Chapter 153 Return

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It was already the twenty-ninth day of December when Xiao Lin Yu arrived in Luohe Prefecture. This year's winter was extremely cold. The north wind mixed with snowflakes as it blew. Xiao Lin Yu and his party of eleven people had a lot of frost on their faces. Still. the sound of horseshoes never stopped.

The team that went to northern Xinjiang to pick up the two elders of Xiao Family arrived a day earlier than Xiao Lin Yu. As soon as the weather-beaten brothers arrived at Su's house, they knelt down to see Mrs. Song before they even had time to wash up: "Son is useless and caused Mother to suffer!"

"It’s good that you’re back. It’s good that you’re back!" Mrs. Song, who had been looking forward to this for several days, couldn't believe it was true until the moment when she saw her two sons with white hair on their temples walking up to her and kneeling down. It wasn't until the two sons knelt in front of her, that tear-streaked Mrs. Song motioned for the two daughters-in-law to help them up: "Was the journey smooth?"

The two sitting beside Mrs. Song nodded. After Xiao Hai Ru took a sip of the tea his wife handed over, his wrinkled face smiled: "Miss Su had arranged everything properly. Thanks to her painstaking arrangements, the three years in northern Xinjiang were better than others despite how difficult it was. Although we were a little rushed on the way back, Second Younger Brother and I sat in the carriage. We never suffered a bit."

After experiencing life and death, the mother and sons chatted together for nearly half an hour. Seeing Mrs. Song getting fatigued, Xiao Hai Ru signaled Mrs. Yu to help old madam to rest. He and Second Younger Brother followed the arrangement of the servants of Su Family to wash up and change clothes. Only then, they went back to their rooms to rest.

In the room where the underground stove was burning warmly, Xiao Hai Ru was lying on the carved wooden bed covered with a thick brocade quilt. Looking at the top of the five prosperity tent, his sunken eye sockets could not sleep for a long time. He turned his head to look at Mrs. Yu who just came in from the outside. He said in a hoarse voice, "It had been hard on you for the past three years."

"I don’t have it hard. It is Master who had suffered in northern Xinjiang." Mrs. Yu closed the door to prevent the snowflakes and north wind from eroding the warmth of the room. Walking up to Xiao Hai Ru, she sat down and gently kneaded his stiff shoulders : "The wind and frost in northern Xinjiang is miserable. Master had worked hard in the past few years."

Xiao Hai Ru sighed, patted Mrs. Yu's hand, and said, "No matter how hard it is, it is all over now. It’s a pity that Lin Yu..."

Xiao couple was still grieving over the sudden death of their eldest son. They never thought that Eldest Son would come back from the dead and knock on the door of Su Family the next night.

On the twenty-ninth day of the December, Xiao Hai Ru put on a clean and warm robe. The two brothers supported Mrs. Song to the main courtyard of Su Family. After the six members of the family thanked Su Family together, they also proposed the idea of moving out of Su’s house: "These three years, it’s thanks to your noble household saving our family from fire and water. Now that us two brothers have returned, naturally there is no reason to stay and not leave."

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"Our family can’t accept Uncle Xiao's words. Although I originally wanted to repay my debt of gratitude, old Ancestor, the two aunties, and Elder Sister Lin Ru have helped me a lot since they moved into my Su’s house. It is my Su Family's blessing to live together." Sitting next to Mrs. Song, You Jin was unwilling to let Xiao Family move away.

Mrs. Su also felt the same way. She softly smiled: "Exactly! If old Madam moves away, then these monkey children in our family will have to fight with me every day?"

Originally not wanting to bother Su Family, Mrs. Song’s heart immediately softened a lot when hearing this. Over the past few years, Su Family’s several children came to talk to her every day. Only then, she wasn't overwhelmed with worry. Mrs. Song was really reluctant at the thought of moving away and not having the joy of children around her knees.

Seeing his mother's reluctance, Xiao Hai Ru looked at Second Younger Brother. After the two made eye contact, Xiao Hai Ru coughed and said: "Now our family has nothing to miss in the capital, why don't we just settle down in Luohe Prefecture? What does Mother think?"

Luohe Prefecture was the place where Xiao Family made its fortune. It was also the place where Mrs. Song spent her youth. Now that she heard her son say this, she was naturally overjoyed: "Are you serious?"

"Since it’s like that, there is a piece of land of nearly four mu next to Third Aunt's house. It also belongs to our family. If old Ancestor miss us, how about being neighbors together?" Standing at the entrance of the mesh tent, You Jin interjected with a box in her hands.

"That would be wonderful!" Mrs. Yu and Mrs. Zhao's eyes also brightened. They single-handedly set up Erya Female Academy. If they left like this, they truly felt some reluctance. In addition, they had lived with Su Family for the past three years. A true friend can be seen in adversity. Deep feelings were produced: "The environment here at Wuliqiao is great. The air is also good. The place is spacious. Much better than in the city."

You Jin walked up to Xiao Hai Ru couple with a smile and handed the box to Mrs. Yu: "This is three years of Sujiacha’s dividend. Although there isn't much money, it can always be used."

When Mrs. Yu and others came to Su Family for the first year, You Jin wanted to divide Sujiacha’s share to Mrs. Yu, but Mrs. Yu and the others felt that they had to rely on Su Family for everything, so they refused to accept this share of silver. In the past three years, You Jin paid Mrs. Yu and the others according to Mrs. Su's monthly income. While the fifty percent share’s profit was saved and not touched.

"This much?!" Mrs. Yu opened the box and saw a large stack of silver notes in the denomination of five hundred liang inside: "You Jin, this is..."

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You Jin took in Xiao Family’s puzzled and shocked eyes and cheerfully explained: "Sujiacha’s business is initially good. Last year, a branch was opened in the capital. The annual income is twenty to thirty thousand silver liang. Fifty percent of the profit over the three years is exactly fifty thousand liang."

"I, this," Mrs. Yu held a thick stack of bank notes, feeling grateful and guilty at the same time. She didn't know what to say for a while.

On the other hand, Xiao Hai Ru laughed out with a ‘haha’ and said, "Good child, my Xiao Family remembers this favor!" Xiao Hai Ru had been in business sector for many years, so he can see that this little girl from Su Family sincerely wanted to give the fifty thousand silver liang. So he didn’t refuse and signaled Mrs. Yu to accept it.

Su and Xiao Families had a lively chat for a while. In the end, Xiao Family decided to continue live in Su Family for a period of time before moving out when Xiao Family's house is built after the beginning of spring.


It was night. After a long journey to Wuliqiao, Xiao Lin Yu knocked on the door of Su's house excitedly and nervously while being clueless that his parents decided to stay in Luohe Prefecture.

"Miss, there's someone coming up ahead." Qiu Fen, who walked to the door of Eldest Miss's boudoir with a lantern, knocked on the door of Eldest Miss's room. Shortly later, she heard movement from inside. Qiu Fen entered the room with a lantern and lighted a few candles one by one: "It’s said that they are people who came from the capital."

"Bring me my cloak." You Jin, who had just fallen asleep, sat on the bed. She felt that her eyelids were heavy: "So late, who could it be so late?"

It was at least midnight. What’s more, it was New Year’s Eve. Who was visiting?

Qiu Fen was nimble and soon took out a thick mink fur jacket and a cloak embroidered with exquisite auspicious cloud patterns from the carved yellow peartree double-door wardrobe and came over: "I don't even know. Front yard’s gatekeeper, Chun Sheng is still waiting outside."

The master and servant quickly tidied up. The waterfall-like hair was only gently pulled up with white jade hairpins. After putting on a warm cloak, the master and servant came out of the room. Chun Sheng, who was waiting outside, saw Eldest Miss coming out and hurriedly led the way with a lantern in her hands: "Eldest Miss, there are more than ten people outside the door. Except for the one at the head, the rest are wearing armor and carrying swords!"

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After hearing this, You Jin felt even more puzzled. Come from the capital? Wearing armor and carrying swords? Who could it be? Could it be that that they came to look for Second Uncle of Xiao Family? After all, he was the only one in the family who was connected to the imperial court. Thinking of this in her heart, her steps also sped up a lot.

In the extraordinarily quiet snowy night, the sound of footsteps rushing out from inside stopped abruptly when they reached the gate.

The man with his back to the door heard the movement, turned around, took off his black cloak, and revealed the face that You Jin had dreamed about so many times: "I haven't seen you in three years, how are you doing?"

You Jin's legs softened out of the blue. Qiu Fen beside her was very vigilant and supported her and prevented her from losing her composure: "Weren't are..."

When You Jin saw this man who was said to have been dead for three years suddenly standing in front of her, she couldn't tell whether she was happy or sad for a while. The two just looked at each other across a threshold without speaking. It wasn't until a long dog barked that the awkward silence between the two was broken.

"Come in first! Qiu Fen, tell Auntie Song to bring a few people to clean up the guest rooms in the front yard first. It is late at night. Let’s not disturb the elders." You Jin came back to her senses and gave instruction in an orderly manner. Glancing at the guards with swords behind Xiao Lin Yu, she added another sentence: "Order the kitchen woman to cook some hot noodle soup. Cook more."

With a twinkle in his eyes, Xiao Lin Yu took in the girl with slightly trembling eyelashes as she tried to calm down. He signaled the people around him to follow her instructions to go to the parlor to rest for a while, while he followed the girl.

In the study room, You Jin had recovered from the initial panic and bewilderment. Coldly looking at Xiao Lin Yu who was sitting opposite her, she remained silent.

"You Jin, I..." Xiao Lin Yu wanted to explain but didn't know how to explain it.

You Jin took a sip of the hot tea served by the little maid. After feeling warmed up, she said indifferently, "Gentleman Xiao, you don't need to explain this to an outsider like me. It is late at night .Xiao Family’s elders have already rested. It’s not good to disturb everyone’s rest. You can go and explain to them tomorrow morning.”

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That's right, You Jin was angry. Very furious. She thought that she had done for Xiao Family these years with a clear conscience and dedication. She even set up a tomb for him and never forgot to worship him every year and event. Unexpectedly, he was alive and well. And not a news from him! Any one else would feel that they fed their thoughts to the dogs!

Xiao Lin Yu looked at You Jin's cheeks flushed with anger, feeling nostalgic and inexplicably uneasy: "I..."

In fact, Xiao Lin Yu had endured hardships in the past three years. But to tell his crush how hard it was and how hard he had it, he really can't open his mouth.

You Jin was fuming. Xiao Lin Yu had never coaxed a girl in his life. Nor did he knew why You Jin was angry? How could he coax the otter party? Only when the sound of Qiu Fen knocking on the door outside broke the awkward silence between the two.

"Miss, the front had been cleaned up." Qiu Fen had recognized that the person who came was the eldest son of Xiao Family. Since she entered Su Family, she had been by Eldest Miss's side. Naturally, she knew the relationship between Eldest Miss and Eldest Gentleman Xiao contained some inexplicable vibe. It went without saying, she won't be so blind to rush in directly.

You Jin glanced at Xiao Lin Yu, who was only staring at her stupidly but couldn't say anything. The breath suppressed in her heart was uncomfortable, so she said to Qiu Fen who was outside: "Take Gentleman Xiao down to rest. Leave whatever matters for tomorrow to discuss!"

Xiao Lin Yu self-proclaimed that he had gone through hardships in the past few years and had he grown older. He was no longer the blockhead young man he used to be. But when he faced You Jin, the feeling of anxiety and helplessness returned again after three years of separation. It made him extremely unaccustomed: "I'll go right away. Don't be angry."

Seeing his foolish reaction, most of You Jin’s anger disappeared immediately. Still, she suppressed her smile and pretended to be indifferent: "En."

It wasn't until Xiao Lin Yu's figure disappeared into the dark snowy night that a slight smile appeared on You Jin's lips.

The author had something to say: Who said I don't have a male lead! ! ! ah! ! ! ! ! ! !

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