Chapter 83 Watermelon

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Xiao Lin Yu knew about Youngest Brother's ‘bad’ behavior, but he didn't pay much attention to it at first. But after less than half a month, he realized that Youngest Brother had already gotten plumper: "Lin Feng, it’s less than half a month. How did you gain so much weight?"

The initially handsome young man with sharp edges and corners now had a rounded face. He took a bite of a piece of red bean cake newly developed by Su Family and squinted his eyes in delight: "If it weren't for Eldest Brother being busy with general affairs every day, we should go to Su’s house to eat together."

The red bean cake newly created by Su Family was really delicious. Cool, sweet, and delicious. A small plate of cakes was only four or five pieces. He finished them in a few bites.

When Xiao Lin Yu heard Youngest Brother's hate-garnering words, he couldn't help feeling envious that Youngest Brother could live as he wanted. As the eldest grandson of Xiao Family, he shouldered the future of Xiao Family. From his birth, he was destined to not have a happy childhood like others. Let alone now, right?

Smiling, he patted Youngest Brother's head and spoke, "Eldest Brother can't leave. It’s not that you can’t go to Su's house for meals. You must remember not to cause trouble to Su Family, understand?"

In fact, for a moment, Xiao Lin Yu wanted to nod and eat and drink with Youngest Brother. It was just a fleeting thought though.

Xiao Lin Feng sympathetically looked at him when he thought that there were so many delicious things in Su’s house that Eldest Brother couldn't eat it. Then hurriedly held up the last piece of red bean cake left in the delicate small plate: "Eldest Brother, try it. The new cakes made by Su Family’s lass aren’t bad."

This was a pastry specially made by Su Family for Xiao Lin Feng to eat. Naturally, they all use the best ingredients that they can afford. With Mrs. Su's skills, it was flawless.

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Xiao Lin Feng smilingly picked up the last piece of red bean cake and put it in his mouth. The aroma of red beans mingled with the aroma of sweet-scented osmanthus. The cool texture was really novel and delicious. He nodded in agreement: "It's really good."

Thinking of those pretty eyes that always curved up slightly and the grin that was always on the lass’s face, Xiao Lin Yu couldn't help but wonder what kind of family raised such a witty and courageous girl.

Seeing that Eldest Brother really liked it, Xiao Lin Feng clapped his hands and decided: "Su Family’s lass said that something hibiscus cakes will be made tomorrow. I will ask her to make more and bring them back for Eldest Brother to try!"

Xiao Lin Feng knew Eldest Brother didn’t have it easy. Although he was a little rowdy sometimes, most of the time he was still very sensible and considerate.

The canal digging project had been going on for nearly a year. Due to the Emperor’s decree to speed up the process, Xiao Family’s Second Uncle, one of the leaders of the water conservancy project, naturally took on this task. Xiao Lin Yu also had honor and rank. He had donated a nominal job to the imperial court. So, it was very convenient to travel outside. That was why he came to Luohe Prefecture to supervise the work instead of the Xiao Family’s Second Uncle.

The digging distance of the canal in Luohe Prefecture wasn’t too long. only 25km. In addition, both ends were dug together. Although it had only been less than a year, a lot of manpower and material resources had been invested. The process was considered to be fast. At the current speed, it was estimated that the two ends can be connected this winter. Once the ice and snow melt in the spring of next year, it can be put into use.

The current patriarch of Xiao Family, that was, the father of Xiao Lin Yu brothers, was in his prime. He managed most of the family business. Before Xiao Lin Yu came to Luohe Prefecture, he studied business with his father every day. But freeing himself for half a year was no problem. Before the two brothers left, Xiao Family Patriarch’s specially called the two brothers to the study and had a long discussion: "It's good for you two brothers to go out to practice. Xiao Family and I can’t protect you forever. Being outside can’t compare to being at home. You have to think more about everything and don’t act too hastily. Especially Lin Feng, he’s still a child at heart. Lin Yu, as the eldest brother, you have to bear the responsibility of his discipline.”

Because this time’s stay in Luohe Prefecture was into the winter before they could return to the capital, Xiao Family’s old Ancestor was worried about the two grandsons. So servants and guards who were used to serving the two in the past were chosen. A group of 25 guards and a group of 36 people followed to Luohe Prefecture.

"When you come back at the end of the year, we will almost finish our filial piety. Bai Family’s girl is already sixteen. It's time to arrange your marriage." Xiao Family’s Mistress suddenly mentioned this before sending Eldest Son away.

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Xiao Family’s old Ancestor also nodded and said: "Bai Family’s girl is wonderful. She is knowledgeable in books and etiquette. Her character and appearance are both outstanding. The marriage between us two families was set for you when you were young. If your grandfather hadn’t passed away and you had to keep your filial piety for three years, I might have already held my great-grandson by now."

Bai Family’s Patriarch was an official in the court. Although he was only a civil servant of the fifth rank, it was a scholarly and noble family. If it weren’t for Xiao Family’s Old Master and Bai Family’s Old Master being close friends this marriage may not get set. After all, no matter how rich Xiao Family was, Bai Family was noble. They always felt that Xiao Family stunk of money.

Standing in front of the window and looking at the bright moon in the night sky, Xiao Lin Yu felt inexplicably irritated. It wasn't that the girl from Bai Family was bad. He and her always can't see eye to eye. It seems the talented girl who was brought up by the pure noble literate family would always look down on money-smelling Xiao Family?

Xiao Lin Yu didn't have much affection for Bai Ya-er. It was just a marriage arranged by Xiao Family’s Old Master when he was still alive. Since Bai Ya-er was well educated and reasonable, she must be a good mistress for Xiao Family. There were too many things that Xiao Lin Yu couldn't decide for himself in this life. A lifelong matter like marriage might as well join the list. It wasn’t that Xiao Lin Yu hadn't thought about this problem before, but this was the first time he felt weariness.

"If it were her, how would she deal with it?" For some reason, Su You Jin with two big slap marks on her face and a pair of beautiful eyes that glowed flashed passed Xiao Lin Yu's mind. He shook his head with a smile and said to himself: "If it were her, I'm afraid she wouldn't accept this marriage from the beginning?"

After dinner at the other end, You Jin was training with the few younger sisters in the yard. She violently sneezed and rubbed her nose: "Strange. It's not cold!"

She didn't pay too much attention to it.


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The summer days were long. In the past two years, merchants from the Western Regions returned to the Central Plains to sell some melons and fruits from the Western Regions. This included watermelons. No one grew watermelons in the Central Plains and the distance to the Western Regions was far away. On top of that, watermelon tastes sweet. It was top notch good to cool off the summer heat. In Luohe Prefecture, it was quite popular .

Looking at a watermelon that could be bought for only a few yuan in the previous life but now costs seven or eight liang, You Jin felt that she can't even swallow this watermelon. She was reluctant to buy it. However, there was always someone willing to buy it, right? The willing person waved his folding fan and walked in very domineeringly: "Su Family’s lass, look at what good thing I bought you?"

He bought five watermelons in one go and put them in his villa to ice chill before bringing it over to Su's house.

Seeing Xiao Lin Feng with a smug face, You Jin couldn't help remark: "Xiao Lin Feng, you are really a fool with a lot of money!"

After more than a month of getting along, the relationship between the two wasn’t as rigid and polite as it was at the beginning. Now Su Family’s little girls liked this wealthy Xiao Family’s big brother very much. Ths made Xiao Lin Feng, who had no younger siblings, very proud. His only dissatisfaction was You Jin. She was obviously half a year younger than him, but didn't call him big brother like other girls in Su Family. Instead, she called him by his proper name.

"Watch your words!" Mrs. Su cautiously reprimanded her daughter a little. After all, Gentleman Xiao was here as a guest. Daughter was really blurring the boundary now. She can't just keep spoiling her like this.

Before You Jin could speak, Xiao Lin Feng hurriedly stood by Mrs. Su's side and sat on the top seat, waving a folding fan as he showed off his might: "Auntie Su is right. I am older than you, after all. Hurry up and call Elder Brother first!"

You Jin didn't pay any heed to raving Xiao Lin Feng, took a piece of watermelon that Auntie Song had cut and served, and had a small bite. The sweet and refreshing watermelon juice instantly spread in her mouth. She sighed heavily in comfort. "Iced watermelon is still the best."

Although Xiao Lin Feng was like a proud peacock, the watermelon he brought this time was indeed delicious. Crumbly, sweet, and cold.

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It goes without saying Su Family wouldn’t act polite to Xiao Lin Feng. After all, this was not the first time he had brought delicious food to Su Family. On the other hand, Mrs. Su mumbled a few words out of habit: "This watermelon is expensive. So we can’t always have Gentleman Xiao spend..."

"It's okay, Auntie Su. I come to your house every day to eat and drink. If I come empty-handed, my eldest brother will probably punish me if he finds out." He bit a crumbly watermelon with a crunch and squinted his eyes contentedly: "If only we could grow watermelons too! Su Family’s lass, would you like to give it a try? Your family has a lot of land!"

Hearing Xiao Lin Feng's casual suggestion, You Jin's eyes lit up: "We can try this. If I successfully grow it, how about I send you watermelons every year?"

Afterward, she hurriedly got Auntie Song to wash all the watermelon seeds that were spat out on the plate and put them away.

"Eldest Sister, can we really grow watermelons? Then we can eat watermelons every year?" Little Seventh, who was next to You Jin, had starry eyes when hearing that watermelons were going to be planted. Watermelon was truly delicious, but it was so expensive that Eldest Sister said they couldn't afford it. It would be great if they could grow it at home!

Gently squeezing little Seventh's fair face with the hands that had been wiped clean, You Jin amusedly responded: "Yes! When Eldest Sister grows watermelons, little Seventh can eat until your belly is round!"

"Su Family’s lass, it's too early to say that. If you can't grow it, then don't blame me for laughing at you!" In Xiao Lin Feng's opinion, no one in Luohe Prefecture had ever grown watermelons before. How can she, Su You Jin, a little girl, really successfully grow it?

"How will you know if I don't try?" Even though she said this, Xiao Lin Feng was inexplicably irked by You Jin's confident reaction. This little girl clearly had a small stature. Why did she always have high spirit and full of confidence?

She had said she wanted to grow watermelons. But it was late summer and early autumn now. Not the time to grow seedlings. You Jin could only have the seeds from the five watermelons washed and dried. Then they were stored in bags and sealed up. It could only wait for next spring to plant.

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