Chapter 74 Yue You Ting

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Seeing that her expression was the same, Broker Chen couldn't help being startled. Since Su Family came to Luohe Prefecture, he had seen every step of their way. He never imagined that they were so rich that they could buy 40 mu in one go without even batting an eyelid!

However, he still kept his composure on his face, he replied: "If Miss Su, you sincerely want to buy it, we’ll go by the price from last time?"

The price was quite reasonable.

You Jin gave a slight nod: "Uncle Chen, when it's convenient, you can also find nearby wasteland that can be bought. Let's make an appointment to have a look together."

Then she left the broker shop.

This can be regarded as a big transaction. After sending You Jin away, Broker Chen hurried out of the city to find a suitable place. Within a few days, he really found a barren hill facing the sun. He hurried to Sujiaxiang to find You Jin: "Miss Su, when is it convenient for you? Let's go and have a look?"

"There’s no better day than today. Let's go there today!" Now that the snack shop was operating normally, You Jin went into the backyard to wash her hands. She gave You Yin a few instructions before following Broker Chen away .

Broker Chen was an attentive person. The barren mountain he sought wasn’t too far from Houjiawan. It was on the sunny slope far away from Su Family's current location.

The two walked in a single file when checking the prospective land. Broker Chen pointed to the hillside about one or two miles away: "Miss Su, that is the wasteland I just told you about. The price is also suitable. One liang and a half per mu. But it is estimated that there isn’t much food that could be grown on that barren hill."

You Jin was really satisfied with this stretch of 40 mu of fertile land. It was all fertile land deposited by river water. On top of that, it was close to water sources and official roads. So both transportation and irrigation were beneficial.

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Looking at the mountains to the north, You Jin patted the dust on her hands: "In that case, let's go and have a look first. Uncle Chen, please lead the way."

After getting out of the field, they got on the mule cart again. It didn't take long for one to travel half a kilometer. It went without saying that the mule cart was faster. At this time, the snow on the barren mountain hadn’t yet melted. Only the trees covered in snow stood upright. Everything beside them was covered by snow.

You Jin took a small hoe from the mule cart, which Broker Chen had kept behind the mule cart for emergency use. It happened to be handy at this time. She chose a field with shallow snow. She vigorously wielded the small hoe. A small hole was dug out in a short while and revealed the original color of the land.

She dug a small piece of frozen soil out and twitched her nose, which was a little red from the cold. She smilingly commented: "It really is a wasteland. I guess it will take a long time to clean up this soil before it can be used."

At the side, Broker Chen didn't expect You Jin to be so vigorous and directly grabbed a hoe to dig out a piece of land. Seeing that she said this, he repeatedly nodded: "Indeed. Girl, this land is going to be a waste if you buy it back. Wouldn't it be better to buy more fertile land?"

Broker Chen had done business with Su Family many times, and naturally hoped for it to be long-term. So he kindly persuaded her.

Throwing away the frozen soil in her hand, she clapped her hands before wiping her nose with the back of her hand. She smiled, "It's fine. I’m buying because it has use. However, can the price be lowered? Uncle Chen, you're have a broad horizon and naturally know that no one want such a wasteland even when given for free."

Broker Chen pondered for a moment and answered: "Since it’s like this, I'll talk to Lizheng in Houjiawan later to see if the price can lowered."

"Sure. If you can get down to one liang of silver, then I will buy another fifty mu and make it a whole." You Jin walked down the mountain first. She continued, "Must trouble Uncle Chen to discuss with the Lizheng in Houjiawan. Once it’s settled, I’ll buy the 40 mu of land together with this side."

"Deal! I’ll take care of the matter!" Broker Chen was grinning like a Chesire cat at the thought of the money he could earn from this deal.

Don't know whether it was Broker Chen's eloquent tongue or Houjiawan's lizheng was easy to talk to, she really bought the 100 mu of barren hills in Houjiawan at a price of one liang per mu in the end!

Seeing that more than three hundred and seventy liang were suddenly gone from her money box, You Jin only felt that her heart throbbed in pain. The money was earned from the pastry shop last year after the cost of buying the shop and people wasn’t enough to spend..

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However, in one goe, another 40 mu of fertile land was added to the collection. Now the family had 56 mu of fertile land plus nearly 120 mu of wasteland. Just relying on the land alone, they won’t starve to death.

Thinking of this, You Jin felt much better. Humming a little tune, she locked the red deed into her special box for storing house deeds, land deeds, sales deeds and other documents and contracts. Then she carefully hid it in the innermost part of the cabinet before clapping her hands in satisfaction.


Su Family had left Cuifeng Village and Yue Family. This year had indeed been a prosperous and comfortable year. Back to hundreds of miles away in Cuifeng Village. Yue Family had a happy and fulfilling year this year. At least in the eyes of outsiders.

Only two months after Su mother and daughters left Yue Family, the news that the two grandsons of Yue Family achieved Tongsheng spread all over the surrounding area. Producing two Tongsheng in one go, Yue Family became famous in the surrounding area.

As for Yue Chang Lu, who drove away his bad wife, his life was getting better and better. Every day when he returned home, he held his precious son and refused to let go. Ever since he had a son, Yue Chang Lu's chest puffe out more and more. The gloom on his face had dissipated a lot too.

Yue You Ting's marriage was also set. But it wasn’t Gentleman Zhou whom she had been thinking about before, but the only son of a family in Liutun Town who owned a grocery store.

Coupled with the good weather this year, the prospects in Yue Family's land were much better than in previous years. Old Mrs. Chen, who had a little more money in her hands, was sitting on the kang in the main room as she enjoyed the children and grandchildren kowtowing their heads to pay New Year's greetings. She proudly remarked to Yue Da Fu: "As expected, it’s true that those few money-wasting things were our family's calamity. Once they left, Wen Tao and Wen Li passed the Tongsheng exam. And You Ting set a good marriage!"

However, Wan Niang and Mrs. Chen, who caused Su mother and daughters to leave Cuifeng Village, weren’t so happy. Since second branch left, all the hard and tiring work at home fell onto them. In less than a year, Wan Niang's hands, which were originally as delicate as a flower, were rough and coarse. And she couldn't do anything about it. Every days, she was fighting with wits and courage with Mrs. Chen. She really regretted it.

Kneeling, Mrs. Han couldn't help showing a mocking smile when she heard old Mrs. Chen's remarks. She was the only person in this family who still had contact with You Jin. She received a letter from the south before the year end. The letter contained twenty liang of silver notes.

In the letter, You Jin only briefly mentioned that she settled down in the south. Although the rest weren’t mentioned, You Jin's family’s life in the south was ten times better than here, no? After all, she was able to take out twenty liang and send it back to her.

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But no matter what, now that there were no money-wasting things that "hinder" their luck, everyone in Yue Family had indeed had a good year. Old Mrs. Chen and Yue Da Fu were currently looking forward to their two golden grandsons passing the exam earlier. That way their family can change their ways and enjoy the blessings.

If any one was said to be the most unhappy one in Yue Family, it would only be Yue You Ting. She clearly strongly opposed it and even went on a hunger strike to protest. Still, Grandfather settled on this marriage: "This matter is up to me. Since it’s set, there is no further discussion."

After starving for a few days and having her complexion turned sallow, Yue You Ting didn't expect that it would end up like this. Unable to accept it, she wailed her heart out. She had to temporarily accept her fate. Throughout the first month, there was only a forced smile on her face. Even when the Chen Family’s boy, whom she was engaged to, came to pay New Year's greetings, she didn't show any good attitude.

Toward the glamorous on the outside and messy on the inside Yue Family, this was the first time Mrs. Han felt disgusted. After the seventh day of the new year, she discussed with Yue Chang Shou. Using the pretext of returning to the city to open a shop, the left Cuifeng Village early.

"Mother, will Grandfather set a marriage for me like he did with Eldest Sister?" Sitting in the mule cart, Yue You He snuggled up next to Mrs. Han and asked with some concern: "That Chen Family's guy is more than ugly..."

Thinking of that boy from Chen Family who was pockmarked and not tall enough for Eldest Sister, Yue You He couldn't help but feel a chill down her spine.

Mrs. Han patted her daughter's back reassuringly: "No. Even if your grandfather wants to, Mother will not agree." Although she comforted her daughter like this, Mrs. Han still felt a little uneasy in her heart. She decided to look around for a prospective family for her daughter once she returned to the county. She must not let Yue Family ruin her daughter's life.

Back to Yue You Ting. Since young, she felt that she was good-looking. On top of that, she had met a gentleman like Zhou Jun Peng. How could she wronged herself and marry a dwarf with pockmarks?

After thinking about it for a good few days, she stole Mrs. Chen personal fund while the family was not paying attention. Using the excuse of going out to visit, she quietly left the village and got on a mule cart that transport people to Dingyuan County.

"Such a grown person, how can she be lost?" Sitting on the kang, Yue Da Fu was so infuriated that his beard was raised. He slammed the table and scolded Eldest Son couple: "Hurry up and find her now!”

"Father, I have searched all over. Some people in the village said that they saw her go to the town. The town is so big, how can I find her?" Yue Chang Fu drooped his head. He never expected that his always quiet daughter would dare to run away from home without permission.

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On the other hand, Mrs. Chen didn't have too much anxiety on her face. She repsonded: "Perhaps You Ting felt stifled at home and went to the county town to play with You He?"

Actually, in her opinion, it wasn’t a bad thing for Daughter to run away for home. If Daughter was smart enough, she should go to the county town to meet Gentleman Zhou and turned the raw rice cooked. Then the marriage with Chen Family can naturally be withdrawn, right?

While Yue's house was already in chaos, Yue You Ting, who got on the mule cart to go to the county, actually encountered Zhou Jun Peng.

As soon as she saw Zhou Jun Peng, Yue You Ting just wept silently. Zhou Jun Peng looked at the slightly unfamiliar woman in his arms. After thinking for a while, he remembered that she was a younger sister from Yue Wen Tao's family. He asked, "Miss Yue, why did you come to the county town alone?"

Looking at Zhou Jun Peng, who was like an orchid and a jade tree and then thinking about the pockmarked short wax gourd, Yue You Ting felt even more aggrieved. She blurted out a bold idea: "Gentleman Zhou, let's elope!"

It wasn’t the first time for Zhou Jun Peng to hear a woman say she wanted to elope with him. He put his arms around the beautiful woman's slender waist and said softly: "Miss Yue, it's really inconvenient to speak in public. Where do you live now? I'll take you back first?"

Seeing her shaking her head, Zhou Jun Peng had no choice but to take her to the inn to open a room. Then he hugged her and softly comforted her. Gradually, the atmosphere became more beguiling. Under the candlelight’s glow, the deed happened after half pushing and half letting.

Nestled in the arms of her lover, her delicate and bright red face was like a spring pistil after the rain as she bathed in the close contact between the two of them. No matter how ignorant she was, Yue You Ting knew that she and Gentleman Zhou had committed an intimate things: "Dear Zhou..."

As for satisfied Zhou Jun Peng, he stroked her tender skin with satisfaction and responded in a low voice: "Huh?"

"Let's get married! I only have you in my heart. I don't want to marry anyone else!" Yue You Ting felt disgusted when she thought of Chen Family’s son. She would never let a flower like herself be stuck in cow dung.

How could Zhou Jun Peng possibly consider marrying her? If he wants to marry, he will marry a daughter of a scholarly family in the county, no? But the moment was still fresh, so he coaxed Yue You Ting: "Okay, let's get married. But before that, let's have our bridal chamber first!"

The already distracted Zhou Jun Peng turned over again and pressed her under the body. He wantonly enjoyed to his content.

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