Chapter 34. Different thoughts on year end

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Let's not talk about how Ge Liu-er's tantrum and complaints to Yue Chang Hong in her room. Early the next morning, Zhou Jun Peng waved his sleeves and said goodbye to Cuifeng Village under the girls' reluctant gaze and different mind-wave.

Failing to take the opportunity to catch the golden tortoise-in-law Zhou Jun Peng, Yue Chang Hong was indeed dissatisfied. She had nowhere to vent. So she could only fumingly take Ge Liu-er back to Gejia Village.

The snow repeatedly stopped and fell. It was New Year's Eve in a blink of an eye.

Naturally the New Year's Eve's ancestor worship had nothing to do with the daughters. Mrs. Su's condition was getting worse and worse. Her tall belly and thin face highlighted her feebleness. She could only stay in bed all day to nurture her pregnancy.

Mrs. Han didn't know about Wan Niang's entering the family door. Yue Chang Shou only knew about it when Yue Chang Lu asked someone to send a letter. Two days ago, Third branch finally returned to Cuifeng Village for the New Year. When Mrs. Han knew the news, she was so mad with nowhere to vent. She didn't give Wan Niang any good attitude, when she went to the west wing to see Mrs. Su.

"Second Sister-in-law, how can you agree to let that vixen Wan Niang in?" Why else was there a saying women know women the best? Mrs. Han didn't like Wan Niang at first sight when she saw her. Naturally she wouldn't be too polite with her words.

When Mrs. Su first saw her coming, there was a faint smile on her face. But upon the mention of Wan Niang, the smile in her eyes disappeared. The rest was full of deep sadness. She shook her head with a wry smile and replied: "Does it need my consent? We have been sister-in-laws for more than ten years. When have you seen me with an inch of position in this family?"

Seeing that something was amiss with her, Mrs. Han felt a little annoyed at what she said just now. She sighed slightly: "Forget it. Second Sister-in-law, no matter what, you still have the few children. If you can't take care of yourself for yourself, do it for the few children."

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The two sister-in-laws talked in the room for a while before Mrs. Han came out of the room. When she was leaving the west wing, she quietly stuffed a purse heavily embroidered with white magnolia for You Yin: "Wait for your third elder sister to come back and tell her to store it well. There will always be a time when you need it."

Knowing that it was money, You Yin quickly pushed it back: "Third Aunt, we can't accept it. Third Elder Sister won't accept it."

Lovingly rubbing You Yin's head, Mrs. Han felt a little distressed for these sensible children in the second branch: "Silly child, once your mother gave birth, which doesn't need money? Although the money isn't much, it is a little thought from Third Aunt. Store it well." After saying that, she waved her hand and went back to the east wing.

You Yin couldn't refuse. She had to put the money away. Once You Jin come back, she'll give it to her to hide.

You Jin opened the purse given by Mrs. Han. It turned out that there was about a hundred copper coins in it. Her gratitude toward to Mrs. Han deepened more. She mentally vowed once their life is well off, she must repay Mrs. Han for sending coal in the snow.


The New Year's Eve dinner was eaten after worshipping the ancestors in the ancestral hall. Although it was New Year, the food was similar to the usual meal: a large pot of stewed eggplant with potatoes and a large pot of cabbage. However, the meat inside was more than in the past. In addition, there was a large pot of three-mixed dumplings filled with cabbage and pork was prepared. This was considered celebrating New Year.

However, old Mrs. Chen didn't live for so many years in vain. Although it was the same dish, two-thirds of the meat end up on the men's table. As for the female's side, it was stinky offal and dumplings filled with cabbage and meat residue.

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The girls in the second branch have all put on the half-new and old clothes that Han brought back last time. The broken part of the jacket outside was also covered by Mrs. Su's skillful embroidery pattern. The sisters finally had the rare experience of wearing new clothes like this. They all neatly sat and each held a thick porcelain bowl. They enjoyed it greatly. Although the pig's offal wasn't very well handled, it was still considered to be meaty. A rare meat flavor. They had to eat it!

In stark contrast to the second branch's girls was Wan Niang: She was picked at this and that. After half a day, she didn't eat two bites. Her face was full of impatience. It was enough that they didn't get much meat on most day. Why can't they have a good meal on New Year? However, she didn't dare to say anything. If the two undying get angered on New Year's Eve, then she would be a sinner.

Mrs. Han noticed Wan Niang's impatience and snorted a few times in her heart. Did she think she married into Yue Family to enjoy luxury? Glancing at You He, who was also unable to eat, she pointed at mulberry when actually the locust: "Being a city folk for a few days and don't know where your roots are? Still being picky? Quickly eat, if not, don't ask me for snacks when you're hungry."

From the start, You He was a little unhappy. Now she had suffered a disaster all of a sudden, her pouted mouth can hang on an oil bottle: "Mother!"

Mrs. Han sent a pointed glance at her: "What? I'm your mother. Can't say a word to you?"
There was a expression "I'm your mother, I'm the biggest".

Although You He had been pampered when growing up, she hadn't been raised crookedly. Mrs. Han's education had contributed a lot to this. Upon Mrs. Han's words, how could You He possibly dare to say anything. She could only honestly eat.

Wan Niang, who was sitting next to her, had a very ugly expression. Third branch's Mrs. Han never showed her any good attitude when she came back. Now it was New Year's Eve dinner and she still so cynical and scolding her. How can she, a tactful-mind, not sense it?

Looking at the mocking face and then receiving a quick glance from not-so-obvious-smirking You Jin, Wan Niang only felt that her cheeks were hot. First Mrs. Han Shi, then You Jin. Wan Niang's teeth were itching with hate. There was nothing she could do though. Only jot it do in her mind and wait for revenge in the future!

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Logically speaking, the whole family guards the New Year's Eve together in the main room. Since old Mrs. Chen had always looked down on the second branch's money-wasting things, second branch's girls celebrate on their own. This year, second branch got the addition of Wan Niang. Wan Niang knew how to interact. Old Mrs. Chen and Mrs. Chen family showed her good attitude and let her join them for new year.

Earlier, during dinner, Wan Niang was still a little depressed. Now seeing only herself in the second branch was qualified to stay in the main room for New Year, she couldn't help but feel a little proud. She looked at You Jin with a mocking smile on the corner of her mouth.

But You Jin wasn't a real 12-year-old child. How can she be mad by her antagonizing? After all, the fire pit Yue Family was worthless to her. What was there to be angry about? Naturally, she was too lazy to bother with her. She took the package of snacks that Mrs. Han had secretly given and led younger sisters back to the west wing to new year countdown.

How could Wan Niang know this? She treated it as You Jin being jealous. She turned her face back to the main room and smiled very warmly. Automatically and consciously, she sat behind old Mrs. Chen and obediently massaged her shoulders. It can be said that it was very lackey-behavior.

Old Mrs. Chen liked this. She had asked old Second in private. He said Wan Niang used to be a very honorable maid of an old Madam from a major household. Now that she serves her like this, she felt like she had become an old Madam. However, she still spoke without meaning it: "If you are tired, take a rest. Least that old Second say that I, the mother, don't know how to feel heart ache for you."

Wan Niang sat on her knees behind her with her big belly and kneaded her shoulders with her hand. She sensibly responded: "We, as children, should be filial to our parents. Our second's branch's Elder Sister Su is in bad health. The few children are still young and ignorant. As part of second branch, I should naturally serve more."

Mrs. Han, who was holding her drowsy youngest son, chuckled lightly. This person knew how to put eye drops on the old lady. Fearing that the old lady wouldn't bully the second branch enough. However, she didn't bother to have anything to do with someone like Wan Niang. That's why she didn't say anything.

On New Year, sewing couldn't be done. Nor could one sleep during the night watch. Mrs. Chen was really bored. So she sat on the kang and latched onto Yue You Ting to ask her about Zhou Jun Peng in detail. One bowed her heads shyly and did not speak, while the other nodded contentedly. The atmosphere was very lively.

On the other side of the main room, in front of Yue Da Fu sat the family's men. The father, sons, and grandsons sat together and whispered, "Wen Tao, have you used all the money you took last time? It's spring. It's in time, right?"

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The future of the two grandsons had always been a concern for Yue Da Fu. Especially now that he had invested almost all his wealth in. It went without saying, he paid attention to this matter closely even in his dreams.

Yue Chang Fu was also very concerned about this matter. He was fired from the shop this time and had no face to go back to work in the town. He can only pin his hopes on his two sons who took the imperial examination and wait for his two sons to be promising. He'll be old Master enjoying their happiness!

Seeing that Grandfather, Father and two uncles having their bright eyes and anxiously looking at him, Yue Wen Tao nodded confidently: "Grandfather, don't worry. Gentleman Zhou who came a few days ago is a relative of the county magistrate's family. Now all the money is with him. When he left that day, he said that during the Chinese New Year, he would send the money to the magistrate's house and notify magistrate's wife to speak for him, I'm sure there's no problem!"

Hearing what he said, Yue Da Fu affirmatively nodded: "I saw Gentleman Zhou's etiquette that day. Can be trusted. It should be a done deal."
He had a very good impression of Zhou Jun Peng, got a good background and know the etiquette. When Grandson said that he said it, he naturally believed it.

"Which Gentleman Zhou?" Wen Zhou Jun Peng pair came, Yue Chang Fu weren't at home. He missed out.

"He's a classmate of our academy. Brother Zhou is the distant nephew of the magistrate's wife. Brother Liu's family owns a silk and satin shop in the county." Yue Wen Tao answered Yue Chang Fu's question: "This time, we collected money and give it to the magistrate. It was Brother Zhou's idea."

After listening to it, Yue Chang Fu nodded like it dawned in him: "Since he is a relative of the magistrate's family, he must have some real skills. I think this can work!"

The other men in Yue Family also nodded their heads in agreement. All of them looked forward to the new year; wished that it could be spring now and the entry exam begin early.

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