Chapter 14. Autumn Harvest

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Because Yue Family spent a lot of money, they gritted their teeth and spent some money to hire two short-term laborers to help as there were 30 mu of grain waiting to be harvested at home.

Maybe Heaven knew that the farmers were going to have autumn harvest, it gave face and provided enough sunshine. In the cool autumn morning, the white light climbed over the eastern hillside. Every household in Cuifeng Village had already brought their families with farming equipment in hand to the fields outside the village.

There were few idle months for the farming family. The children of the farm family matured early. Four or five-year-old children were walking a little slowly behind the adults. They carried basket to the field to pick up the ears of rice. A small child can pick up half a jin of rice ears in a day. For people who were already short of food, it was more or less an income.

In the early years, because the family was in good condition, Yue Da Fu didn't care about this bit of ​​food. What's more, using some grain to earn a good reputation was profitable. So he didn't stop the children in the village from going to his own fields to pick them up.

Old Mrs. Chen had always felt heartaches about these bits grain. But in the past, because of Yue Da Fu's adhering to his word personality, she could only grit her teeth and endure it. But now that almost all of their family's asset had been hollowed out, old Mrs. Chen wished to break a copper coin into eight pieces to use. How could she be willing to let other pick their own field's grain?

Therefore, she prepared baskets for sisters You Zhu, You Ling, and You Luo early in the morning that day. Her sinister eyes scanned the three of them and threateningly scared them: "If you don't fill up the baskets today, forget about eating tonight!"

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You Jin and You Yin were part of the main force that do the cutting in the fields. Old Mrs. Chen sternly glared at them before twisting her butt around to fill a gourd full of water for Yue Da Fu.

You Bao was almost drowned in a bucket by old Mrs. Chen's when she was born. Although she was rescued later, her body was still damaged. On the other hand, You Zhu was stronger and didn't sustain any root illness. Therefore, You Jin begged Old Mrs. Chen for You Bao to stay at home to take care of Little Ninth. You Bao also needed to assist Mrs. Chen on making lunch. While the three sisters who were assigned to picking up rice ears had to carry baskets and hurriedly followed behind You Jin to work in the field.

At this time, the sun had yet to fully come out. The autumn wind carried a hint of chill, which didn't feel uncomfortable when it blew on people. On the contrary, it blew away the sleepiness from getting up early. You Jin became much more energetic and brought her three younger sisters into the field. She warned again: "Don't snatch with other children, understand? You Zhu, you are the elder sister, you must take good care of You Ling and You Luo. You can't let your sisters go to the river, understand?"

You Zhu nodded seriously: "Third Elder Sister, I will take good care of Little Seventh and Little Eighth."
Although You Zhu was only seven years this year, she had been picking up rice ear with a basket since she was five years old. While, this year was Little Seventh and Little Eighth's first time. You Jin can't help but worry about it.

After You Jin watched You Ling and You Luo obediently follow You Zhu in looking for ears of rice in the already cut field, she temporarily felt relieved. She grabbed the sickle and walked to You Yin's side, where half a row of rice were already cut. The two sisters stood together and bent down with pursed lips. They cut the rice without saying a word.

The sun climbed over the hillside. It didn't take long to go from a small sun that glowed softly like a duck's egg to a scorching hot sun. Only an hour after the sun came out, the people who were harvesting rice in the fields were already sweating like rain.

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Squinting her eyes at the sun that wasn't far from the hill at the east, You Jin wiped the sweat dripping from her forehead with the sleeves of her white-washed coarse clothes and swallowed hard. Then she looked over at the three younger sisters who were still picking up rice ears not far away. She buried her head in cutting rice again.

You Jin had been taking all kind of work at Yue's house since she was a child. Right now, it hadn't reached the hottest time. It was within her tolerance range. On the other hand, You Yin, who had already fallen behind You Jin, couldn't bear it. Originally bent over to cut rice her, suddenly sat down. She whisperingly cried out, "Third Elder Sister..."

You Jin, who was still cutting the rice, heard the feeble voice and hurriedly looked back. It turned out that You Yin, who became dizzy from the poisonous sun, had already slumped on the ground and called out to her weakly.

You Jin put down the sickle in her hand at once, walked to You Yin in two steps instead of three steps. She carried her on her back and headed to the root of the old locust tree by the field before putting her down. You Jin took out the gourd of water she carried with in the early morning and urged You Yin to take a few sips of water. She wiped the sweat off You Yin's withered little face: "You Yin, are you alright?"

Out of the daughters in Yue Family, only You Jin didn't get abused by old Mrs. Chen when she was born because she was the eldest and the fact that Yue Chang Lu had waited for two years before expecting the first child. Although she was thin, she was much sturdier when compared to the several younger sisters.

You Yin was completely out of strength. She leaned against the old locust tree and gradually regained her breath in the shade. Showing a weak smile, she spoke: "Third Elder Sister, I'm fine. I'll rest for a while. Quickly go harvest the rice!"
You Yin was afraid that Father will see Third Elder Sister accompany her and come over here to scold her.

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When You Jin saw her like this, she knew that she must be suffering from heat stroke. You Jin knew that what You Yin said made sense. If the rice area that was assigned to her and You Yin weren't cut today, there will be no meal tonight. She responded, "Then you have a good rest here. If you are dizzy, don't walk around and drink more water."
Then she went back to the field and continued to cut rice.

On the other side of the field, ​​Yue Da Fu saw the situation on You Jin's side from a distance. Although he didn't say anything, he glanced over and expressed his dissatisfaction just right. Yue Chang Lu had developed a sensitive and irritable temperament over the years. He noticed his father's strangeness and followed Yue Da Fu's line of sight. It turned out that two money-wasting things were slacking and hiding under the tree to enjoy the shade. Immediately, he wanted to go over to teach the two money-wasting things a lesson.

"What are you doing, old Second!" Yue Da Fu didn't feel bad for his two worthless granddaughters. He was just afraid that his son would teach his children outside and let the villagers see a joke: "There are people everywhere, coming and going. Don't mess around!"

Yue Chang Lu naturally understood what his father meant and gloomily nodded: "Father, I'm just going for a drink."

Seeing that he understood what he meant, Yue Da Fu stopped talking.


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On the other side, Yue You Yin had only rested for less than a quarter of an hour and Yue Chang Lu came over with a gloomy face. In fact, Yue Chang Lu wasn't originally bad-looking. He was naughty when he was eight-nine years old and accidentally made a long incision from inch from the brow to the direction of his ear. His look was disfigured. Because of this, Yue Chang Lu's aura became more and more dark. His gloomy face gave a little scary vibe all day. So later, when he sought marriage, the matches with a few potential family failed. Later, old Mrs. Chen saw Mrs. Su and felt her appearance was still proper. So she spent one liang silvers as a betrothal gift to "buy" Mrs. Su from her uncle's hand. Like this, Yue Chang Lu can be considered as settling down.

Yue Chang Lu managed to marry a wife with bright eyes and bright teeth. In addition, Mrs. Su had life in her eyes and her hands worked diligently. Old Mrs. Chen was satisfied with her when they first got married. The young couple lived very a fulfilling and happy life. But two years later, the sister-in-law who entered the door of Su Family later had already given birth, while Mrs. Su's belly had no movement. Old Mrs. Chen's face became more and more ugly. The gloom that had disappeared came back again.

It wasn't until the third year of marriage that good news came out of Mrs. Su's stomach. Then she gave birth to You Jin. At that time, Yue Chang Lu felt that as long as his wife could give birth, he could give birth to a son sooner or later, so he still liked You Jin. But in the past few years, Mrs. Su Shi's belly has swelled and deflated, deflated and swelled. She gave birth seven daughters one after another in six pregnancy. But still no son. Old Mrs. Chen's expression was getting worst year by year. Yue Chang Lu's temper was getting worse year by year. After Mrs. Su gave birth to the twins, Yue Zhu and You Bao, Yue Chang Lu started domestic violence against Mrs. Su and developed up to now. As long as something went wrong or received angry outside, he will either beat Mrs. Su or the few daughters when he came back.

Therefore, when You Yin saw her father walking towards her with a dark face, she involuntarily shrank before timidly greeted, "Father."

Yue Chang Lu picked up the gourd prepared for them by old Mrs. Chen from under the old locust tree and first gulped a few sips of water. Then he covered the gourd, slammed it on You Yin, and scolded in a hushed voice: "Only knock to eat or slack off every day! If you don’t work, believe it or not, I will beat you to death!”

Although Young Yin was on guard, she still didn't dare to resist when Yue Chang Lu smashed it over. The gourd hit her thigh and You Yin immediately teared up from pain. But she didn't dare to say anything. Trembling, she supported herself with the old locust tree and stood up. Then she limped back to the edge of the field where she had just cut the rice. Seeing that her father didn't notice, she reached out and wiped the tears from her face.

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