The next morning before sunrise, Lionel, Kazuto, and Niken prepared to leave. They all said goodbye to their friends.

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"Scarlet, I'd to ask you a favor." Kazuto approached Scarlet and whispered to her. "Can you watch Tora for me? Try not to let him graduate and advance to level S."

"I understand. It seems like he won't cause trouble. Izzy told me he doesn't remember his hatred of you. As long as he doesn't see you, there won't be any problems."

"That's good. He was also looking for a Time Master. I hope he forgets it too."

"How did he know about the existence of Time Master?"

"I don't know. Not only him, but Ren also knew. It seemed Tora found out concerning Time Master from Ren."

"What? Ren knew? But how?"

"If only I knew," looking down, Kazuto felt dejected as once again, remembering the boy he took care was no longer in this world.

 "Did that person knew?"

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"Not yet. That 'person' hasn't come in our domicile for a couple years."

That 'person' both mentioned was Ren's savior when the boy was only a month baby. That 'person' found him in the street on rainy days and saved him. Unfortunately, the person was not an ordinary Elementalist and not in condition bring along a kid. Therefore, the person came to the village nearby, which turned out the wolf clan and gave the baby under the clan's protection.

Once a year, the person would come to check on the baby, later on, was named Ren.

Sadly, the 'person' didn't come these two years. Perhaps that was one of the reasons as to why Tora dared to kill him. He wasn't scared one day the person will come for the poor boy.

"Let's hope he would never come, even if he does, I'm sure the chief would handle it. Let's make sure Tora won't make any trouble in the academy while I'm gone."

Scarlet nodded in agreement and assured Kazuto that everything would be fine.

Meanwhile, Richard and Niken said their goodbyes in front of their house.

"Make sure you eat on time, take care of your health. Don't force yourself too much, you don't need to be burdened with the training. Then... "

"Brother..." Niken interrupted gently. "I will be fine. Besides, it seems like Kazuto is more talkative than you about my interests. So, don't worry about me, instead, worry about yourself. Don't skip your meal when I'm not here, don't overexert yourself. Remember to take a break once for a while."

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Richard just smiled as he heard that then took his most prolonged breath of the day. "Now who's nagging who? Don't worry, I'll be fine." teased Richard, which caused a giggle to escape Niken's lips.

"Are you ready?" Lionel's voice made Richard even more unwilling to let go of his only younger sister.

Richard laughed at his sister.

That's right. It's time for his sister to fly higher to the sky. He must let his sister became a beautiful butterfly that flies on her own wings. After Richard felt he could finally let her go, he ruffled his sister's hair in a teasing manner.

"Brother..." protested Niken while fixing her hair. Richard laughed again, making Niken breathe freely. "I'm not a child! Don't mess with my hair!"

"But I like messing your hair." joked Richard while laughing out loud. "See you next year. I will always be here waiting for you to go back."

Niken smiled happily and turned her body toward the place where Kazuto and Lionel were waiting for her. The three of them walked, and when they began to disappear from the sight of Richard and the others, Niken stopped in her tracks and turned around to wave her hand and look at her brother's face one last time.

Richard smiled and returned his lovely sister's waving hand. Just as Niken turned back and her back was nowhere to be seen, Richard saw a woman he didn't know walking toward him.

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"Who is she?" unconsciously Richard asked Edward, who happened to be standing beside him.

"Who do you mean?"

"That woman," he answered while pointing at the woman, but there was no one there.

"There's no one there. Did you perhaps see it wrong?"

Richard returned his eyes to the woman, trying to find her whereabouts. But nothing, he did not find anyone who was there. Richard mused and asked if he might have missed his sister, so he could hallucinate indistinctly.

Richard sighed and decided not to think about it.

"You are right. Maybe I saw it wrong," assured Richard when he realized Edward was still staring at him with a worried look.

"Guys, it's time we return," exclaimed Scarlet. "Sir Danzel, there is a special training room for SS level at the Bieger academy. I'm sure we can train there without disturbance."

"Hm? That's good. We can start practicing from today on."

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After packing up, they all returned to their homes. While Richard will stay in the Bieger's dormitory for a while and join in Hokuto's mission to enhance the cultivation of his fire element. The others will undergo extensive training from Danzel.

Meanwhile, Edward would sometimes join Hokuto and Richard, sometimes continuing to oversee the unusual movements or changes to Tora.

What Izzy said was true. Since the sound of Izzy's flute at that time, Tora did not do anything wrong. In fact, he could turn into a pleasant and likable person. Everyone who once afraid of him now adored him and enjoy being his friend.

Edward frowned in surprise. 

Tora was feared by everyone because he used to put on the face of a predator, yet now he could get along and smile friendly to other people?

Did his hatred for Kazuto make him a cold and cruel person? What did Kazuto do to make Tora hate Kazuto so much?

Edward decided to forget the question. In the meantime, there will be no problems at the Bieger academy.

At least, for now.

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