Chapter 27. Paper tiger

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Although Yue Chang Lu closed the door and barre the children out, there wasn't much sound insulation. You Jin and her sisters all leaned against the door for fear that Mrs. Su would be bullied by Yue Chang Lu pair.

In the inner room of the west wing, Wan Niang took in Mrs. Su. Her belly was terrifyingly high, but her figure was skinny as a skeleton. She showed a triumphant smile at Mrs. Su when Yue Chang Lu wasn't looking. This kind of woman, what can she use to fight with her?

Although she thought like this, she kept up with superficial work on the surface. She gave a half salute to Mrs. Su: "Wan Niang meet Elder Sister Su."

Laying on the kang with a shriveled face, Mrs. Su showed a bleak smile. However, her scarlet eyes revealed that she had cried all the tears she could in the past few days. Her mental state was like completely detached from the world. Without any attachment or desire.

It was a rare chance that Yue Chang Lu was in a good mood today. He firmly supported Wan Niang with one hand and said to Mrs. Su: "Although Wan Niang entered the door later than you, you can't throw your seniority. Get along." Yue Chang Lu quietly inquired in the town. The new spouse need the first wife's approval before they can enter the door. So he had been kind to her these days.

But seeing her close-to-tear appearance, Yue Chang Lu felt an inexplicable irritability in her heart: "If you nod your head in agreement, then we can talk things out. It's useless even if you don't agree."

An ugly smile appeared on Mrs. Su's pale face: "If that's the case, why do you want me to nod? Before I nod, didn't she already enter Yue's house?"

Mrs. Su's dazed attitude annoyed Yue Chang Lu. Along with the anger he received outside, he directed it at Mrs. Su. Straight up, he slapped Mrs. Su's face and berated, "Not accepting face when given face!"
A bright red palm print appeared on Mrs. Su's face. Still, she ignored him in her dazed state.

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Yue Chang Lu spat angrily and called her a b*tch before turning to look at Wan Niang. His expression softened again: "This place is very dirty. Since this b*tch is shameless don't want face, don't let yourself feel wronged."
Then he helped Wan Niang back to their bridal room.


In the bridal room, Wan Niang leaned softly into Yue Chang Lu's arms and said sadly, "Second Elder Brother Yue, does Elder Sister Su and the children don't like me? Will my arrival ruin your life? If that's the case, I'd better leave Yue Family!"

At this time, Yue Chang Lu's heart and soul were tightly grasped by Wan Niang. How could he let his precious suffer any grievance? He comforted her in a low voice: "Wan Niang, there's me for everything. Now you just need to focus on nurturing the baby with peace of mind and give me a big plump boy. As for Mrs. Su and those money-wasting things, they can't say anything if they really annoy me and I sell them!"

After listening to his words, Wan Niang hurriedly reached out and stroked his lips: "Don't, Husband. I don't want you to bear the reputation of abandoning your wife and daughters because of me. I'm not aggrieved."

Hearing such a soft and moving "Husband" from her, Yue Chang Lu was rendered to the point of his bones fell off. The hand around Wan Niang began to behave unruly: "My good Wan Niang, today is our wedding night. We can't waste our wedding night for these unimportant people, right?"

As soon as it was getting dark, noise came from Yue Chang Lu's bridal room in the west wing. Old Mrs. Chen, who came to look for her son, heard it from outside, blushed and spat at the door: "Don't know how to control herself when she's pregnant. Have no skin or face!"
Then she shuffled away.

In Mrs. Su's room in the west wing, You Jin sat directly opposite Mrs. Su and stared straight at the red slap print on Mrs. Su's face. Then a towel was heated to apply as a hot compress to reduce the swelling. You Jin said quietly: " Mother, do you still think he know his mistakes and correct his ways now?"

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Mrs. Su had already shed all the tears she could these days. She shook her head blankly. But still no answer.

You Jin knew that digging a wound to bone was painful, but at least the effect was good. Even if Mrs. Su was depressed, she would take this opportunity to strengthen Mrs. Su's belief in leaving: "Mother, I know that you hate to the point of not wanting to live now, but think about it. If you are gone, the two babies in your belly? And us seven sisters? At that time, let Father and our other mother ruin us!"

Seeing the wavering in Mrs. Su's eyes, You Jin continued to put effort: "She's pregnant too. If she gives birth to a son, will we still have a way to live? Mother, how did you marry into the Yue Family back then? Did you forgot?"

Yes! It was because of the death of both parents, she married into the fire pit, Yue Family by her uncle, like selling goods. If she died, what would happen to her daughters? Their father wasn't dead yet and this was the most terrifying thing, no?

Thinking that her tragic fate is likely to repeat itself on her daughters, turbid tears came out of Mrs. Su's dry eyes. She repeatedly shook her head: "No, I can't die. I can't leave you alone... ..."

Seeing that the will to survive that had been extinguished in Mrs. Su's eyes was rekindled, You Jin heaved a sigh of relief. Then she beckoned the few sisters who were standing outside the door to come in and stand in a row in front of Mrs. Su: "Mother, we are all your daughter. Do you really have the heart to not want us?"

As soon as little Eighth and little Ninth heard that Mother didn't want them anymore, they immediately burst into tears. One left and one right crawled onto the kang and hugged Mrs. Su tightly: "Little Eighth (Little Ninth) is good. Mother don't don't want us. I don't want to change mother!"

Several older people also stood under the kang with red eyes, and tears fell down one by one.

"Mother will not want you. You are all born by me after ten months of pregnancy. Even with my life on line, I won't let them bully you again!"

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Mrs. Su was originally a struggling person in Yue Family's mud, so she didn't want her daughters to live the same life as her. At this time, Mrs. Su's strong mother consciousness was completely awakened.

You Jin brought a clean handkerchief to wipe the faces of few sisters who were crying like cats. Only then, she and You Yin took the two crying little toddlers away. Then they came back to check on Mrs. Su's situation: "Now that you are nearly eight months pregnant, it's the most important time is to be careful. No matter what that side do, don't get angry, understand?"

Mrs. Su gently caressed her stomach with both hands to soothe the restless baby in the womb. She had already been groomed and now looked refreshed. Smiling, she nodded: "I know. Even if it's not for myself, I want to be take care of myself for you and your younger sisters."
Her gaze toward You Jin was loving: "Mother has been too muddled-head all these years. It's been hard on you."

You Jin shook her head: "Mother, it's not hard. As long as you and your sisters are okay and our family can be happy together, whatever we do is worth it." You Jin's parents died early in her previous life. Although she had an uncle, it was a far branch away. Just a meal together on New Year's and holidays. The warmth of family was what she lacked the most.

This life, she had so many family members. Although there were many troubles, but watching those little babies grow from babbling and toddling stage to cute and sensible little girls, she was happy despite the bitterness. She had already poured countless love on them.


Regardless of the rumors outside or the resistance of the west wing, Wan Niang had entered the door of Yue's house.

In the middle of winter, there was heavy feathery snow outside every now and then. Most of the farmers hid in their homes. Perhaps because the weather was too cold, the number of times old Mrs. Chen came to create trouble plummeted a lot. Still, You Jin and her sisters had to do the chores, such as laundry and cooking.

The water in the Cuifeng River had long been frozen. And there were fewer clothes to change in winter. Most of the villagers went to an ancient well in the village to fetch water for washing and cooking.

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You Jin brought You Yin back home with a wooden bucket full of washed clothes. Just after entering the door, a soft voice came: "Oh, it's such a cold day. Why is Third Girl and Fourth Girl still going out to wash clothes? Don't freeze yourself!" It turned out to be Wan Niang who had just come out of the main room.

Glancing at the well-dressed Wan Niang, You Jin sisters didn't respond. They carried the clothes and went to the backyard to hang them.

Since Wan Niang entered the door of Yue's house, she would do small acts to look better in front of Yue Da Fu and his wife every morning and evening. On top of that, she endured some pain and gifted old Mrs. Chen a pair of silver lilac. Only then, old Mrs. Chen showed her nice attitude. Mrs. Chen was also a fortune-lover. As long as there was a little benefit, she can become a good sister-in-law to others. So Wan Niang felt that she has a firm foothold in Yue Family now.

Unexpectedly, the lowly things that Mrs. Su gave birth to didn't even want to call her. And even dared to give her attitude to her. With a burst of fury, she moved to follow: "You guys stood right there!"

Unexpectedly, You Jin really stopped. Then she looked coldly at Wan Niang, who was chasing after her in a rage. The mockery in her eyes made Wan Niang flared up even more. Stretching her hand out, she swung a slap. To her surprise, she was caught and halted by quick-reflex You Jin. You Jin pushed her hand away: "I advise you not to put your aim on us. Best to keep to our own side. Not everyone find Yue Family fragrant."

Wan Niang, who originally wanted to hit someone but was taught a lesson in turn, didn't think so much. She only felt that You Jin was hitting her face fiercely. Her index finger that was a little red from the cold wind pointed directly at her: "You lowly girl, one day I will make you look good!"

"I'll wait and see who makes whom look good." You Jin's eyes that seemed to be able to see through her heart and stared straight at her. It inexplicably made her feel a chill. Wan Niang felt a little vulnerable on the inside. However, she still pretended to be arrogant and harrumphed heavily before dragging her already heavy body back to her room.

Seeing how she was leaving in a hurry, You Yin was a little worried: "Third Elder Sister, what if she complained to Father?" You Yin was thoroughly hurt by Yue Chang Lu now. She was only worried that Wan Niang will complain to Yue Chang Lu. You Jin might get beaten again.

However, You Jin looked at Wan Niang who was so easily provoked by her to reveal her true personality. She sneered in her heart. She thought her bewitching skill was so high by the Yue Chang Lu acted. Never thought, she was just a paper tiger. Her front just appeared strong. She whispered comfort to You Yin: "Don't worry. If she dares to complain, I have my own way."

Seeing Third Elder Sister say this, You Yin was a little relieved. The sisters shook off the snowflakes on their bodies and quickly carried their clothes back to the west wing to dry. In winter, the clothes that Yue Family changed out of were washed and dried in the west wing. Fortunately, there was a heated kang. If not, who knows how difficult it will be in winter in this west wing.

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