Chapter 49. In peach blossom-mirrored stream, mandarin fish have fully grown

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This was what happened. Originally river was overflowing due to the spring rain. You Jin walked along the river from a height. She never thought she reached the river base with low-lying areas. A schools of fish had flowed in due the river. Seeing the fish, You Jin first blocked the gap in the river bank to prevent the fish from swimming back into the river. Then she rolled up her trousers and waded into the 40cm deep pool to catch fish.

The river water was turbid. You Jin didn't see what kind of fish was in it at first. Catching the fish was the only thing on her mind. Once she caught the first fish out of the water, she immediately caught on! Mandarin fish! You Jin exclaimed and then hurriedly looked around. Fortunately, it was raining and no one was around.

You Jin didn't bring any other tools when she came out; only a wooden barrel and a homemade twine fishing rod. She swiftly threw the fish into the wooden bucket and made quick work of her hands and feet, she ignored the slippery ground and climbed out of the pool. Afterward, she hurried home with the wooden bucket.

Mrs. Su and the few daughters were at home sewing the clothes they had already worn away. When they heard the movement outside, they knew that it was You Jin coming back. You Zhu hurriedly ran out in the rain to open the courtyard door: "Eldest Sister, you're back!"
She reached out and took the wooden barrel in her hand,. Seeing the hand-sized fish, she couldn't help being a little disappointed: "Even the fish don't go out in the rain?"

However, You Jin didn't have the mind to respond to her. She rushed into the storeroom next to the kitchen where grain and miscellaneous things were piled up to find a sack. Then she entered the main room and asked Mrs. Su to cut the sack along the seam with scissors.

Mrs. Su Shi found it puzzling: "Why cut a good sack for?"

You Jin was slightly panted as she suppressed the excitement in her heart: "Mother, I found a group of mandarin fish in a pool by the river! The mandarin fish is worth much more than ordinary fish! The water in the pool is too much. By cutting a sack, I can use it as a fishing net to catch all the fish. It can at least sell them for few liang!"

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Seeing that her daughter had a legitimate purpose, Mrs. Su didn't ask much. She cut the sack open in few moves. As soon as the other little girls heard that they were going to fish, they hurriedly bundled up and followed behind You Jin to help fish. Mrs. Su couldn't join them. So she stayed at home and boiled a large pot of water with You Bao. Then she made a thick cold-dispelling soup as she wait for her daughters' return.

Back to the three sisters, You Jin, You Yin, and You Zhu rushed to the place where You Jin found the mandarin fish with their back-basket on their backs. They didn't encounter any villagers from Wuliqiao along the way; avoided all the explanation. The three sisters came to the pool, took off their shoes, and went into the water one by one. You Jin and You Yin spread the cut sack and chased the direction of the mandarin fish in the water.

Although the pool wasn't shallow, the area was only so big. You Jin and sisters chased the mandarin fish in the direction that they were fleeing. After a few rounds, they caught all the mandarin fish in the pool.

At the edge of the puddle, You Zhu kept putting fish into the back basket. When You Jin and You Yin came out of the pool, the three's back basket were already full. You Jin grinned like a Cheshire cat as she shook the mud-filled sackcloth net in the water a few times. Only then, the three sisters hurried home with the basket on their backs.

In Su Family's yard under the eaves of the kitchen porch, the two wooden tubs that were usually used for washing clothes and bathing were now filled with fresh water from the well. In the water, swum the mandarin fish the three sisters caught. After taking a hot bath, the three sisters drank the steaming cold-dispelling soup from a thick porcelain bowl as they watched little Fifth, Sixth, and Seventh gathered around the two basins with their mouths wide open in great interest. You Jin amusedly spoke, "Little Fifth, how about we eat fish tonight?"

You Ling nodded again and again. She liked to eat fish, especially this kind of fish that she had never seen before. Eldest Sister said it was delicious. Seeing that she was about to drool, You Zhu stretched out a finger and poked her forehead: "Little Fifth is a little greedy cat; just like to eat fish! This fish can be exchanged for money. Can't give you to eat!"

Hearing that it can't be eaten, You Ling immediately pressed her small lips together. Her heart filled wth longing as she watched the fish swimming in the water. She really wanted to eat fish! But Third Elder Sister said the family is short of money now. Oh, better endure it!

At the side, You Jin took in little Fifth's disappointed but sensible reaction. She couldn't help but sighed. She smiled: "We have caught so much, so it's okay to eat two. The original purpose of earning money is to feed you, no?"
After saying that, she grabbed two mandarin fish weighing about half a jin and threw them into the basket on the side: "Let's eat steamed mandarin fish tonight."

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March's mandarin fish was the most delicious. The steamed mandarin fish didn't need addition seasoning; just add some soy sauce for flavor. The steamed mandarin fish tasted so delicious that one can swallow their tongue! This meal left everyone in Su Family still wanting more. Even Mrs. Su, who had lived for decades, had eaten such delicious fish for the first time. Putting down the chopsticks in her hand, her mouth was still reminiscing the delicious taste just now: "Such delicious fish, how much would it sell for!"

You Jin had never sold mandarin fish before, but she knew that there were no fishermen who specialized in mandarin fish farming in ancient times. These were wild mandarin fish's meat quality was fresh. They can at least sell for twice the price of ordinary fish. But she wasn't sure. She could only guess: "Should be able to sell for a better price than crucian carp or something?"


The next day was misty. You Jin and You Yin put on straw rain coat and carried half a bucket of mandarin fish into the city. Because it was a cloudy and rainy day, fewer people entered the city. The sisters waited on the official road for a long time before the ox cart sending customers into the city arrived.

After entering the south gate of Luohe Prefecture, the sisters carried wooden barrels and headed towards Yunweixuan. With so many mandarin fish, only a big restaurant like Yunweixuan could buy their fish at a good price.

Today, Second Master Huang was in knots. Two days ago, Yunweixuan's competitor restaurant held a spring feast. They mainly served all kinds of spring seasonal delicacies and made a great fan-fare about it. Some city folk with money flocked to enjoy the liveliness. While the running water in this store was as annoying as this continuous rainy day.

Second Master Huang's fire was exploding. The cook at the back of the kitchen ran to the front to find Second Master Huang: "Second Master Huang, the little girl who sent the bamboo rat last time is here today. Sent half-bucket of mandarin fish!"

"Half a bucket of mandarin fish!" Anyone who had done some research on eating knew that now was the best time to eat mandarin fish. The fishermen in Luohe Prefecture occasionally sent mandarin fish, but the quantity was small. Half a bucket of mandarin fish wasn't little. So Second Master Huang was so pleasantly surprised. He hurriedly came to the backyard from the front; wanting to see how these mandarin fish were.

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This time, You Jin sisters were invited into the corridor of the back kitchen to wait. After a while, the well-dressed fair chubby man whom she met before came to her in joy. You Jin had guessed that he was the 'Second Master' that everyone mentioned. She politely gave a slight bow: "Second Master Huang!"

Second Master Huang vaguely acknowledged her. His eyes fell on the mandarin fishes flopping around in the bucket in front of her. His eyes were full of satisfaction. After a while, he turned his eyes from the mandarin fish to You Jin: "Little lass, how do you plan to sell these mandarin fishes?"

You Jin didn't know the price of the mandarin fish, so she made a fake countermove: "How much Second Master thinks these mandarin fish is worth is how much money I'll take."

"What a sly lass!" Second Master Huang didn't get angry when he heard this. He jollily shook the folding fan in his hand: "We can be regarded as old acquaintances. How about this, I'll give you three silver coin for each. I'll take all of today's mandarin fish. How's that?" The price given by Second Master Huang wasn't too high. Still, it was suitable. After all, the size was disregarded.

You Jin frowned. She thought for a while before answering: "Deal. Second Master, there are more mandarin fish about these size in my home. If you want, I will sell them all to you. If not, I'll sell ​​it elsewhere?"

As soon as Second Master heard her say that there were many more at home, his hand that was holding the folding fan trembled. His voice shook slightly and asked, "How many do you have?"

You Jin thought for a moment before slowly replying: "Today I brought seventeen. There are estimated to be more than fifty at home. All of which are about the same size. But we don't have an ox cart at home. I'm afraid we won't be able to transport it in one go."

"Wonderful! Simply wonderful!" Second Master Huang repeatedly uttered. The folding fan in his hand swung even more vigorously: "Little lass, I want all of your fish! Let's settle the seventeen's money first. How about I, Second Master, get the guys from our restaurant to drive you back in a mule cart and bring the fish back?"

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Second Master Huang was overjoyed! Nearly seventy mandarin fish. Enough for him to have a mandarin fish feast. Once the mandarin fish feast happen out, the limelight would definitely return to Yunweixuan!

You Jin was also satisfied. With more than five silver liang was in her pocket, she sat on a mule cart and headed back to Wuliqiao. On the way, You Jin bought a cut of excellent pork belly that weighed about five jins. The sisters were over the moon.

The mule cart moved much faster than the ox cart. It took only a quarter of an hour from the city to the gate of Su's house on the west side of the Wuliqiao's river.

Hearing the sound of livestock outside and then the voice of her eldest sister, You Zhu, who was staying at home, hurried over to open the door: "Eldest Sister, you are back!"
Seeing that there were three unfamiliar men behind Eldest Sister, she couldn't help but retreat a few steps: "This is?"

You Jin smiled and led the two of them into the yard and walked under the kitchen eaves to check the mandarin fish. You Yin pulled You Zhu to the side and whispered, "This is the steward of Yunweixuan; he's here to take the fish. This time, we'll make a lot of money!" Hearing that the fishes had been sold, You Zhu was delighted and obediently stood by without disturbing them.

The ones who came to take the fishes were a cook, a small steward, and a young staff driving the cart from Yunweixuan. The three stood around the wooden basin for a long time. The chef slightly nodded in satisfaction: "Miss Su, we'll go according to the price that Second Master negotiated with you. Let's count how many fish there are!"

The two took turn counting. Not long later, they finished. The steward spoke, "There are fifty-seven in total. According to the price of three coins each, it's a total of seventeen liang and one coin."
Then he took out eighteen from his pocket and handed to You Jin: "Second Master had also instructed to round up for Miss Su."

You Jin didn't refuse and directly accepted the money. Their family's two wooden basins was complimentary to them. After watching them load the fish into the mule cart and turned around to head back to Luohe Prefecture City, You Jin grinned from ear to ear.

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