Chapter 142. Identity

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"That hoof got off lightly. Miss is too kind." Qiu Fen knew about Chen Xiao Hong’s matter. At the thought of how she wanted to viciously destroy Miss’s innocence, she trembled with anger. And Miss happened to be soft-hearted. Miss only made the other party leave Luohe Prefecture. If it was up to her, it’ll be skinning and pulling muscle until her anger was let out!

You Jin didn't care about these minor things. When she found out about it, she instructed Uncle Song a bit. Uncle Song took care of the matter properly, so she didn't bother to care about it.

After autumn came, the lotus roots in Thousand Lotus Lake were slowly dug for nearly a month before they were finally done.

In order to match the season, Sujiayan had created a ‘crab-colored lotus root’ as food of the month event. The shrimp, crab, carp, grass carp and lotus root used were al Su Family’s ownl produce. At the same time, Sujiaxiang launched sugared lotus root, lotus root powder cake, candied Osmanthus cake, and other lotus root snacks. This autumn, it can be said that Su Family made a lot of money, fame, and fortune.

After the completion of You Yin and Han Li's new future home, Mrs. Han's house placed the last tile before the first snow fell. Now the pedestrians and tourists traveling by water and land can see the three beautiful rural buildings separated by a wall in front of the waves of bamboo from afar. The sight of green bamboo sea and tile-blue sky setting off the blue tiles and white walls was particularly beautiful.

"All the furnitures in the new home are made of rosewood and red sandalwood. In addition, the plum blossoms in the yard have just been transplanted from the mountain. You should put your heart on taking care of the flowers and plants on most days." You Jin ordered as she led several servants around the clean and tidy new house.

"Eldest Miss, don’t worry. This old servant dare not neglect the plum tree a single day. It will surely bloom this year!" Su Family’s gardener patted his chest to assure Eldest Miss. He knew that plum blossoms were Second Miss's favorite flower. This house was for Second Miss to live in after marriage. It went without saying he would mind it with meticulous care, for fear of anything going wrong.

As for Fourth Uncle Ge, whom You Jin chose to supervise the new house. He attentively followed behind her, noting all the suggestions made by Miss one by one. Then he assigned them to each staff to solve.

From the first door to the last one, it took You Jin an hour to go around all the corners of the new house: "This house is where Second Miss will live in the future. I’m busy on most days, so I can't give it much attention for a while. Fourth Uncle Ge, you have to work harder on your side. If you need something, you can ask Uncle Song for it. Everything must be in order."

This was You Yin's marriage house. The family's current situation wasn't bad, so naturally everything needed to be done perfectly.

"Eldest Miss, don't worry, the younger one will be taken care of properly." Fourth Uncle Ge was the new house’s supervisor selected from Su Family's main house after a lot of screening. Naturally, he understood how important this matter was to Eldest Miss. How could possibly dare to delay a little?

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You Jin only selected six people from Su Family's main house to the new house to be responsible for important housework such as housekeeping, accounting, kitchen, and main courtyard. The rest like cleaning and serving tea, new labor would be bought from outside.

The selected six people knew that this was a good opportunity for them to gain face in front of the masters. So they were more dedicated. After all, they weren't supervioring in the main house before. Now they can be regarded as coming out the suffering. Countless people were so envious that they were red-eyed behind their backs. They can't make any mistakes. If they allowed others take their seat, it will be a failure.

"Qiu Fen, please go and invite Uncle Song to come over later. I have something to discuss with him." She led the people out of the new house, walked along the clean bluestone path and returned to Su Family's main house in thirty steps. You Jin instructed the the new house’s staff to work. Then she ordered the Qiu Fen to invite Uncle Song over.

You Jin had just returned to the study when Qiu Fen and Uncle Song turned at the corner of the corridor: “Miss."

The master and the servant sat in the study for discussion. After Qiu Fen brought in the tea made by the people below and served Miss and Uncle Song, she obediently stayed outside the study to prevent others from disturbing Miss's discussion.

"Complying to Miss's wishes, there are one shop each at the east and west side of Luohe Prefecture. Also, a villa has been set up in Weijiagou, few kilometers east of the city. There are two hundred and seventy mu of fertile land, thirty-nine mu of dry land, and eighty-seven mu of mountainous land." Uncle Song knew that Eldest Miss sought him due to Second Miss’s dowry and conitnuedd: "I have also let Qingxiyinlou know about six sets of red gold and pearl headdress and four sets of gemstone headdress. There were also 36 pieces of gold gilt and sterling silver jewelry.”

It can be said that You Jin spent a considerable sum to prepare a dowry for You Yin. The house shop, villa, all kinds of jewelry, silk and satin, etc. totalled nearly 10,000 liang. Plus, there was 8,800 liang of dowry silver. Let alone Luohe Prefecture, even in the entire Dafeng, it was quite impressive.

"Alright, Uncle Song, keep an eye on this side. When the new recruits arrive, I must trouble you and Auntie Song. There are still a few months left. Don't want a situation where we need people and no one is available." From You Jin's point of view, You Yin was too soft-tempered, soft-faced and soft-eared. Fortunately she will only live next door after she gets married. If not, her family won't be able to help her even if she was aggrieved in the future. It was also because of this that You Jin racked her brains on coming up with a perfect arrangement, for fear of wronging You Yin in the slightest.

Not only You Jin was worried, the younger ones were also worried. Everyone was thinking about what kind of dowry to prepare for Second Elder Sister. This one said want to add something here, while another said want to add something there. Everyone in Su Family was beaming with joy.

But there was one person who seemed to be unable to feel this joy. Since he returned to Luohe Prefecture, he had been depressed. As if he had something on his mind.

"You Jin, I have something to tell you." After tossing and turning for several days, Han Li found You Jin in the end.

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Glancing at Han Li standing in the corridor like a hill blocking his way as his face carried some inexplicable uneasiness on his tanned face. A serious expression appeared on his face, as if he had to talk. You Jin beckoned her personal servants to retreat: "What's the matter?"

In the past few years, Han Li had endured a lot of hardships in Chaxiang and finally managed to support the business in Chaxiang. The little beggar who couldn't get enough to eat had now grown into a youth with broad shoulders and a calm personality.

"Su Family is my savior. I can't repay you with badness. Let's drop my marriage to You Yin!" Han Li stood in front of You Jin with his head lowered, as if he didn't care. However his hands were clenched tightly and revealed his extremely tormented mood at the moment: "Please fulfill my wish, Eldest Miss!"

Hearing his words, You Jin’s initial smile on her face disappeared completely: "Han Li, do you know what you are saying? Does You Yin know about this?"

Everything was alright, why did he suddenly think about breaking the engagement?

Seeing Han Li gritting his teeth and saying nothing, You Jin frowned and asked, "Do you have someone else?"

Seeing him shaking his head violently, You Jin thought it was fine if it wasn’t a change of heart. She continued to ask: "Then why do you suddenly say that you want to break the engagement? It's already November now. Don’t you know that the wedding date is less than three months away?"

Han Li wasn’t willing to explain. He just kept his head down and remained silent, as if this could solve all problems.

You Jin was a little annoyed by his stubborn attitude. She gritted her teeth, "You were the one who said you wanted to marry You Yin back then. Now you are the one who wants to break the engagement. Han Li, you should think carefully. If you break the engagement, I will never agree to this marriage even if you go back on your word in the future."

Han Li closed his eyes as indescribable pain took over his heart. But thinking of his own difficulties, he nodded in bitter pain: "I understand."

"Since Gentleman Han has already made the decision, please go talk to You Yin yourself." You Jin sent him a vicious glare, flung her sleeve and walked away.

Actually, she didn't want You Yin to be with Han Li at the beginning. It was Han Li who initiated the relationship with You Yin first. You Yin herself liked him and cried and begged her. So she had coldly watched Han Li for a long time and concluded that his personality wasn't bad. That’s why, she agreed to give him a chance to practice and agreed to this marriage. But now, since he was the one who regretted it first. Then let him end the relationship by himself.

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It was night. With an uneasy expression, Han Li and the-forever-cheering-him You Yin knocked on the door of You Jin's study again.

Looking at the two people standing side by side in front of her, You Jin lowered her head again, and said blandly, "Going back on your word? Do you remember what I told you during the day?"

No matter what the reason, she, Su You Jin, was someone people could use for fun when they have nothing to do.

"Eldest Sister!" You Yin knew that Eldest Sister was fuming. She also knew that it was her fiancé who caused it. But she managed to persuade Han Li to speak his mind after much difficulty. What if Eldest Sister was too fierce and scares him to retreat again?

You Jin glared at You Yin angrily. Before getting married, she already learned to act spoiled to protect outsiders. Once she married in the future, wouldn’t she be firmly grasped by the other?

Han Li also didn't notice the eye contact between Su sisters. He straightened up his robes, knelt down on the ground with his knees bent, and kowtowed three times to You Jin.

"What? Want to use self-harm act to force me?"

You Jin didn't dodge, just sat on the chair and looked at Han Li coldly.

Han Li pursed his lips, remained kneeling on the ground, and shared his difficulties and reasons in a low voice: "Actually, Er Hua and I are the descendants of General Han Guang Hong and was sent away under protective care back then... ..”

Although this matter was a serious crime that resulted in beheading, it wasn't complicated. It was old Master of Xiao Family and the other two righteous people who wanted to preserve some of Han bloodline and found someone to desperately bring the Han’s descendants out of the capital. Han Er Hua was the only legitimate grandson of Han Guang Hong's lineage, while Han Li was the grandson of the former Patriarch of Han Clan in the capital a.k.a the grandnephew of General Han Guang Hong.

After being escorted out of the capital, the two were chased by killers all the way before getting separated in northern Xinjiang. In order to protect his younger brother, Han Li disguised the two as beggars and wandered all the way from northern Xinjiang to Luohe Prefecture.

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"Er Hua was still young when the family mishap happened. He doesn't remember many things. But I know that if our life experience is discovered by bad-intentioned people, it will implicate the entire Su Family!" Han Li wasn’t good with words. It was difficult to recount the things one by one and express the difficulties in his heart.

You Jin glared at You Yin who was standing beside him. It must be this girl who coaxed Han Li to tell the truth. If not, why would he suddenly be willing to tell the truth after so many years?

Feeling Eldest Sister’s reproachful eyes, You Yin shrank her neck slightly. Then she knelt down: "Eldest Sister, this incident is so long ago. Who could imagine that two children could walk from northern Xinjiang to Luohe Prefecture? Surely no one will find out!"

You Yin knew that Elder Sister was soft-hearted. Seeing her kneeling like this, she would definitely agree.

Han Li didn't want his fiancée to kneel down with him and wanted to help her up. But You Yin halted his hand. The two young lovers knelt on the ground with their fingers interlocked.

Even until You Yin felt that her knees were hurting from kneeling, Eldest Sister didn't let her get up. Instead, she asked in an indifferent tone: "Han Li, have you made up your mind?" Made up your mind to not take revenge and live a stable life of starting a family in Luohe Prefecture? Thought it through on not being able to recognize and return to his ancestors for the rest of his life?

Han Li understood her unspoken words and kowtowed heavily: "Please fulfill our wish, Eldest Miss."

Han Li didn't want to delay You Yin's life. Unforeseen, You Yin had approximately guessed his difficulties after only a few words. She said that if he wants to dissolve the engagement, she will shave her hair and become a nun. Then she coaxed and persuaded him to confess Eldest Miss and ask Eldest Miss for her understanding.

"What about You Yin? Have you thought it through?" You Jin stared at You Yin who was smiling brightly. Don't assume she couldn't tell that little lass instigated it!

You Yin grinned ear to ear and looked at Han Li. She nodded slightly: "Thought it through."

You Jin felt as if she was being played around by these two people. Without any other choice, she uttered: "This matter was considered to be a turning point. If something else happens, I won't be like this "

Seeing the young couple leaving happily, You Jin sighed heavily.

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