Chapter 137. Academy Head

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“Madam, Miss Su had arrived." Inside the yamen of Magistrate Qin, a servant in soap-colored clothes stood outside the door of the moon gate of the backyard and reported to Madam Qin who was sitting in the garden pavilion admiring the flowers. He was followed by You Jin who had handed over a visit request letter the day before yesterday. Today, You Jin wore a moon white round neck double-breasted brocade thin shirt with a light yellow, twig-flower twining skirt. She wore a cloud bun that was accessorized with a pair of magnolia flower hairpins. She remembered that Madam Qin didn't like little girls dressing up in an old fashioned way. Right now was perfect. Graceful without losing the young girl's vigor.

"Su Family’s lass is here?" Although Xiao Family introduced Su Family’s lass to her family, she really liked this sensible and capable girl later on. Even though Xiao Family fell, Madam Qin was still willing to meet her. Besides, Luohe Prefecture was far away from the emperor, so she had no worry about it.

You Jin walked up until five steps away from Madam Qin before bowing respectfully and greeted: "Long time no see. Is Madam doing well?"

Speaking of which, the last time she saw Madam Qin wasn't long after the Sujiayan opened. Madam Qin had reserved a table at Sujiayan to entertain guests. You Jin specially made an exception and served four of Sujiayan’s limited dishes to Madam Qin and let Madam Qin earn enough face among the ladies attending the banquet.

"You lass, you are the most polite!" Madam Qin amusedly chastised. She motioned for You Jin to sit down and talk: "I hosted a banquet last time and haven't thanked you for your great help! It's rare for you to drop by. We can have a good chat together."

You Jin smiled slightly, sat down according to Madam Qin's wishes, and talked with her for a long time before explaining the purpose of today's visit.

"I was saying that you lass are the most sharp-witted. I was thinking that you only came to talk to me because you missed me. Never thought that you came prepared purpose." Madam Qin grinning complained: "You dare to think. I’m just a woman though. How can I be an academy head?”

Although she declined, it would be a lie to say that she wasn't moved. Madam Qin herself was well-educated. So she naturally knew that an academy head was a respectable figure in the cultural circle. If the female academy was successfully established, then she will be the most respectable woman in Luohe Prefecture!

No matter how one put it, Su Family was a family of nouveau riche. A country household that had only made a fortune for a few years. If this matter succeed, fame will naturally follow. But if it fails, then she will be reduced to a laughstock for Luohe Prefecture’s noble lady circle, no? Thinking about it this way, it seemed a little uneconomical. She was doing fairly well now. Although those wives from the martial arts family alway wanted to keep away from her, it was better than being stepped on and laughed at in the future, wasn't it?

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You Jin also knew that this matter was quite risky. It was understandable that Madam Qin wasn't willing to. It would be a lie to say You Jin wasn’t disappointed from being rejected so directly. The smile on her face was slightly dropped. Still, she didn't lose her sense of propriety and responded with a smile: "Madam, please consider it again. I will come to bother Madam in a few days. At that time, I’ll ask Madam for a definite answer then?"

Seeing her say this, Madam Qin couldn't outright refuse. So she nodded and agreed, "Sure, then I'll think about it more carefully."

Although she said this, her heart was already settled on refusing. She was just saying this to save everyone's face.

After talking to Madam Qin for a quarter of an hour, You Jin left.

"Madam, isn't what Su Family's Miss said very good? If you become the academy head, Madam's reputation in Luohe Prefecture will definitely go up to a higher level, right?" Madam Qin's attendant watched Su Family's Miss’s figure disappeared from the other side of the moon gate before doubtfully asking.

Madam Qin suppressed the smile on her face, picked up the teacup, and took a sip of tea before answering: "Whether this matter can be done or not is another matter. If it succeeds, it's fine. But if it's not, then where will I put my face in the future?"

It was better to maintain the current status quo than to be ridiculed in the future!"

Attendant Qin was a little worried: "But what if Miss Su invites those families’ madam to be the academy head?"

Those martial families’ madam were Madam’s rival. If they were invited to be the academy head, then wouldn’t it be a slap to Madam’s face?

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"Those few are all idiots. If Su You Jin has some brains, she wouldn't do such a thing." Madam Qin still had confidence in this point. Even if she doesn't take this hot potato, it's still impossible for those stupid women to have this opportunity.

Seeing Madam say this, Attendant Qin had nothing to say. This chapter had been turned over to a new page in the Qin Manor.


You Jin also knew that there was no result from Madam Qin's side. So she had to find another method and find another candidate.

"Have to have talented fame and reputation. And have to be willing to take up the post. Who else is there?" Sitting in the carriage, You Jin frowned. Contemplating hard for a long time and there was no better candidate. She closed her eyes and sighed heavily. Alas, life was so difficult!

After thinking about it, You Jin finally had no way. So she asked someone to collect a list of female relatives of all famous and talented wealthy families in Luohe Prefecture. Then she planned to choose the most suitable person from them and request them.

"Miss, why don't you drink a cup of tea and rest." Qiu Fen came in with a cup of thorn rose honey tea. She carefully placed it beside You Jin and persuaded softly: "You have been staring at it for a long time. Be careful of your eyes hurting."

You Jin put down the list, sighed heavily, took a sip of warm tea, and put it down again. She spoke: "It's really hard to choose the candidate!"

In fact, it wasn’t that Luohe Prefecture didn’t have talented and respectable candidates. She had asked someone to send an invitation. Before she could she the person, she was sent away. After returning from Madam Qin and that old Madam Wei empty-handed, You Jin really felt a little chip to her confidence.

"What have you been up to these two days, lass? Why don't you come to talk to this old lady?" With the support of Xiao Lin Ru, Mrs. Song walked to the door of the parlor with a cane. She cheerfully asked when she saw troubled You Jin: "Could it be that this old woman is annoying?"

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When You Jin heard that it was Mrs. Song who came, she stood up at once and walked to the door to stand on Mrs. Song's left. She smilingly replied: "Old Ancestor’s words really hurt You Jin. I have been occupied with some matters these last two days. I also heard from Elder Sister Lin Ru that old Ancestor didn't sleep well these two days, so I didn't dare to disturb old Ancestor's peace easily."

Since You Jin changed to addressing Mrs. Yu and others as Aunts, she also followed Xiao Family and called Mrs. Song the same. Now the whole Su Family called her that way. To clueless outsiders, they would assume she was the biological old Madam of Su Family!

As she sat at the top of the parlor with the support of the two children, Qiu Fen perceptively served Mrs. Song’s favorite silver needle pekoe. Mrs. Song sat down and waved her hands to make the two children sit down too: "Don't be so rigid. This old lady didn't come to make you uncomfortable."

At her words, You Jin and Xiao Lin Ru looked at each other and smiled. They sat down beside Mrs. Song.

"I heard that you are looking for the female academy’s head recently. From the dark circles under your eyes, things aren’t going well?" Mrs. Song asked slowly after taking a sip of tea.

Seeing her asking this question, You Jin smiled meekly and admitted her lack of ability: "Currently there are some problems. There are people who are interested, but they aren’t willing to take up the position."

In fact, You Jin knew the reason. From the perspective of those families in Louhe Prefecture who have been rich for several generations, Su Family was just a nouveau riche who had just washed their legs and rushed ashore. Especially for those from a scholarly family. That’s why they won’t join the excitement. One, Su Family had no credit or rank. Two, their ancestors were unknown. Why should they use their good reputation to compensate with Su Family if a loss occurs?

Mrs. Song patted You Jin's hand on the table with a kind smile and said, "Good child, tell old Ancestor which family’s noble you have set your eyes on."

Although she had left Luohe Prefecture for nearly twenty years, there was still some affection between the older generation in Luohe Prefecture. Her life had ups and downs. Now in old age, she had nothing to ask for as long as the children lived well. There was no harm in throwing away this old face?

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Although You Jin didn't know Mrs. Song's intentions, she still obediently told her favorite candidates: "One is the madam from Magistrate Qin's family. The other is the madam from Luohe Prefecture Fu Academy’s Academy Head Wei's family. There’s also old Madam Liu from Luohe Prefecture’s military cavalry Liu Family. The first two had refused directly."

After listening to You Jin talking about the three candidates, Mrs. Song looked at You Jin with admiration in her eyes: "Child, you have a bold mind and dare to do it. It’s just that they aren’t stupid. As soon as you step out of their manor, they investigate the details of your background. They are just like the most beautiful peacock and cherish every feather, How can they bet with you on this?”

As soon as You Jin heard this, she gently pulled Mrs. Song's sleeve and begged her like a spoiled child: "Good old Ancestor. I know my words hold no weight but there’s no other way. If you have any trick up your sleeve, quickly tell me?"

Mrs. Song’s words were direct. She wasn't a fool either. Old Ancestor rarely came out of the east compound house where she lived today to look for her. And she was asking this and that. Meaning there must be some way she can help her get out of her predicament.

"Okay, okay, you lass. You love to pester this old lady more and more, don't you?" Mrs. Song was a little dizzy from being shaken like this and quickly took her hand. She replied: "Since you have seen the first two and they had clearly refused, there is no need for us to put our hot face on their cold buttocks. As for the state cavalry, Liu Family, I will make a trip and see if this old lady's face still has some use!"

"Old Ancestor?!" You Jin and Xiao Lin Ru exclaimed at the same time. Mrs. Song didn't like to go out the most. Since returning to Luohe Prefecture, she had hardly gone out. She didn't even go to Xiao Family's ancestral tomb in Luohe Prefecture. Saying, as the mistress of the family, she didn't do a good job and didn't have the face to see the ancestors of Xiao Family. Now Mrs. Song actually proposed to help You Jin to ask for help!

"Old Ancestor, I can worry about things outside. The most important thing for you now is to take care of your health, otherwise the two uncles can't be at ease in northern Xinjiang, right?" You Jin responded without a second thought and rejected Mrs. Song's idea. She knew that Mrs. Song had always held her head high all her life. How could she make her pull down her face and beg for help because of them young people when she was old? When she rescued them back, she didn't want his family to live their whole life in the shadows of others and looked at other’s faces. How could she aggrieve the oldest elderly in the family like this now?

Xiao Lin Ru also had the same thought. Old Ancestor had always been a high-ranking person. How can she pull down her face for Mother and Eldest Aunt’s matter? If the Mother and the others knew about it, how would they feel! Although she didn't voice it out, she nervously looked at Mrs. Song, secretly hoping that she would change her mind.

Mrs. Song patted the hands of the two children who were looking at her nervously and said with a smile: "You don't have to act like this. Although this old woman is old, I know what I am saying. You can be reassured. I’ll handle the state cavalry's side. I've made up my mind. You two don't need to persuade me anymore."

The boat had set sail. You Jin and Xiao Lin Ru have no choice but to resign to fate and let Mrs. Song go.

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