughness in her bones and heart were still there. She was originally raised as a boy. Her horizon and chest were much taller than the women from ordinary small households.

The aunt and niece happily chatted away. After that, on the second day, the formerly idle Mrs.Han began to get busy again. Although she had managed a small grocery shop before, she still learned stuff from following Third Master Huang. These were what she had never dipped into before. Although she was a little bit unhappy before, Mrs. Han was reconciled when she saw the shop’s monthly main ledger at the end of the month.

Sujiami was different from Sujiaxiang. The pricing in Sujiami wasn't low. The customer target was naturally the rich households in Luohe Prefecture. Third Master Huang had been in Luohe Prefecture for many years, so he naturally has his own networks. In addition, there was no other who sold honey and high-end flower tea like Sujiami. It was really unique. It can be said Sujianmi was booming during this period. June’s income overtook Sujiaxiang’s. Now it had become the most often patronized by the respectable in Luohe Prefecture.

Wan Niang encountered You Yin on the street and felt she looked familiar. Only after inquiring about it, she discovered that Su Family had only moved to Luohe Prefecture in recent years. It was a household of female managing outside, so it wasn’t difficult to inquire. Wan Niang, who had reached resource end, encountered Yue Chang Lu’s separated wife, Mrs. Su. She dared to step forward and tightly stick on. Only squeezing out a layer of oil from Su Family would she be reconciled.

"Son ah! Eat all you want, Mother has money!" She stroked Yue Wen Bao's messy head with a loving expression as she watched him holding a big chicken leg and gobble it. The smile on the corner of her mouth carried a hint of proudness. She knew what Mrs. Su was afraid of. Now those lowly girls were older and reached marriageable age. If she announced the results of fortune telling Yue Fu got from the temple, those lowly girls wouldn’t be able to marry out at all.

She must tightly grasp this rare opportunity to plan and seek a future for herself with her son! Laughing, she spoke to herself, "Why can those b*tches live in big houses and be served by so many slaves? All of this should be my child’s!"

"My!" Yue Wen Bao was young and didn't know what Mother’s words meant. He fiercely swallowed the last bit of chicken and cheerfully parroted after Wan Niang's words.

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Wan Niang heard her son and the twinkle in her eyes was even more obvious. She handed a chicken leg to her son, confirming, "Yes, it's all ours!"

At this side, Wan Niang was daydreaming of taking all of Su Family’s assets. This side, You Jin already sent people to investigate her movements these days.

At this time, Su Family’s guard was reporting to Eldest Miss the latest news that he had brought back: "After Yue Chang Lu disappeared, she hooked up with her neighbor in a few days. A hawker named old Fifth Lin. His wife's family is a butcher in Luohe Prefecture. The woman is a strong character. If she found out old Fifth Lin was eating outside, she would grab a knife and chop this pair of adulterers."

Wan Niang's movements weren't hidden. These dirty matters naturally couldn’t escape Su Family’s investigation.

"Truly a rare gentle considerate flower!" There was a trace of sarcasm in You Jin's eyes. Back then, didn't she hook up with Yue Chang Lu like this? Have to say, this Wan Niang really wasn't picky when it came to survival! "There was Yue Chang Lu in the front, and then old Fifth Lin afterward. Since she likes to be someone’s considerate flower, let's do her a favor!"

The guard silently raised his head and glanced at the harmless smile on Eldest Miss’s face. He solemnly remarked in his mind that Eldest Miss was diverting the troubled water to the east! Just don't know which sucker will be the unlucky one!

Luohe Prefecture was quite populated and huge. Naturally, there was no shortage of people, let alone rich people.

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It went without saying You Jin wouldn’t be kind enough to find a diamond king for Wan Niang. Third Master Huang had a wide network in Luohe Prefecture. In a few days, he found the person You Jin was looking for. "You Jin, this Boss Chen is not a good person. What do you want from such a person?"

It wasn’t that he wanted to talk out of turn or gossip. Mainly because even a well informed person like him can’t accept Boss Chen's actions. No matter what, it wasn’t good to have any dealing with such a person!

"Acting as a matchmaker for others!" You Jin looked at Third Master Huang with a sly look. She had already started planning how to create opportunities for Wan Niang.

Third Master Huang had a lot of contact with You Jin in the past few years. Naturally, he saw through the bad intention under the smile and felt relieved. Since You Jin knew that Boss Chen was such a person, she wouldn’t use him on people by her side. He crossed his arms and said, "What do you need me to do for you?"

You Jin was waiting for him to take the initiative. Seeing him speaking out, the joy in her eyes was even more obvious. She responded: "There are some things I need to trouble Third Master to help me arrange a bit."

She brought out her plan. Seeing that Third Master Huang had no objection, this matter was settled. You Jin’s plan was very simple: create an opportunity for Boss Chen and Wan Niang to meet. Although the hero saving the beauty was cliche, this trick never gets old and was effective.

Although Wan Niang had always lived bitter days, it was in her bones to like prettiness. The twenty silver liang she got from Su Family was enough for a normal family to spend in a year. She had spent it all. Wan Niang thought she had a firm grasp on Su Family and wasn’t afraid of running out of money. After getting the money, she bought a lot of rouge and gouache, as well as clothes and jewelry. Initially Wan Niang was somewhat pretty. If not, how could she bewitch the Eldest Master when she was a maid back then? Later, Yue Chang Lu and old Fifth Lin?

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After these days’ suffering, initially skinny Wan Niang was even thinner. A pliant willow-like waist and limbs were matched with a pair of fluttering with affections eyes. You Jin was confident that this Wan Niang can latch onto Boss Chen!

It took a few more days before Su Family stealthily prepared everything. Now it was just waiting to watch the good show.

"You little whore dared to seduce my man!" Wan Niang, who walked on the street with a vegetable basket, was caught off guard and slapped dizzy by a woman who was half wider than herself. The vegetable basket had long flew into an unknown corner. That woman didn’t give her the opportunity to explain. After slapping Wan Niang, she jumped on top of her. One hand tightly grasped her collar, while the other hand unreservedly went all out on Wan Niang’s little cheeks in turn. Shortly later, her cheeks were red and swollen. The corners of her mouth had bleed out. The woman didn’t show mercy at all. As the one-sided beating went on, berating sang out at the same time: "Seduce people eh, you shameless b*tch. You have a son with no father. You are a vixen whose whole family is dead!"

Two women in a tussle immediately attracted many pedestrians to gather around and spectate. Because old Fifth Lin’s wife’s one-sidedly crushing, Wan Niang had no ability to fight back. Due to the on-site explanation of the victim, the onlookers whispered into each other ears. Some even spat at the already beaten disheveled Wan Niang: "These vixens are the most shameless. Deserve to be beaten to death!"

"That's right! She deserves it! Dare to seduce other’s husband. Look at those eyes. One glance, and you can she’s not a good thing!" Another middle-aged woman with a horse-faced face spat out with disdain. Internally, she was jealous of the little vixen having the appearance of attracting people.

"Stop! What are you doing?" Just when Wan Niang was already in despair, a middle-aged man's voice penetrated through the crowd. It heavily landed in her buzzing ears but like a heavenly voice.

Boss Chen originally had a business meeting to attend today and had no intention of intervening in this catching the cheater case. However a glimpse caught his attention. The beaten woman’s fair waist that was exposed under the torn clothes dazzled his eyes. Raising his sight, he saw a pair of fluttering eyes that conveyed unspeakable shame. It halted his steps. He decided to be a hero saving the beauty.

Boss Chen’s appearance wasn't bad. Although he was middle-aged, being decked in luxurious clothes was countlessly better than those pedestrians. Beaten to her last breath, Wan Niang’s eyes gained an unknown light. Even the other female onlookers became a little shy. Old Fifth Lin's wife involuntarily stopped her hand and stared at him blankly.

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