Chapter 90: You He's Marriage

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When Yue You He first arrived at Su’s house, she was always cautious. But after a few days, she found that no matter whether it was Second Aunt, You Jin or the servants of Su Family, they didn’t give special treatment, as if she had always been in Su’s house. This made You He heaved a sigh of relief. In addition, the people around her were also blood-related relatives. The helplessness and unfamiliarity she felt when she first arrived in Luohe Prefecture gradually dissipated.

"If Elder Sister You He is willing, you can come to the study room with us to study and practice calligraphy." Because of You Jin's words, You He began to go to the study room in the front yard to study and practice calligraphy every day. In the afternoon. she practiced embroidery with Mrs. Su. There wasn’t much time in the day for her to be depressed about life.

Mrs. Su looked at You He's handkerchief embroidered with dense stitches of pink butterfly playing with flowers and nodded with satisfaction: "Your mother took pains to teach you. Not mentioning the rest, this handkerchief is countless times better than your younger sisters!"

You He was delighted to be praised by her, but she still smiled: "Second Aunt is overpraising. It’s just me fooling around on normal days. How can it be good enough to show off?"

Mrs. Su really liked You He and felt pity for her experience. She patted her soft hands and said: "When you came, your mother specifically asked me to find a marriage that you would like. Second Aunt isn’t trying to embarrass you. Marriage is an important matter. You can't marry blindly, alright?" Mrs. Su had already been brainwashed by the abnormal daughters in the family and felt that marriage was a matter of children's willingness.

"Since Mother said to let Second Aunt make the decision, I will obey Second Aunt." You He blushed and answered with her head half down. Although Mrs. Han had a very sharp temper, You He was delicate. Although her temper was good, she was an unwed daughter. Her skin was thinner. However, before she came to Luohe Prefecture, her mother did mention to her that the best way to avoid future troubles was to marry herself as soon as possible.

The more Mrs. Su looked at her, the more she liked her. So she urged You Jin a few times, asking her to help You HE find a good family.

You Jin was rendered a little helpless by Mrs. Su's: "Mother! I'm not a matchmaker, how can I keep an eye out for Elder Sister You He?" The people she can get in touch with every day were usually the customers in the snack shop or the long-term worker at home. How can she find a suitable family? "After so much difficulty, I finally got Elder Sister You He's household registration under our family's name. You must let me rest for two days, right?"

At You Jin’s words, Mrs. Su had no choice but to say: "Then you take a break. Don't delay though! Your Elder Sister You He is already sixteen. Can't afford to delay!"


But sometimes fate was something one can't force and fate came inadvertently.

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It had been nearly two months since You He arrived at Wuliqiao. From early spring February to late spring March, You He had already integrated into Su Family’s world. Occasionally, she followed You Yin and others to the snack shop in Luohe Prefecture city to serve the guests and help out.

The little girls in Su Family were all good-looking. Most of the people who came to buy snack shop were women. Naturally, they had noticed that Sujiaxiang had recently gained an addition of a fifteen or sixteen-year-old girl with bright eyes and bright teeth. Many of them with unmarried youth at suitable age at home had their hearts slightly moved. Some even started to inquire with the other girls in the store: "Which family is the girl who helped in the store yesterday? Is she married?"

Shan Nai smiled and explained to the curious woman in front of her: "This is my family’s Cousin Miss. She just came from another place and hasn't been engaged yet!"

Due to Su Family changing their surname to Su, they addressed her as Cousin Miss to avoid some unnecessary troubles.

Sniffing out that another unmarried girl of the right age came to Su Family in Wuliqiao, the matchmakers nearby were moved by the news. Su Family began to welcome the days of matchmaker knocking the door again.

This time, Mrs. Su put all her heart and soul into choosing a good marriage for You He. After careful selection, there were still three younger generations left. Mrs. Su didn't know how to choose, so she asked You Jin and Yu Lan for help: "I find all of them wonderful. Really don't know what to do! Both of you, help me be a second pair of eyes!"

You Jin teased little Eighth as she grumbled: "You can handle it all by yourself, no? What need is there for us?"

During this period, it was like Mrs. Su had become bewitched. Every day, she would go on and on about it. You Jin was so annoyed by it that her ears almost became calloused.

"You child!" Mrs. Su contained her mirth and rolled her eyes at You Jin: "This is a major event in your Elder Sister You He's life. So nothing can go wrong. What's wrong with me paying attention to detail?"

Seeing that You Jin ignored her, she turned her pleading eyes to Yu Lan.

Yu Lan was embroidering the belly slip in her hand for little Eighth. She replied without raising her head: "Since Madam finds it so difficult to choose, let Cousin Miss choose herself!"

"Teacher, you are right. We can only help Elder Sister You He by being the second pair of eyes. In the end, it is Elder Sister You He who will marry and live with that person for the rest of her life. It is better that she is satisfied!"

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As long as this matter got solved, You Jin was fine. Who cares how she do it.

Mrs. Su herself had no experience in checking out potential families. On top of that, You He wasn’t her daughter. If she get aggrieved, she will not be able to explain it to Mrs. Han. She agreed with You Jin and Yu Lan’s method and actually invited You He over to discuss this matter.

But You He was a thin-skinned little girl after all. Even when she was in Dingyuan before, she vaguely knew that her mother was checking out families for her. Never like this, discussing it so straightforwardly with her? Sitting next to Mrs. Su, she blushed with shyness. She lowered her head and muttered: "It's up to Aunt to decide."

You Jin almost spat out the sip of tea she just had. If it was up to Mother and You He, it would be fruitless even after three to five years of researching. Putting down the teacup and wiping the corners of her mouth with a handkerchief, she smilingly suggested: "How about this, I will find someone to inquire about these people’s family backgrounds, personalities, and dispositions these two days. After that, let's go and sneak a peek of them. When the time comes, whichever one Elder Sister You He set your eye on is the one we choose?"

"I think this works. After all, those matchmakers are all eloquent. Even if you are a three star person, she can make them sound like ten stars. It's better for us to find someone to inquire in private." Yu Lan herself had gone through this process before. Naturally, she understood these matchmakers’ ways. She deeply agreed with You Jin's idea.

At the two’s words, Mrs. Su and You He had no objection. Seeing that she wasn’t needed, extremely shy You He turned around and went back to her boudoir.

The finding issue was solved. Now the dowry was an issue.

After many inquiries and checking out, they finally settled on You He's marriage. The young man's name was Liu Zhuo Ting. He was nineteen this year. His family opened a noodle restaurant in Luohe Prefecture. Liu Zhuo Ting himself was studying in a private school in the city and had just passed the examination last spring and achieved the rank Tongsheng.

"The family background isn’t the best. Although the noodle restaurant has been open for some years, it’s just enough to take care of basic needs. In addition, Liu Family has two young daughters who are only seven or eight years old this year. If you marry over, you’ll have a bit of a difficult time for a few years." When You He was about to choose Liu Family, You Jin seriously explained. After getting along with each other for these two months, You Jin knew that You He was raised and brought up with care. Completely different from Mrs. Han’s good temper and a sharp personality, she had a soft and weak temperament. If she enter a family where the in-laws were in their prime and there were two sister-in-laws below, there would be some slight hardship.

However, You He fell in love with the gentle and elegant Liu Zhuo Ting: "I just think he is very nice..."

Thinking of the bright and cheerful man she saw on the street that day, You He blushed.

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Looking at her cousin's young girlish heart, You Jin sighed, "I've said what I should say. If you insist, Elder Sister You He, then we have nothing to say."

When the matchmaker came to deliver the good news, the mistress of Liu Family, Mrs. Qin, opened her mouth slightly in disbelief: "Su Family agreed?"

Life was difficult for her own family. Even though they were doing small business in Luohe Prefecture, Eldest Son's annual expenses alone had already consumed half of the family's income. Plus there were two young daughters. Mrs. Qin thought Su Family would never agree. Unexpectedly, it actually came true!

The matchmaker grinned from ear to ear and jollily said: "Since I brought it up, Su Family have definitely given their nod. Elder Sister-in-law can rest assured and wait for the daughter-in-law's tea!"

Since the two family were willing, the two people's birth dates were soon matched. After going through the standard, the auspicious day was set to be three days before the Dragon Boat Festival, the second day of May.

Now there was only less than a month before the two families’ auspicious day. Although Su Family had the intention to make it big, Liu Family really didn’t have much money. You He was now embroidering her wedding dress in the room every day. The two families were in a flurry to arrange the two children’s wedding.

On April 29th, there were still three days before Su and Liu Family’s big day. In the afternoon, You Jin came back with two strangers and got someone to invite You He over.

Upon You He’s arrival, You Jin turned to the two with their face down and stated: "From now on, she will be your master. Go and greet Miss You He."

The two bowed and acknowledged her words. Neatly, they kneeled to You He: "Greeting Miss You He."

"This is?" You He just arrived when she saw two females kneeling down towards her and was a little confused.

After pulling You He to sit down, You Jin introduced to her: "The older one's surname is Ge. The younger one's name was Chun Hua. They will go to Liu's house with you."

She chose two servants to accompany her marrying over. The older one was only in her early thirties. The younger one was only fourteen or fifteen years old. It was unknown whether it was intentional or not, both of them were very ordinary-looking.

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"How can this do?" Upon hearing that it was her accompanying maids, You He quickly refused: "How can an ordinary family marry off a daughter with servants. I'm afraid it will be a joke!"

Even though she said this, You He was still very grateful to You Jin for thinking for her best.

You Jin motioned to Auntie Song to take the two of them away and settle them down. Then she took You He to the backyard. After entering You He's boudoir, the two sat down respectively: "Elder Sister You He, the life of Liu Family isn’t easy now. Without servants, you have to wash and cook every day for such a big family. You also have to serve your parents-in-law and take care of your sister-in-laws. This is too hard!"

You Jin pulled the pair of hands that were completely different from hers and then showed her hands that still had a thin layer of calluses after nurturing for more than two years: "Remember how I used to work every day when I was at Yue's house. Let’s not mention other things and just the fact that I have taken care of these hands for two years. They are still very rough. Don't you feel sorry for your hands?"

Seeing her putting it that way, You He was silent for a while. She was pampered since childhood. Although there were no servants in the family, her Maternal Grandmother and Mother were swift workers. She needn’t worry about anything. If she was required to take care of these things in the future, it will mostly likely be too much for her, right?

Seeing her hesitation, You Jin took the chance to strike for victory and pushed on: "That's why I chose two people for you. Putting aside the rest, they can at least help you with the trivial matters at home. And if you are wronged in Liu's house, there are still people who can stand by your side and protect you?"

She took out a red deed with You He's name on it from her bosom: "This is the dowry that Mother and I prepared for you to put in the cash box of your dowry. Store it safely."

You He can read. When she unfolded it, it turned out to be ten mu of fertile land few kilometer west of Luohe Prefecture City! Like a hot potato, she immediately stuffed it back into You Jin's hands: "It's too precious. I can't take it!"

Ten mus of fertile land would cost seven or eighty liang silver at least. How could she accept such a valuable thing?

You Jin resolutely put the red deed back into her hand: "Although it’s not much, you still need some personal belongings. If you rely on her Liu family for every drink and peck, you will always be inferior."

You He originally had some boundary set up between second branch. After all, they weren’t close at the beginning. But now seeing Aunt and Paternal Younger Cousin Sister thinking about everything for her, she couldn't help but reddened her eyes: "You Jin, I!"

If it wasn't for second branch’s help, she might have already fallen into the fire pit. How could she find such a good husband like today and relatives preparing such a precious dowry for her?

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