Chapter 80 The Embarrassing Reunion

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The few men waved the wooden sticks as thick as an adult's arm and slowly approached You Jin. Old Third Chen stood at the outermost edge and declared: "Little lass, it’s five of us against one of you. I advise you not to struggle. You are delicate and tender. If you bump into something later, you can't blame us brothers."

After more than a year of careful nurturing and continuous training every day, You Jin had grown a lot taller. She had a somewhat girlish and graceful posture. On top of that, there was a slight blush on her fair little face from being exposed to the sun for the whole day today. Who knows how much better than the prostitutes and widows that people like old Third Chen group had seen. It aroused the few’s evil thoughts. Hearing old Third Chen speak like this, a few lewd smiles appeared. It would be nice if they could play around with this appearance!

"Pah!" You Jin spat directly on old Third Chen's face, "Why don't you look at yourself and see what kind of thing you are. It’s still unknown who wins or loses!"

Originally, You Jin thought that Chen Xiao Hong was holding bad intention and wanted to use herself as a bridge. Unexpectedly, old Third Chen was this bad. Seeing his gaze sizing up her body become more and more explicit, the killing intent in her eyes gradually emerged.

"Give face and don’t want face little b*tch! Brothers, advance!" Old Third Chen resentfully wiped the saliva that You Jin spat on his face. Feeling that he was being slapped in the face, he had to give this little b*tch a good sorting!

Before old Third Chen and the others could make a move, You Jin saw an opportunity and struck first: the dagger in her right hand swung forward quickly, directly cutting through the sleeve of Wu Er who was standing closest to her. The blood quickly stained the old linen clothes.

Before Wu Er could cry out in pain, he was kicked by You Jin in the crotch, a vital point. You Jin’s kick was with all her strength, Wu Er felt dizzy in pain, collapsed to the ground, and howled: "Ah!"

The other four didn't expect this thin little girl to be so vicious. Looking at Wu Er, who was lying on the official road, covering his crotch and screaming, the men swallowed at the same time. and felt that something was following him. They felt an ache in a certain part of the body and unconsciously took two steps back.

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Seeing the situation reversed, old Third Chen’s eyes popped wide open. Seeing that the three of them had all retreated, he hurriedly pushed them from behind: "What are you afraid of? Let's go together!" This time, old Third Chen couldn’t hide at the back anymore. He waved his stick toward You Jin and the four surrounded her.

You Jin pursed her lips tightly, not daring to relax at all. She had already angered old Third Chen and these bums. If she fell into their hands, it would be a disaster. She dodged to the side and avoided the stick that old Third Chen swung at her. She grabbed old Third Chen's left arm and then used all her strength to break it with her backhand. Old Third Chen's arm dislocated with a crack. Then she kicked him hard to the ground. In an instant, only three of the four people in the circle were left standing.

You Jin had received professional fighting training in her previous life. Although it was a little difficult to fight against five grown men, fortunately these men could only fight blindly without any tricks. That was why they couldn't hurt You Jin for a while. On the contrary, it was a few of them on the receiving end. One of them was knocked down by You Jin in an instant, leaving only two people standing there trembling and not knowing what to do.

Seeing that the situation wasn’t good, old Third Chen, who was lying on the ground, took out the things he had prepared in advance from his pocket and motioned to the person standing in front of You Jin. That person saw old Third Chen taking out that thing and agitatedly noded.

Unexpectedly, the two of them suddenly got immersed in the fight as if they had been injected with steroids and they entangled You Jin. When You Jin swung the dagger in her hand, it only scratched one of them. That man withstood the pain and then got a hold of the hand with the dagger.

The other person also grabbed You Jin tightly from behind. Even if You Jin had some skills, her strength wasn’t comparable to two grown men. So she had to outsmart them. She lifted her knee up high and swung it upwards with strength. The man in front of her fell down in response. Just as You Jin was about to counterattack the latter one, she was covered by a piece of something with a pungent smell. After breathing in two mouthfuls, her consciousness began to be confused. The two figures in front of her gradually turned into four and then eight double figures.

You Jin struggled to stay awake. In the end, she passed out with a "plop".

Old Third Chen, whose left arm was dislocated, persisted until he made the other party unconscious. Only then, he sat down on the ground in pain. He instructed He Liu, who was the remaining one without much injury: "Quickly help the brothers up. Tie up this little b*tch with a rope! Hurt me? I’ll properly sort her in a while!"

The people who were kicked in the crotch felt the most painful area eased up. Although they still had a dull pain, they could barely stand up and walk around with He Liu's support.

Seeing that the b*tch who had cut them and kicked them in children roots was unconscious and tied like a rice dumpling, the few people felt pleased in their hearts. They viciously kicked the young girl lying on the ground a few times: "Little b*tch, weren't you so powerful! Come on!"

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"Enough. Hurry up and put her on the mule cart. If someone comes and sees it later, it will be over." Beads of sweat on old Third Chen’s forehead had already stained the sackcloth covering his face. Old Third Chen angrily took off the sackcloth. His face was very pale: "Hurry up and take me to the doctor! Why are you still standing there!"

The few injured cronies supported each other and moved slowly. They filled up Su Family's mule cart and prepared to rush to the pre-discussed hiding location.


Back to Song Yang. He ran to the nearest village to ask for help according to You Jin's instructions. But the place where old Third Chen and the others ambushed was more than a mile away from the nearest village. Song Yang stumbled countless times along the way but hadn't seen a shadow of the village yet.

At this time, he saw a passing convoy not far away and rushed over to ask for help: "Elder Brothers, please help my family’s Miss!"

The guards guarding around the carriage saw someone rushing out suddenly and thought it was an assassin. So they hurriedly reined in the horse and waited for the battle. Unforeseen, it was just a fourteen or fifteen-year-old young lad begging them to save some girl. The leader of the guards turned to the carriage behind and stated: "Young man, we are in a hurry. You can go to others for help!"

Eldest Young Master was rushing into the city. If they got delayed, they may have to sleep outside the city. They got rough skin and thick flesh, so it didn’t matter. However, the two Young Masters were both noble and precious. If the capital finds out, wouldn't they be skinned?

Sitting in the carriage, bored Xiao Lin Feng noticed the carriage had stopped and faint voices were emitting from the front. So he poked his head out and asked, "What's going on in front?"

The nearest guard responded at once: “Don't know which footboy is blocking the way., Commander Xiao will solve it soon." Hearing what he said, Xiao Lin Feng boredly acknowledged. He had thought that there was something exciting to watch!

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"Gentleman Xiao! Gentleman Xiao!" Song Yang saw Xiao Lin Feng from a distance and hurriedly shouted: "I am a footboy man from Su Family at Wuliqiao! My Eldest Miss was taken away by bandits. Gentleman Xiao, quickly save her!"

Song Yang shouted loudly. Naturally Xiao Lin Feng heard it too: "Go and bring him here."

That little lass from Su Family was taken away by bandits? What happened?

Disheveled Song Yang was brought to the front of the carriage. He briefly explained the ambush just now: "Gentleman Xiao, I beg you to save my Eldest Miss!"

After finding someone for help with much difficulty, Song Yang clenched his teeth tightly and refused to budge. He fell to his knees with a plop and continuously kowtowed.

Xiao Lin Feng frowned. Although they brought about twenty guards out this time, would there be many bandits? What if they can't beat then? Then he turned her head to look at Xiao Lin Yu who was looking at the ledger in the carriage: "Eldest Brother, why don't we go and save that lass from Su Family?"

Xiao Lin Yu never took his eyes off the ledger. It didn't mean he didn't hear the movement outside. He quite liked that surnamed Su lass very much. She dared to venture out at such a young age. Many men can't compare to her. He nodded slightly: "Tell him to lead the way!"

"Thank you, Gentleman Xiao, for your benevolence!" Song Yang wept with joy, hurriedly climbed onto the shaft of the carriage, and sat down. Then he showed the way for everyone. The carriage was extremely fast. It arrived at the mountain depression where Song Yang and You Jin had stopped earlier. At this time, old Third Chen and the others had just boarded the mule cart. Before they could leave, they were surrounded by Xiao Family's guards.

"Who were you?" He Liu, the only one who was uninjured, was sitting outside the mule cart and was about to drive away. Being stopped by a sudden group of guards with swords at their waists, he panicked.

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Song Yang hurriedly jumped out of the carriage, pointed to He Liu and the others, and stated, "They are the ones who stopped us just now! Our family’s Miss must still be in the carriage!" Seeing Xiao Lin Yu's eyes indication, Xiao Family's commanding guard waved: "Go!"

In a few moves, all these fake bandits who had been mostly taken care of by You Jin were taken down.

Cold water was sprinkled on You Jin's face, which had two big slap marks on it. The unconscious You Jin let out a comfortable moan. As if knowing the clear water could ease her pain, that person covered her face with a wet veil for a long time before removing it.

As if wanting to see who was the person who brought the rain to her, You Jin opened her heavy eyelids with all her strength. She could only see an unfamiliar middle-aged woman smiling at her. Seeing that she woke up, she jollily spoke, "Miss, you woke up?"

"You are?" You Jin felt a splitting headache right now. Looking at the surrounding environment, it turned out that she was still in her own mule cart. So who was this woman in front of her?

"Old slave is a servant of Xiao Family. Family name is He. Just now, your family’s footboy asked my family’s master for help. The villain was stopped and Miss was saved." The married woman smiled and helped her to sit up: "Miss, drink some water."

"Thank you." You Jin accepted the celadon bowl she handed over, sipped a bowl of water carefully, and said, "Auntie He, please help me out of the cart. I would like to thank your master for saving my life."

"Su Family’s lass, you're awake!" Xiao Lin Feng, who was half squatting as he examined the bandits, ran over with a grin as soon as she got out of the car: "This time, you owe me your life again. Let's see what you’ll repay!"

You Jin didn't expect that the people who saved her were Xiao Family’s brothers. First, she respectfully curtsied to Xiao Lin Yu who was standing behind Xiao Lin Feng. Then she smiled and responded to Xiao Lin Feng: "Life-saving grace can never be repaid. I could only knot grass into a rope to save the benefactor in next life?"

Seeing two big slap marks on her face and the dusty clothes on her body, Xiao Lin Yu knew that she had suffered a lot. A little distressed emerged in his heart. However, thinking of what the guard commander had just said to him, Xiao Lin Yu knew that this little girl was much stronger than those ‘bandits’. In a one against five match, she could actually cause such a great loss to the opponents. This showed that this person's fighting power wasn’t trivial.

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