Chapter 146 Third Yu

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Second Daughter was married. However seventeen year old Eldest Daughter was still in her boudoir. Mrs. Su's heart was anxious and clueless. So worried, she can't sleep all night and can only confide in Yu Lan.

"Say, why is this child so stubborn? She's seventeen years old and still says she's not in a hurry!" Mrs. Su laid on the couch. Black circles were under her eyes. She sighed heavily.

Yu Lan refilled her half cup of tea and said: "Madam, it's useless to worry about it. Eldest Miss has always been like this. You can only persuade her a bit."

Recalling Eldest Miss refusing Madam's request to meet a person the day before yesterday, Yu Lan couldn't help but sigh. Their family's little girl had grown up, but their daughter’s refusal to marry made them helpless!

"I can't do it alone. Then let's go one by one!" Mrs. Su took a sip of tea. After putting down the teacup, there was a sense of the tragedy of a strong man breaking his wrist: "I don't believe I can't convince her!"

On that day, Mrs. Su took advantage of the said party's absence and sought Mrs. Song, Mrs. Han, and others for advice one by one. She asked everyone to help persuade a bit: "Old Madam, You Jin has always respected you. If you open your mouth, she will listen."

Because Mrs. Song had taught Mrs. Su many internal housekeeping matters and had helped You Jin solve big external problems, Mrs. Song's status in Su Family had become higher and higher in the past two years. Mrs. Su sincerely treated her like a respected elder.

"You Jin is stubborn, so even if I try to persuade her, it might not work, right?" Mrs. Song sat in the main seat. Squinting her eyes, she replied, "This kid’s ideas are upright. If someone else forcefully matchmake, it won't work."

You Jin, who was patrolling outside, sat in the carriage and looked at the slowly receding scenery outside. Suddenly, she felt her nose itch for no reason and sneezed heavily: "Ahcoo!"

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Taking the handkerchief from Qiu Fen, she wiped her nose, and muttered to herself, "It's strange. It's almost the Dragon Boat Festival, why do I feel a chill behind my back?"

Qiu Fen pulled down the curtain of the carriage: "Maybe it's due to the wind blowing." Neither the master nor the servant thought it was due to the family’s elders trying to solve her life's major affairs behind her back!

"It's already the beginning of May. So it's okay." You Jin felt that it was a bit hot. She was holding a round fan embroidered with white cats catching butterflies as she was thinking about business matters. Today, Third Master Huang sent people over, saying that there was a big business coming to the door and she had to come forward.


"Miss, the distinguished guest has arrived." Third Master Huang was standing at the door and looking around. Seeing Su Family's carriage arriving, he hurried up to greet her: "This distinguished guest is from the south. It’s said he has a big business to discuss with the owner. From the looks of it, he’s indeed a rich man, but my side hasn't inquired about any news."

After listening to what Third Master Huang knew, You Jin nodded slightly: "Since there was a big business, let's talk about it."

While speaking, the two had already walked to the door of the reception room on the first floor. Glancing at the well-dressed guards guarding the door, You Jin's heart was trembling for no reason. These guys gave off such a fierce vibe! Must be someone who had been fighting on the battlefield all year round. Could they be from the army?

Yan Wei didn't utter a word. He silently step back and made room for the two to pass. Afterward, they guarded at the door with hands on the swords. Taking it in from a distance, Sujiami's staff didn't want to come over. It was too scary!

In the reception room. Just after You Jin walked in, she saw a young man in a wheelchair who looked up slightly to look at the painting of red plum hanging on the wall and appeared fascinated. He was wearing a jade mask on his face.

Seeing the slightly familiar silhouette, You Jin felt a little suspicious. Could it be someone she knew? Still, she suppressed the doubts in her heart and carried a faint smile on her face: "I have come late. Please pardon me."

The man seemed to be interrupted by her voice and turned his head. Looking at her through the mask, he said, "It's okay. I just arrived for a short moment. Miss Su, please sit down."

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The slightly hoarse voice was very unfamiliar.

You Jin and Third Master Huang sat down on the left and right. You Jin refilled half a cup of tea for the visitor: "May I ask distinguished gentleman's name? I heard Third Master Huang said you are here to discuss a deal. I wonder what kind of transaction?"

She noticed the man was wearing a piece of smoky jade brocade that was said to be worth a hundred gold and the bamboo embroidery pattern on the collar and cuffs was su embroidery. Who would dare to wear it like this without any family background? No wonder Third Master Huang was so cautious and invited her over. It was indeed a big business. Thinking like this, You Jin prepped herself despite a niggling feeling remaining in her heart.

"Miss Su, you are too polite. I’m from Yu family in Su Prefecture, third in the family. I’m only a few years older than Miss? If you don't mind, you can call me Third Elder Brother Yu." The jade-masked man coughed a few times. His voice seemed a little bit dry and hoarse.

Hearing what he said, You Jin was inexplicably disappointed. Still, the expression on her face remained unchanged and smiled: "Then I will take advantage of Third Elder Brother Yu. Seeing that Third Elder Brother Yu is coughing, why don't you have some of our store’s homemade loquat juice?"

"That’ll be great. I came here this time to discuss with Miss Su about Sujiami’s business. So I will have a taste of it first." Third Yu looked sincere in wanting to do business with Su Family and his words were polite. It conveyed the intention to make friends.

The young server who received orders outside quickly filled a white porcelain cup of loquat honey syrup and brought it in. After placing it in front of the guest, he quietly retreated, and closed the door gently. He dared not look around.

Third Yu took a sip of the loquat water, put down the cup, and said with a smile: "As expected of Sujiami's signature. It’s smooth and sweet in the mouth. Miss Su has good heart." Even through the mask, one can sense Third Yu's satisfaction toward Sujiami. His gaze toward You Jin carried a deep mirth.

"Third Elder Brother Yu overpraises. If Third Elder Brother Yu likes it, I will get the people below to prepare some for you to take away. Now is the time when the season changes and the weather changes too fast. Drink some loquat mixed with water on normal days. It can relieve the discomfort of a dry throat." You Jin was very confident in her family's secret palace-recipe loquat. This recipe was one that she and Mrs. Su based Su Family's royal chef ancestor and altered over and over again. It can be said to be one of Sujiami's signatures. Especially when it came to changing seasons, autumn and winter, it was the sales champion.

"Miss Su is too modest. I came here to discuss Sujiami’s business with Miss Su." Third Yu tapped the edge of the teacup lightly with his long and white knuckles. He said, "I intend to bring Sujiami to the south and open up in the southern market..."

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After listening to Third Yu's words, You Jin's eyes lit up. If what Third Yu said was true, he had the means of shipping. Therefore, Sujiami's goods can be exported overseas. She can also use Yu Family's ocean-traveling merchant ships and gather goods, plants and crop varieties that Dafeng didn’t have. This was greatly beneficial to Su Family.

"What Third Elder Brother Yu said is true, but there was one thing that I want to discuss with Third Elder Brother Yu." You Jin looked at the other party with sparkling eyes, like a cunning fox: "My Su Family is in charge of producing. After excluding the cost, Su Family takes 20% of the profit. How about it?"

You Jin was very confident in her own products. After all, those who knew how to raise bees now and raised this many, her family was the only one in Luohe Prefecture. Moreover, Sujiami’s various floral honey syrup were secret recipes. There was nowhere else that did it. That's why she opened her mouth like a lion.

"Miss Su is smart." The twinkle in Third Yu's eyes was even stronger. Even the corners of his lips that weren't covered by the mask showed a smile: "The transportation, shipping, and sales are all handled by my Yu Family. Su Family is only responsible for the goods. 20% is too much, how about 10%?"

You Jin pretended to be put on the spot before agreeing to the matter. The two parties negotiated the deal in good faith and finalized various cooperation details on the spot. They signed the contract while they were at it.

Third Yu was a rare left-hander. His clear and powerful block letters were written beautifully. After putting down the brush, he looked at You Jin with a smile: "In the future, I will have my Yu Family’s supervisor contact Miss Su. Happy cooperation then."

You Jin accepted one of the contracts and glanced at the words ‘Yu Ya Jun’ on the booklet. Although she couldn't see his face clearly, she somehow felt that some people lived up to their name: "Third Elder Brother Yu, we’re in agreement that we will rely on Third Elder Brother Yu’s support in the future."

In order to show his sincerity, Third Yu was very generous. He paid a deposit of 10,000 liang on the spot: "This is the deposit. Miss Su, first produce 10,000 liang worth of goods! My Yu Family's fleet will arrive in Luohe Prefecture in ten days. I must trouble Miss Su to work hard these few days."

After finishing talking about business matters, Third Yu didn't bother anymore. In the wheelchair, he nodded slightly to say goodbye to You Jin and Third Master Huang: "You two stay put. I walk ahead first."

After watching Third Yu leave, You Jin discussed with Third Master Huang: "Must trouble Third Master Huang to check the inventory in the store. I will go to Houjiawan to see how much is still available to open." .”

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The various kinds of honey syrup sold by Sujiami were produced in the Houjiawan workshop. Although there were stocks saved on most days, 10,000 liang worth of stock was quite a sum. It was unknown whether it was enough or not.

Third Master Huang nodded and replied: "Once the market in the south is opened up, the manpower and raw materials in Houjiawan may not be enough."

Currently, Sujiami was only doing the market in Luohe Prefecture. The scale was relatively small. There were only so many people in the Houjiawan workshop.

"Don't worry, Third Master. I will arrange these things myself. Let's prepare these goods first. Then we will take care of the rest." You Jin looked confident: "Also, I still need to trouble Third Master to inquire about this Third Yu’s origin."

When it came to business cooperation, it was better to know some details.

Third Master Huang’s movement was quick. Before Yu Family's fleet arrived, he found out all the news he could get.

"This Third Yu is indeed from Su Prefecture. I heard from a few merchants who just came back from Su Prefecture that this Third Yu had only emerged in recent years. He is nicknamed ‘Wealth God Yu’. Currently, there is a good area of business in Su and Hang PrefectureI that is under his name. There are also two ocean-traveling fleets. However, I can’t find out what he looks like, his age, and his family background." Third Master Huang, who visited Houjiawan with the Eldest Miss today, followed behind You Jin half a step away as he told the news he had inquired one by one.

You Jin nodded. Looking at the lotus pond where the pointed lotus buds were already exposed, she said: "To achieve such an achievement in just a few years, I think he has some abilities. If he is as good as the rumors say, then it can be regarded as hopping on a good boat."

"That Third Yu bought Xiao Family’s house on the pagoda tree alley." Third Master Huang recalled something and said, "Don't know if he wants to live in Luohe Prefecture for a long time or use it as a temporary foothold."

After Xiao's house was confiscated, the house was bought by a wealthy businessman in Luohe Prefecture. You Jin always wanted to buy it but had no chance. Now it fell into Third Yu's hands. She smiled: "It's all fate. What’s not mine won’t be mine after all.”

Third Master Huang knew what she was thinking. Seeing that she said this, he had nothing to say.

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