"Is someone sealing your magic?" Danzel asked, bluntly making Yuki somewhat surprised.

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How did sir Denzel know she had magic, not to mention, the man also knew someone sealed her magic?

"That's right. Someone sealed it."


"If my magic isn't sealed, my body won't withstand the superpower of a combination of magic and elemental energy. Either I can't control my emotions and destroy my surroundings with my power or explode due to overheating."

"I understand. Everything will be fine if you are just an ordinary Elementalist, but you are a mix-blood of Zeed, so your cultivation would be far above the average Elementalist knight."

Yuki wide-eyed to hear the fact Denzel knew her birth secret. How in the world sir Danzel knew a lot of things about mix-blood wizards?

"How did you know I was a mix-blood?"

"Let's just say I have a mix-blood acquaintance, so I can distinguish the aura emitted between mix-blood and ordinary elementalists. If you don't mind, may I know who sealed your magic?"

"He... I'm sorry, I can't tell you."

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"No problem. Alright, let's start our first stage of training."

Yuki nodded in agreement.

Basically, Yuki already had magic in her body, even without the help of legacy equipment. Therefore, Denzel did not need to lead the girl to find the source of her energy. He only needed to guide the girl to take a small portion of her magic particle and then unite it with her elemental energy.

"The combination of your energy is very unique. You can control a variety of elements without limits. It would be good if you focused just on one element so that your body wouldn't overload. I guessed you used a lot of elements during your training?"

"Yes, I did."

Yuki was honored to be sir Denzel's disciple. She didn't know the reason her body felt aching was because she used various kinds of elemental energy. She never thought she could only focus on one elemental to avoid any kind of overheated.

She was very fortunate to have sir Denzel as her mentor.

"From now on, use one elemental energy like the others. That way, it will reduce the pressure on your energy."

"I understand."

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"Did you choose it? What element do you want to use? Choose one that makes you comfortable when using them."

"I feel calmer when using ice elements."

"Alright, then. We will focus on the ice element from now on. Now, follow my instruction and focus on that particular element."

Carefully, Yuki followed all directions and instructions from Denzel to increase her elemental energy by taking a small portion of her sealed magic.

Denzel could see the seal that held Yuki's magic power was not waver even though Yuki took a small portion through the seal. The person who sealed the magic seemed to loosen the seal so that Yuki could use her magic when Yuki was in danger.

After meditating for two hours, Yuki finally succeeded in uniting her magic with her ice element. Yuki slowly opened her palms then a block of cube-shaped ice appeared in the middle of her hand. It was big - big enough to strike ten bulky men.

"Hm. Very good. You can control it perfectly. Then you can practice creating ice in any form. I think you will be called the Knight of Ice after this. Or better word, an Ice Mage."

Yuki smiled, happy to hear the nickname that suits her the best.

"You can practice by yourself without me, right?"

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"Be careful, don't overexert yourself. Once you feel a strong urge to put out all your strength, you should stop right then."

"I'll remember that. Thank you for your guidance."

Lionel got to his feet and returned to the other knights' training room, who was still busy looking for their energy sources. Indeed, finding magic seeds embedded deep within the astral dimension was not easy.

It required a particular situation or a big emotion to stir the seed to come to the surface. Denzel sighed as realizing the young knights still have a long way to go.

Yuki, who was left alone in the practice room, still did not move from her sitting in Lotus position. Her eyes glowed at the glowing chunks of ice.

All this time, she could only form ice in the form of small or trivial objects such as bracelets, spoons, or other useless objects. But now she could create large ice cubes that useful to attack opponents.

Because she was too excited, Yuki tried to form the ice in another form without realizing the seal on her back that sealed her magic shone.

She was excited as she succeeded in making a hummer made ice, then she tried another shape until she felt a powerful urge to make a storm in this place. She realized she was too excited when using her power and need to stop this instance. Alas, she was late, she couldn't control her raging magic inside her.

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The floor under her turned cold and was covered with ice made her even more afraid. Yuki immediately stood up and ran out of the room to the roof of the building. While running, she continued to try to suppress her magic to remain in the seal.

Every now and then, she glanced at her hands, which were now turning into ice slowly. She got more panicked when she realized that each of her footprints was on the floor, leaving behind the ice in the shape of her shoes.

As soon as she arrived at the roof of the building, she gripped her chest tightly.

"Zeph, I need you." She whispered almost soundlessly, but she was sure the person she called heard her voice.

Slowly the black spot began to appear in her vision, and her body fell backward.

At that moment, someone appeared, restraining her limp body.

Yuki was very familiar with who has come, so she felt calmer and let the drowsiness assault her. It seemed that Zeph had waged sleep magic on her, so she fell asleep.

Zeph - Zephyr directed his right hand towards the door that Yuki came from, then a second phase of the indigo-colored magic circle appeared. In an instant, Yuki's chunks of ice and the floor in Yuki's training room that had frozen had now become normal as if there were no chunks of ice there at all.

After that, Zephyr carried unconscious Yuki in a bridal style and walked to his vortex.

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