Chapter 31. In love

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Walking outside the door of the main room, Yue You Ting stopped and cheered for herself. Shortly later, she walked into the main room with light steps: "Grandfather, Mother asked me to bring some tea."

Voice as delicate as a bird's chirp slightly pulled the heart's string.

However, Yue Da Fu didn't notice this and gave a slight nod: "Hurry up and serve tea to the guests."

Yue You Ting served tea to Yue Da Fu first. Then she served tea to her two brothers and Zhou Jun Peng pair: "Gentlemen, please have tea."

Zhou Jun Peng smiled very gently: "Troubled Miss Yue."

Intentionally or unintentionally, the hand that took the teacup touched Yue You Ting's slender-like-scallion soft palm. Yue You Ting's hand that held the teacup trembled slightly. A shy blush appeared on her face. The room was dimly lit, so no one else noticed.

After serving the tea, Yue You Ting, an unmarried girl, naturally wouldn't have the cheek to stay in the main room with the unmarried men. She shyly stole a few glances at Zhou Jun Peng who watched her with a burning gaze as she reluctantly left. Zhou Jun Peng left the main room reluctantly. Occupied with their conversation, Yue Family’s members what happened to the two of them.

Seeing that Yue You Ting was gone, Zhou Jun Peng returned to his appearance as a refined gentleman. He smilingly accompanied Yue Wen Tao in telling Yue Da Fu about interesting things in the academy. As if the person who looked at Yue Youting with a very explicit gaze just now wasn’t him.

Back to Yue You Ting who left the main room and blushingly returned to the kitchen with the tray. Seeing her daughter's blushing face, Mrs. Chen was overjoyed. She didn't care whether her hands were dirty or not and hurriedly flocked to her: "How is it? Did you see the two young masters?"

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Disgusted, Yue You Ting warded Mrs. Chen's outstretched hand with the tray: "Mother, this is my new clothes!"

"You girl, you're so delicate!" Mrs. Chen wasn’t angry about being blocked. She was anxious about how the tea delivery to the main room went: "Quickly tell Mother. I only saw them from a distance. They looked well dressed, but I can't see what they look like."

Yue You Ting recalled the gentle and jade-like gentleman who had inadvertently touched her fingertips. Her face involuntarily turned red: "Mother! What do you want me to say!"

No matter what, Mrs. Chen was an experienced person. It went without saying the sight of her daughter being shy told her the matter was half settled. She clapped her hands in delight and then asked, "Have those two young gentlemen talked to you? "

"En, Gentleman Zhou is gentle and polite. He thanked me." Thinking of that gentle and polite smiling face, Yue You Ting's whole fallen heart fell deeper: "Gentlemen Zhou, is wonderful."

After saying that, she turned her head and ran back to the east wing.

Seeing her daughter's reaction, Mrs. Chen knew that her daughter was interested. She happily positioned herself in the kitchen. Eagered to use all her power to cook a good meal for her future son-in-law.


Yue Chang Hong came quickly. Just as Yue Family’s food was set on the table, Yue Chang Lu stopped the ox cart outside. Since Yue Chang Lu and her daughter were wrapped in quilts, they easily patted away all the snowflakes on their bodies. Only then did they open the door of Yue's house with a smile. Compared with weak-as-Liu-Fu-Feng Yue You Ting, Ge Liu-er was a somewhat rounded girl. She wasn’t tall. But with those big round eyes on her fleshy face, she looked pleasing.

Although she didn't know her mother's intentions before going out, she followed old Mrs. Chen's advice, which was passed by Yue Chang Hong when he picked them up, and dressed her daughter up. Her daughter wore a half-new pink outer garment. Ge Liu-er had embroidered a few goose-yellow flower patterns on the sleeve and hem. From a distance, there was a bit of the maiden's unique charm.

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Hearing the movement outside, old Mrs. Chen hurriedly came out to welcome them. Seeing that her daughter and granddaughter were all dressed up, she nodded with satisfaction: "Today our family did the New Year pig slaughter. We got distinguished guests. Come in with me to see the distinguished guests first before we talk."

As soon as she heard that distinguished guests were at home, Yue Chang Hong couldn't help but feel a little nervous: "Mother! What kind of distinguished guests have come?"

Yue Chang Hong knew that her family didn’t know any dignitaries. That’s why she didn’t believe it when this was said.

"It's Wen Tao's classmates in the academy. The one surnamed Zhou is the distant nephew of the county master's wife. The other surnamed Liu is from the family who opened a silk and satin shop in the county town!" Old Mrs. Chen grinningly whispered to her daughter. She had just found this out.

When she heard that it was the nephew of the county master, Yue Chang Hong's eyes brightened: "Really?"

Ge Liu-er was almost fourteen. Now was the time to look for an in-law family. If they were perfect, first get engaged, wait for coming-of-age, and get married.

"Would Mother jest with you?" Although old Mrs. Chen was very patriarchal to her granddaughters, but she loves her only daughter like a pearl. Naturally, whatever good arrives, she would prioritise her: "The two young masters are also the right age. If not, I wouldn’t urge your second younger brother to pick you up!"

The mother and daughter pair were calculating as they walked. Ge Liu-er, who was following behind them, experienced a maiden's heart throbbing period. Her face blushed as she shyly bowed her head. Without a word, she followed Yue Chang Hong with small steps.


Although the snow had stopped, it was still cold outside. Yue Family set up three tables in the hall of the main room for this pig-slaughter meal. The village relatives and the men who came to help with the pig-slaughter sat at one table. Yue Wen Tao Brothers and the two distinguished guests sat on another. Last had the female family members.

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When Yue Chang Hong entered, the main room was already full of people. Yue Chang Hong smiled warmly: "It's better that I come earlier than come by coincidence!"

"Must say, my younger sister Chang Hong is thoughtful. To come see Father and Mother in this big snowy weather! You didn’t freeze on the road, right!" Mrs. Chen smiled kindly while her heart pulsed with a little resentment. This dead old woman really prioritised her daughter in everything. This Yue Chang Hong was also a nuisance. She even snatched her potential marriage matter!

"It’s only right to come back and see Father and Mother. Eldest Sister-in-law, don't busy yourself. I heard from Mother that today's dishes are all made by you. It's better to sit and rest for a while!" Yue Chang Hong pulled away Mrs. Chen's hand with a poker face. Her eyes roamed and glanced over everyone in the room. Sure enough, she found two young gentlemen who were dressed far better than Yue Family’s brothers. Smilingly, she walked over: "These two lads are fresh faces. Which family’s younger generation are you?"

Zhou Jun Peng politely stood up and gave a scholar's salute: "Hello, Auntie Yue. I’m Younger Generation Zhou Jun Peng."

Taking in Zhou Jun Peng’s charming eyebrows, Yue Chang Hong had the feeling of a mother-in-law looking at her son-in-law. The more she looked, the more satisfied she became. She warmly grinned: "Hello, Gentleman Zhou. Our family is from the remote areas. If anything is lacking, do speak. Wen Tao, you brothers must not neglect the guests!"

Seeing her overly-friendly attitude, Mrs. Chen silently tsked. Completely disdaining Yue Chang Hong's diving for the bait expression. She forgot how she, herself, had made Yue You Ting come out to show her face earlier.

Seeing well-dressed Ge Liu-er standing behind Yue Chang Hong, a few experienced women revealed a knowing smile. A woman who was close to Mrs. Chen whispered to her: " What's the matter with your sister-in-law? Why did she bring her daughter here?"

With a stiff smile on her face, Mrs. Chen whispered through gritted teeth: "What else can I do? It’s Mother's good deed! After seeing a younger generation with potential, she eagerly called her daughter to come. Not even thinking about her own family’s granddaughter!"

When the woman heard this, she frowned and replied, "You are her biological niece! Why is your mother leaning toward the married daughter? Trully biased!"

The men in the main room who were toasting and urging each other to drink were very rowdy. The two of them were swiftly and accurately clipping the pork from the bowl as they complained in a hushed voice. No one else could hear them.

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Though the main room was lively, it had nothing to do with You Jin sisters. When the dishes were ready, old Mrs. Chen directly fished most of the meaty dishes into the bowls that were served on the table in the main room. Only some minced meat, pig offal, numerous potatoes and numerous Chinese cabbage were left in the pot: "Today, distinguished guests are here. You’re not allowed to go in and shame our eyes!"

Old Mrs. Chen and the rest of Yue Family felt that it was an honor to be able to go to the main room for dinner today. For example, there was Wan Niang, who couldn't participate. She was so angry that she refused to eat. Yue Chang Lu coaxed her for a long time. Coaxed until old Mrs. Chen sent You Jin to ask him to go to dinner and left a furious Wan Niang in the room alone.

You Jin sisters were delighted and relaxed. They happily carried the several bowls of multigrain rice and two small pots of steaming dishes and trotted back to the west wing. The mother and eight daughters sat on the outer kang and heartily ate a full meal.

While Wan Niang, who was separated by a wall, heard the chatter and laughter next door. She felt that they were ridiculing her and wiped away the tears from the corners of her eyes: "Each and every one of you wants to see me make a joke out of myself. One day I will let those little lowly lasses see!" She cursed in a low voice and wished to smash all the food on the table. But the smell of meat and the fact that she hadn't eaten anything in the morning, made her unconsciously bring the bowl over and gobbled it all in a few bites.

It goes without saying that You Jin sisters couldn’t enter the main room to eat at the table. And it was still their job to wash the dishes. Half an hour after the meal in the west wing, You Luo and You Chou had already been coaxed to sleep. Only then Yue Wen Wei’s voice rang out from outside. He was sent to get them to clean up: "Yue You Jin! Hurry up and get out to work!"

She gently covered the few younger sisters with the quilts and instructed You Yin to stay in the room to keep watch. You Jin went to the main room alone and respectfully spoke, "Grandfather, Grandmother, I'll clean it up."

In front of outsiders, You Jin was a sensible and polite child.

Sure enough, a clan aunt who came to help cook the pig-slaughter meal smiled and commented to old Mrs. Chen: "Old Aunt is very blessed. The girls from second branch is only this big and she’s so diligent and capable. It can be seen that old Aunt knows how to teach children!"

The few women present were also sharp-minded. The room was full of rough men from the village. Normally, would they see Yue You Ting and Ge Liu-er at the table? Who can't see old Mrs. Chen's aim? They were all from the same village. They would give face to old Mrs. Chen and say a few friendly remarks. It was just a matter of lip service and also considered getting the good side. They were still willing to do this.

Old Mrs. Chen was a person with an inflated ego. When others praised her like this in front of everyone's eyes, she internally bloomed like a flower. On the surface, she kept a poker smile: "It's just a rural girl. It isn't worth you praising her."

You Jin didn't even bother to watch such a scene of emptiness and condescension. She gathered the empty dishes one by one and put them in the big wooden basin. Then she lifted them up with both hands and went out

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