Chapter 69 Sour Plum Soup Girl's Big Change

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Zi Su and Xin Yi, who were waiting anxiously for customers to come to the shop, saw a customer come to the door and their eyes lit up: "What kind of snacks does this young gentleman want to buy? Freshly baked red bean paste pancake or osmanthus mung bean cake!"

Xiao Lin Feng wasn’t in a hurry to ask for anything. First, he carefully read the name tags hanging on the snack shelf. Once he nearly made a full circle, he was interrupted by a pleasantly surprised voice: "Young Gentleman Xiao?"

Xiao Lin Feng, whose process to gourmet food was interrupted, was a little displeased and was about to turn around to deal with this ignorant person. Unanticipated, he saw an unfamiliar yet familiar face. He tilted his head and thought for a while. Finally he matched the image of the well-dressed girl in front of him with the fierce girl from half a year ago. Hesitantly, he asked: "You are sour plum soup?"

You Jin showed a kind smile and hurriedly took a clean plate. With a bamboo tong, she took a piece of each flavor of snack from the snack rack before turning around and placing it in front of Xiao Lin Feng: "Young Gentleman Xiao, try it?"

Xiao Lin Feng remembered that her family's sour plum soup was delicious, so he also remembered that her family's sweet bean pudding was well made. He took the handkerchief from Zi Su and wiped his hands. Then he picked up a piece of chrysanthemum crisp and tasted it.

Xiao Lin Feng, who was still chewing slowly with bulging cheeks, nodded with satisfaction. He tasted all the snack that You Jin put out one by one. Enjoying the last bite, he accepted the steaming tea that You Jin handed over and took a few sips: "Your family's snacks are getting better and better."

You Jin looked at the young boy who was getting fairer and grinned like a Cheshire cat, "It's their blessing that Young Gentleman Xiao likes it."

While the two were talking, the guards outside raised Su Jiaxiang's door curtain again. A tall figure in a black moiré gown and a black fox fur cloak walked in. It turned out to be Xiao Lin Yu. He was passing by and saw Xiao Family's guards. Knowing that Youngest Brother was inside, he also came in to have a look.

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"Gentleman Xiao." You Jin politely bowed to Xiao Lin Yu according to the girl's courtesy standard that Yu Lan had taught her.

Xiao Lin Yu had an exceptional memory from a young age. He naturally recognized the girl in front of him, who was already somewhat graceful, was the village girl who could only bow with her hands cupped together half a year ago. A gentle smile hung on his lips: "Miss Su, I haven't seen you in a few months. You seem well."

You Jin took a clean plate and put some pastries in front of Xiao Lin Yu. Then she smilingly responded, "Thank you, Gentleman Xiao for your concern. Everything is going well. Gentleman Xiao, try our snacks." You Jin was very grateful to Xiao Lin Yu. After all, he spent a lot of money to buy her own recipe. This allowed her to buy land, buy a shop and open a shop to do business.

Xiao Lin Yu admired the little girl in front of him more and more. She shouldered the responsibility of supporting a large family at a young age. She was one year younger than his ignorant younger brother, but was very mature and steady. It would be a good thing if his younger brother spent more time with poor children and know the sufferings of ordinary people's livelihood.

He picked up a piece of sweet-scented osmanthus red bean cake and tasted it. Afterward, he gave a good evaluation: "It tastes good. The shop is also great." The taste of the snack was indeed good, but the ingredients were a bit inferior. But as a low-end snack shop in Luohe Prefecture, it was already pretty good. That was why Xiao Lin Yu didn't say this.

After exchanging a few pleasantries, Xiao Lin Feng packed a set of eight snacks to take away Xiao Family brothers bidded goodbye to You Jin: "Su Family’s lass, I will come to play with you again in two days!"

Seeing Xiao Lin Feng's reluctance to part, You Jin couldn't help but burst out laughing and waved to him: "Okay. When you come, I'll treat you to some snacks."

After seeing off the two distinguished guests, Zi Su and Xin Yi, who were stuck to spot like a pole, were greatly relieved. Only now, they spoke: "Scared me to death. These two gentlemen are really very noble!"

You Jin told Xin Yi to tidy up the dishes on the counter, while she put the silver that Xiao Lin Yu insisted on paying into the drawer. She merrily spoke: "They are indeed distinguished guests. Next time you see them, don't be negligent. "

"En! Understood!" The two nodded in unison and accepted the guidance.

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After the tenth of December, Su Family snack shop launched two flavors of melon seeds- green tea and walnut. Although the price was a bit more expensive than ordinary melon seeds, rich people weren’t lacking in a big town like Luohe Prefecture.

As soon as Su Family's new flavor of melon seeds was launched, it was favored by new and old customers: "Miss Su, give me another five jins of each flavor of your melon seeds."

You Jin chuckled: "Deal. The new batch of melon seeds will probably be sold the next day. So when will you come to get them?"

Su Family’s fragrant melon seeds can be bought for 50 wen a jin. Which wasn’t expensive. After the customers who came to buy snacks tasted it, most of them would bring some melon seeds back with them. In a few days, they were sold out. You Jin had no choice but to hurriedly order a batch of raw melon seeds from the grain and oil store to make fragrant melon seeds. Now the store only accepted pre-orders as the stock was gone.

Sujiaxiang's snack shop was open until the 28th December before closing for New Celebration. After packing up the snack box ordered by the last guest in the shop and seeing off the last guest, Su Family’s girls breathed a sigh of relief: "Finally, it's almost New Year!"

You Jin, who was clearing the drawer of the cash register, smilingly responded, "Donel. Everyone tidy up. Han Li will be here in a while. After we finish our work, we can have a comfortable new year!"

After Su Family opened the shop, the weather was getting colder. Now their family was going in and out of the city every day, You Jin gritted her teeth and bought a mule cart before winter. Han Li was responsible for picking You Jin and the others to and from work at Sujiaxiang every day.

As soon as everyone heard this, they cheered up. Within a quarter of an hour, they had tidied up all the things that should be washed and collected. Han Li had arrived in a mule cart. After everyone came out, You Jin locked up and got on the mule cart. They headed back to Wuliqiao.

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Most of the people living in the canal worker's dormitory at Wuliqiao had gone back. The canal workers got half a month's vacation. So they all went back to celebrate the New Year. Currently only the gatekeeper Uncle Wang, Han brothers, and a dozen or so canal workers who didn’t return were left in the canal worker's dormitory.

The villagers of Wuliqiao had earned a lot of money this year. Especially Su Family on the west side of the river and Lizheng He Hao’s family on the east side of the river.

Looking at the two sons and one daughter who put on new clothes, Mrs. Zhao narrowed her eyes with joy: "They all fit very well!"

This year, due to borrowing Su Family's place and opening a breakfast shop, they earned a dozen of so liang after spending half a year. On top of that, the field was promising this year. The family had a hefty harvest.

Sitting on the kang, He Hao smoked a pipe as watched the delighted children. He merrily instructed Mrs. Zhao: "Tomorrow, pick up some sesame dumplings and send them to Su Family. I estimate Su Family just moved here and may not have made any." Sesame dumpling was a kind of deep-fried flour food. It was a must-have food for worshiping gods during the New Year in Luohe Prefecture.

"Do I need you to tell me?" Mrs. Zhao irritatedly rolled her eyes at her man: "However, Su Family hadn’t asked us for a wen of rent for more than half a year. I heard their single room cost one hundred and fifty wen a month! We benefitted a bit too much, no?"

Mrs. Zhao was a warm-hearted person. At the same time, she was too ashamed to take advantage of other people. “This half year is nearly equivalent to one liang!"

He Hao knew that his family had received a huge favor from Su Family. So he nodded: “Done. When you go to deliver sesame dumplings to Su Family tomorrow, do mention it while you’re there. Don't bargain for how much Su Family wants."

Although that was said, He Hao Su Family’s lass would rent the place to him at a lower price than the market price. That girl was very intelligent?

"West of the river's Su Family hasn’t charge our family rent?" He Family’s eldest son, He Xuan Hai was studying in the academy in Luohe Prefecture. Although he ran back and forth every day, his whole heart was on studying the sage books. A bookworm that didn’t listen outside the window. He only knew that their parents set up a stall to sell breakfast on the other side. He had never been there once or met Su Family. He only heard his parents mention it every time, so he was a little curious.

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"Su Family’s Eldest Sister is very nice. She even gave me mung bean cake last time!" He Xiao Ning, the youngest daughter of He Family, was only seven years old this year. She had more contact with You Bao sisters on the west side of the river and often saw You Jin. It went without saying, You Jin felt a little close to cute little girls. She was friendly to He Xiao Ning.

"Don't worry about family matters. Your mother and I are enough. There is only one year before the provincial examination. Now isn’t the time for you to be distracted." He Hao never let these mundane affairs disturb his son's peace. He Xuan Hai was only fifteen years old this year and had already passed the Tongsheng examination. He hold great expectations for his eldest son!

"Yes, Son will follow my father's teaching." He Xuan Hai stood up respectfully and gave a younger generation’s salute to He Hao.

He family talked for a long time by the warm candlelight before they each dispersed to rest. Mrs. Zhao thought about how her son, who was like a green bamboo tree, was already fifteen years old. She leaned over and stared at He Hao: "Family Head, our family Xuan Hai is already fifteen years old. He is about the same age as Su Family’s lass. Do you think that if I tell Su Family’s wife..." After nearly ten months of interaction, Mrs. Zhao was getting more and more satisfied with Su Family’s eldest lass. She felt she was really a good candidate for daughter-in-law.

After hearing what his wife said, He Hao frowned and shook his head: "Our Xuan Hai family can't ground Su Family’’s lass. You should stop thinking about it!"

In less than a year, Su Family of old, weak women and children set up such a family business. In three to five years, even if Su Family isn’t well-known in Luohe Prefecture, they may be famous in the surrounding villages.

"What? Our family Xuan Hai isn’t bad! He pass the Tongsheng examination at the age of fourteen. If he become Xiucai next year and Juren after a few years, he will be an official!" Zhao had high hopes for her eldest son. She won’t let her own say bad things about him.

Seeing her unwillingness to give up, He Hao rolled his eyes at her: "If you don't believe me, go ask Su Family’s eldest ladd tomorrow and see what she says?"

After finishing speaking, he rolled over the thick quilt and ignored her. Not long later, he fell asleep.

"I’ll ask then!" Mrs. Zhao was very confident in her son. Although her family's conditions weren’t as good as those of the rich families in Luohe Prefecture, they can be regarded as a wealthy family in Wuliqiao. On top of that, her son was a famous Tongsheng in the surrounding towns and villages. How could Su Family disagree?

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