Chapter 37. Dragon Raising Head Day (part2)

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In the other delivery room, Wan Niang, who was still waiting for the opening of the cervix, naturally heard the movement outside. Mrs. Chen was sent in to help out. Her smile was filled with ridicule: "I say, Wan Niang, you have to live up to expectations! This Mrs. Su gave birth to another money-wasting thing. If you can get a boy in one go, then the second branch will be…”

It can be said that Mrs. Chen's unfinished meaning was very clear. As long as she can give birth to a son, won't she be in charge of the entire second branch? Thinking of this, Wan Niang's heart aroused a burst of fighting spirit. She must give birth to a big healthy boy!

The sun was gradually setting west. Another baby from Mrs. Su's belly came to the world with a faint cry. Mrs. Lin was holding the blood-covered baby when her hands trembled slightly: "You Jin's mother, it, it's a handle. A son..."

The originally drained and semi-conscious Mrs. Su heard that it was a son and instantly opened her bright eyes: "Auntie Lin, you said it's a son?"
Disbelief, she trembling lifted the cloth that wrapped the already tidied-up little baby with a very thin body. Then she wept with joy: "My son!"

"You Jin's mother, this is wonderful!" Mrs. Lin's eyes were also slightly moist. Mrs. Su was married into the village for more than ten years. Although she didn't have much interaction with herself, she had heard of her good reputation. Finally, she got what she wanted. It can be regarded as a good person getting their good reward.

After comforting Mrs. Su a bit, Mrs. Lin came out with a beam to announce the good news to You Jin sisters: "Your mother gave birth to a younger brother for you!"

After hearing Mrs. Lin's words, the sisters were stunned. What? Mother gave birth to a younger brother? The sisters didn't return to their senses for a long time. You Jin was first to react and led the few younger sisters to kowtow to Mrs. Lin: "We have no way to repay back Granny Ma's great kindness!"
If it weren't for Mrs. Lin, one corpse and two lives would be possible as Yue Chang Lu wouldn't find Granny Wen to deliver Mrs. Su's birth.

Mrs. Lin smiled and helped You Jin up: "This child. What's with kneeling down at every turn. You want to cut off this old woman's lifespan? Now your mother is fine. However, the two babies have just been born. What's more, they're premature twins. They will be much thinner and weaker than normal. It is best to have enough breastmilk to feed."

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You Jin carefully noted Mrs. Lin's words into her mind and gratefully sent Mrs. Lin away. Then she took the few younger sisters into the west wing to see the two newly born babies.

That end, Yue Chang Lu also heard the news about Mrs. Su giving birth to a son. #Thump!# He abruptly stood up: "I'm a father!"
He was over the moon. He had been waiting for a son for more than ten years. He finally got it! He didn't care what Yue Da Fu and old Mrs. Chen were saying and went straight to the west wing.

Old Mrs. Chen didn't expect Mrs. Su to actually give birth to a son. She spat on the ground with dissatisfaction and scolded: "So what if a son is born? There are many children who can't be raised!"


In the west wing, the sisters carefully surrounded the cleaned kang and curiously looking at the two babies lying side by side on the kang.

Yue Chang Lu was like a foreign enemy who had entered by mistake. As soon as he entered, he was stared at by his daughters with hostile eyes. He became a little displeased: "What? Can't I go back to my own room? Get out of the way!"

You Jin stood in front of him and coldly stated, "Isn't your son being born next door? If it wasn't for the help of Doctor Ma and Granny Ma, my mother and the two babies might be gone. Now all is good, you eagerly come over once you know a son is born?"

Hearing You Jin's words, Mrs. Su couldn't bear it in her heart: "You Jin, don't talk to your father like this..."
After all, he was also the babies' father. So it wasn't too much to have a look.

Pushed away, You Jin glanced at Mrs. Su Shi and wished for iron to be steel. In the end, she still didn't give up on Yue Chang Lu. She had beaten black and blue. Then giving a date was enough to coax her. Simply exasperating!

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It when without saying Mrs. Su noticed her daughter's condemning gaze. She lowered her head in guilt. She didn't think she had done nothing wrong though. He was the father of two babies, no?

With no obstacle, Yue Chang Lu hugged his son with trembling hands. His eyes were red with joy. He wished the whole world could know that he was not someone who couldn't give birth to a son!

But after the ecstasy, reason gradually returned to the cage. Looking at his extremely thin and half-fist sized-head son, disdain emerged within Yue Chang Lu. Although he was a son, it was really a question of whether he could survive. Then he heard Wan Niang's painful cry from the other side of the wall. The doctor from the Rejuvenation Hall in the town said it was a son!

With this thought, he looked at the kitten-sized son with disgust, put him on the kang with disdain, turned around, and went out.

Within a moment, Yue Chang Lu's transformation was so great that the originally delighted Mrs. Su watched Yue Chang Lu's back in shock as he left. She didn't knowing whether to cry about her bitter life or laugh at her own stupidity.

You Jin couldn't help but sighed at her 'doubting-life' expression. Mrs. Su's delusional hope toward Yue Chang Lu was like a weed. It won't die no matter how many times it was burnt out. She was too lazy to say anything.


After a day and a night of tossing around, Wan Niang finally gave birth to a six-jin plump boy at dawn of the second day. Only after hearing that she had given birth to a son, Wan Niang, who was so weak in pain, closed her eyes and fell asleep.

After Granny Wen wrapped the washed baby in a thick cloth, Yue Chang Lu and old Mrs. Chen finally arrived.

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Listening to Granny Wen's auspicious words, Yue Chang Lu's hands trembled slightly. His eyes filled with tears of excitement. He reached out to take his son who was wailing loudly: "My son, my son!"

Looking at the round-faced grandson, old Mrs. Chen showed a rare kind smile: "This kid is six jins at birth. He will definitely be a sturdy child in the future!"

Yue Chang Lu also nodded in agreement. He recalled Mrs. Su's son who weighed only two or three jins yesterday. Even his cry was sickly. Right there he made a decision. He kissed and nuzzled the fleshy face, wishing that he can hold his precious all the time.

The news that Yue Chang Lu had two sons at once spread quickly throughout Cuifeng Village. When it was time for Yue Wen Bao's third day wash, Yue Family invited more than half of the village. As if they were proud of old Second.

Yue Wen Bao was the name Yue Chang Lu had given to the child born to him and Wan Niang. As for Mrs. Su's pair of twin, not only were they not qualified to for third day wash, but even the name was given by You Jin. Everyone in Yue Family seemed to forgot about the existence of Mrs. Su and her children.

Listening to the bursts of merriment and laughter coming from the main room outside, You Jin held recently-fed You Duan in her arms and patted the child's bum to coax her to sleep. She asked Mrs. Su, "How is it? Mother, do you give up now? So what if there is Kang-er?" Kang-er's full name was Yue Kang. You Jin hoped that he can grow up healthy. So she picked the single word 'Kang'.

In Mrs. Su's arms, Kang-er was sucking breastmilk in small gulps. His weak body was barely got any flesh. He had no idea that he was originally the treasure that his father had longed for, but now completely forgotten about.

A sigh sounded. Mrs. Su found life sometimes very painful. She knew that her indecision had caused her children to follow her through the world's hardships. But what can she do? Even if she wants to separate, can Yue Family promise to let her go? Even if Yue Family agreed to let her go, what about her children? No matter what, they were still the descendants of Yue Family. Can Yue Family agree to let them go with her?

Though You Jin didn't know what was on Mrs. Su's mind, she noticed Mrs. Su's frown and knew that she was in a state of self-entanglement again. Sighing deeply, she watched thin as a cat little Tenth in her arms. You Jin secretly decided that if Mrs. Su couldn't make up her mind, she help her take this step for her.


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Back to main room's side. Yue Chang Lu specially dressed up today. The gloomy air around him had long dissipated. Standing behind Yue Da Fu, it can said to be a prideful day for him.

Granny Wen jollily carried Yue Wen Bao out to meet the guests. Today, Yue Family's close acquaintances in the village came over. There was no feast for third day wash for country folks. The bowls just contained peanuts, dates, and the likes. Just for good luck.

"My, this child is really sturdy!" An old auntie who was close to old Mrs. Chen smilingly remarked: "Just a look, one can tell he's a good seedlings of Yue Family. Once he grows up, he is designated to be a strong younger generation!"

It wasn't old Mrs. Chen's first time being a grandmother. However, she had felt ashamed in past because old Second didn't have a son. Now that he finally got future bloodline, she can stand up tall: "Look at what you're saying? The child's life is still short, he can't handle the praise!"
Although it sounded reproachful, her face was still full of beams.

Though some women who were at odds with Yue Family, in particularly with old Mrs. Chen, had smile on their faces, they still slandered: "This Yue Family is really shameless. How can ordinary family marry two wives? Yue Family happened to ability. After doing such shameless thing, they can still have their tail high and preached it everywhere!"

At the lower end of the west wing, Wan Niang couldn't see guests. A few curious women came to look at her. Wan Niang sat on the kang and merrily chatted to them. She was exceedingly satisfied. Who dares to criticize her now? One must know that the son of the second branch was birth by her!

On the night of the third day wash, old Mrs. Chen fell ill.

Lying on the bed, she crooked and chirped. After drinking a few batches of medicine, there was no improvement. Doctor Ma could only say that she caught a cold.

Though old Mrs. Chen was muddled minded from her illness, she didn't forget to scold Doctor Ma for his three-legged cat medical skills: "What a dog-butt doctor. After a few days of medicine, not getting any better! I think he's trying to make money and harm life!"

Although Wan Niang was in confinement, she caught the news of old Mrs. Chen's illness, After pondering for a long time, she came up with an idea to deal with the few from second branch.

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