Chapter 58 Little beggars

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After selling out the sour plum soup brought out today, You Jin sisters quickly packed up the empty barrel and bowls one by one. You Zhu caught a glimpse of the two familiar figures not far away and patted You Jin: "Eldest Sister, look. Those two little beggars are here again."

It all started when You Jin was buying meat buns last time and saw the little beggars who were caught in the act of stealing. Despite being beaten to the ground by the bun seller, they didn’t utter a word. Unable to bear it, You Yin begged You Jin to save the two of them.

Since then, the two little beggars had been guarding not far from their stall every day, neither coming over nor speaking. Just watching from a distance. You Yin looked at a beggar who was about twelve or thirteen years old and the other was about four or five years old. Their original skin color could no longer be seen. The little beggars were covered in dirt. She couldn't help but continue to sympathize: "Eldest Sister, why don't we help them!"

You Jin sighed, and said: "You Yin, we don’t have it easy either. Our family of ten needs to eat. Do you think we have spare money to do good deeds?"

"But they are really pitiful!" You Yin knew that the situation at home wasn’t great. But when she saw the two little beggars who depended on each other, she would think of the hardships she and her sisters had experienced in Yue's house. All in all, she somewhat couldn’t bear it.

"Eldest Sister, why don't we help them!" Even Xiao Zhu beside her couldn't help but say a few words: "When I look at them, I think that when we were still in Cuifeng Village. If it wasn't for Eldest Sister protecting us, how can we reach here today? The older beggar would be better off alone than with a burden. But he didn't leave the little one alone. Just like Eldest Sister didn't leave us!"

Looking at the two sisters who have already stood on the united front, You Jin couldn't help but sigh. Should she feel proud or helpless? The proud thing was that the two younger sisters were already very sensible and knew how to use persuasion language on others, but what made her helpless was that the receiving end was her!

Under the pleading eyes of the two sisters, You Jin sighed in admission of defeat: "Okay, I admit defeat."

She took out ten wen from her bosom and said, "Here you go."

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"Eldest Sister, you are so nice!" The two sisters cheered and took the copper coins handed over by You Jin. Then they walked towards the two little beggars with a smile and stopped when they reached them: "Here, take it. Buy something to eat!"

Seeing them coming over and handing many copper coins to him, the two little beggars were taken aback for a moment. Then the older one shook his head, dragged the younger one back a few steps, turned, and ran away.

Neither of You Yin sisters expected such an ending. They couldn't help being stunned, The two sisters looked at each other in blank dismay. Were they scary? Not far away, You Jin witnessed the two little beggars running away. The smile on her face was reduced by three degrees. The beggars who didn't want money were either stupid or have ulterior motives. After comforting the two younger sisters who came back downcast, the three sisters went home together.

What the three sisters didn't notice was far behind them, the two little beggars who had run away returned to their original places and watched their leaving figures.

"Elder Brother, I'm hungry!" The younger one was crying. One hand was held tightly by his Elder Brother, while the other rubbed his belly that hadn't eaten all day.

The older beggar came back to his senses and responded, "Xiao Bao hungry? Elder Brother will find you something to eat."

Then he led his younger brother in the opposite direction and looked back at the direction where Su sisters disappeared every few steps.


In Xiao Family’s villa, Xiao Lin Feng didn't eat much today. This made the cooks in the back kitchen anxious. If something happened to Youngest Young Master, old Ancestor in the capitol didn’t need to call someone. Eldest Young Master would peel off their skins!

After a busy day outside, Xiao Lin Yu returned home. Sitting in the dining room, he washed his hands in fragrant soup. Then he accepted the handkerchief handed over by the maid, but didn’t receive the wink from the maid who gave the handkerchief. Looking at the younger brother who was sitting sloppily on the side, there was a trace of displeasure in his voice: "What? I heard that you haven't eaten today. Youngest Young Master, do you want to cultivate immortality?"

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The bored Xiao Lin Feng sat slump on the couch. He curled his lips, "This cook's skills aren’t really that good. I'm tired of eating it!"

Luohe Prefecture was just a separate villa of Xiao Family. Naturally it can't compare with the capital where everything was complete. For someone like Xiao Lin Feng, who was used to being picky, naturally felt uncomfortable.

"If you really want a high bed with soft pillows and good food, how about I arrange someone to take you back to the capital tomorrow?" Xiao Lin Yu put down the Ru ware celadon cup in his hand and solemnly looked up at his younger brother.

Although Xiao Lin Feng was arrogant, he had the advantage of being able to read people's eyes. Seeing how obvious Eldest Brother’s displeasure was, he immediately sat up straight and shook his head repeatedly: "No, no need. I was just casually saying. Eldest Brother must be tired after traveling all day. Hurry up and bring in the meal!"

The servants outside were also quick. In a short while, six dishes and one soup filled the round table. In front of his Eldest Brother, Xiao Lin Feng didn't dare to say he didn't want to eat. He obediently took a white jade porcelain bowl and ate every mouthful.

"What? Didn't you get someone to send a barrel of sour plum soup to the mansion today? Still suffering the bitter summer after drinking so much?" Xiao Family never had a rule of not talking when eating. Seeing his depressed appearance, Xiao Lin Yu thought it was because he was still suffering a bitter summer.

The whole Xiao Family knew about Xiao Lin Feng's bitter summer. In summer, the courtyard where Xiao Lin Feng lived used the most ice. He ate the most heat-reducing food. This time when Xiao Lin Yu went north to Luohe Prefecture, Xiao Lin Feng hollered to come to Luohe Prefecture to chill from the summer heat. Old Ancestor felt distressed for him and let him go to Luohe Prefecture with him.

Xiao Lin Feng lowered his head in guilt, not daring to tell his Eldest Brother that he didn’t want to eat because he ate too many snacks today. Remembering that his Eldest Brother also found the sour plum soup good yesterday, he quickly asked Song Yan to serve him another bowl of sour plum soup: “Eldest Brother must be exhausted. Drink more to relieve fatigue."

Xiao Lin Yu had a smile in his eyes. To say that this young man was naughty and irritating, he was indeed sometimes irritating. However, to say he was sweet, sometimes he was really soothing.

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Seeing that Eldest Brother drank half a bowl today, Xiao Lin Feng had a sudden thought: "Eldest Brother, if our restaurant also had this recipe, wouldn't it be possible to earn a lot of money?"

Xiao Family had a large family business. It went without saying they also dipped in restaurants and the catering sector. Yunweixuan in Luohe Prefecture was one of Xiao Family's businesses.

How could Xiao Lin Yu not know Youngest Brother's thought. Buying the recipe to make money was just an excuse: "Buying the recipe to make money is a lie. You are afraid that you won't be able to drink this sour plum soup when you go back to the capital, right?"

Having his inner thought exposed, Xiao Lin Feng laughed a bit in embarrassment. Then he begged: "Eldest Brother! Think about it. That little girl doesn't even have a storefront. She just peddle on the street. Only a few barrel can be sold a day. If it’s sold in their restaurant, wouldn’t it be worth dozens or even hundreds of times more?”

Xiao Lin Yu picked up the bowl with the remaining half of sour plum soup and drank another sip. Indeed. Although this soup was profitable, it can't stand against the huge demand. Xiao Family had more than a dozen restaurants in Dafeng. Dafeng’s summer was blazing hot. If every one of the restaurants gained an extra secret recipe, the business won’t be lacking. But that recipe must be a treasure the little girl's family depends on for survival. Willingness to sell it or not was another matter!

His silence made Xiao Lin Feng become a little anxious: "Eldest Brother, don’t you find what I said reasonable?" Hurry up and agree!

"Alright, wait until I meet that little girl in two days." Xiao Lin Yu was a businessman. It went without saying he wouldn’t miss the business opportunity. Smilingly, he nodded. If this worked out, it will be a good thing for their family’s business, right?


Three days later, at the busy market, Su Family’s sisters sold out today's sour plum soup and were packing up to go home when two men dressed in good quality servant attire came to the front of the stall. You Jin thought they were here to buy sour plum soup and smilingly informed them: "I'm really sorry. It's all sold out today, come back tomorrow."

One of the attendants with a baby face smiled kindly: "Little girl, we aren’t here to buy sour plum soup. My family’s master wants to invite Miss to Yunweixuan to discuss matters."

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You Jin was a little puzzled. Frowning, she asked, "Your family’s Master?"

She probably hadn’t offended any rich people, right? These two servants were dressed much better than themselves. Since the servants were this rich, how rich was the master? "What is this about?"

Seeing her defensive reaction, the servant responded with a smile: "Little girl, my family’s master said that he has a business deal with you. My master's surname is Xiao."

As soon as he said his surname was Xiao, You Jin thought of that rich foolish person from the other day. Correction, the rich and powerful Xiao Family. Xiao Family wanted to negotiate business with her? Although You Jin was a little skeptical, she still went. After all, she was an idiot if she didn’t earn when the opportunity arose. On top of that, Yunweixuan's Second Master Huang was an acquaintance. Nothing bad should happen.

Turning around, she explained to her two younger sisters: "Go to the south city gate and find Uncle Niu to take you back first. I will go back by myself later."

Although it was said to be a business discussion, who knows if it was true or not. Better let the two younger sisters go first.

"En! Eldest Sister, don't worry!" You Yin and You Zhu had no doubts. After all, it wasn’t the first time that Eldest Sister delivered sour plum soup to them. In addition, the two guys in front of them didn't look like bad guys. So the two sisters raised the empty barrel and obediently left.

Seeing the two children leave, You Jin smiled and turned to them, "I'm really sorry. Let's go now."

The little servant smiled and didn't say anything. They led the way and arrived at the entrance of Yunweixuan in a short while. At this time, Xiao brothers were waiting in the private room on the second floor.

Today, Xiao Lin Feng knew that his brother was coming to Yunweixuan. He caused a ruckus to follow him. He was really tired of the skills of the two cooks in the villa. So he pestered and swore not to cause trouble for Brother. Only then, Xiao Lin Yu reluctantly agreed to take him out.

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