Niken remembered that when she was carried away by a passionate kiss from Kazuto, she had resigned herself if Kazuto would go all the way. For a few moments, her brain was utterly malfunctioning, and she forgot all the customs of her home country.

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She even let out a weird sound when Kazuto's stretched his hand from her waist to the front and touched one of her breasts. The euphoria she experienced increased, and she was in cloud nine when the man gently squeezed and massaged her breasts, making her common sense die instantly.

Who would have known when Kazuto's hand slipped inside under her dress, Niken felt unbearable pain inside her head, making her faint that very minute.

Fortunately, she fainted, otherwise, who knows what would happen to her at the mercy of Kazuto's hand.

Niken pressed her chest with her hand to feel the throbbing of her heart. Come to think of it; she didn't feel dislike for Kazuto's hand touch against her bare skin.

Can she feel it again?

Can she think of things like this?

She imagined what it feels like if the lips that kissed her lips would kiss all her body?

What it feels like if his hand did many unspeakable things to her?

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What if...

Ugh! Stop it, Niken! Why do you think such a pervert imagination? Forget it already! Niken scolded herself, afraid the man could hear her thoughts.

She was lucky the eclipse occurred, so the mind-linking was temporarily broken. Otherwise, she couldn't imagine how wide Kazuto would smirk at her.

"Uwaaaaa... mammaaaaaa ..." Niken suddenly heard the sound of a crying child.

Thinking she could leave for a moment to look for the crying child, Niken walked away without Kazuto knowing.

Niken approached the child while patting the top of his head. A strange scent assaulted her nose, but she did not care.

"Hi, are you lost? I will help you find your parents, so don't cry, okay?" Niken wiped the boy's tears gently before invited him to go to Kazuto's place.

She didn't want to disappear without the man's knowledge; hence, she should let the man know. Or better yet again, they could search for the kid's parents together.

Sadly, the crowd made it difficult to walk approaching Kazuto. Every step she took, people around her would push her back further.

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"Huwaaaaa ... huwaaaaa ..."

Niken was confused because this child cried again while she could not walk through this crowd. She needed to let the man know so Kazuto wouldn't panic when he noticed she wasn't there.

In the end, she decided to pull this child to a quiet place and then try to find out the little boy's parents' whereabouts.

Once they were away from the crowd's midst, Niken scented another fragrance coming from the perfume stall.

"Wow, it smells really good." exclaimed the child cheerfully as if he had not cried at all before.

"Welcome to our place. What kind of perfume are you looking for? "

"Ah, nothing. I'm just accompanying this child." Niken replied politely. She was not so fond of perfume, so she was not interested in buying it.

In contrast to this lost little child, it seems that the child is very attached to perfume.

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"Try to smell this aroma. It smells really good."

Niken blinked a few times. Shouldn't they look for the parents of this kid? Why is this kid encouraging her to smell perfume?

Ah, never mind. Niken decided to fulfill the boy's wishes as long as the child did not cry, which would only confuse her more. She was not really good at handling kids after all.

Niken inhaled the sweet scent from a tiny bottle and smiled faintly. It smells good, but there is something strange about the smell. Lamentably, she could not find anything weird about the perfume.

"It smells nice. What kind of ingredients are used to make this perfume?"

"The ingredients are the zingiber officinale roscoe plant and piper nigrum L."

"Ah?" Niken felt increasingly dizzy to hear the complicated name terms.

Wait, why does her head feel like spinning around? Not the kind of dizzy from hearing that strange name, but real one as if she got a fever. Her body felt hot all over, and something weird danced at the bottom of her stomach.

"This kind of perfume is very suitable to seduce a woman. It's an aphrodisiac, after all."

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Niken could see the triumphant smile on the stall owner and the little boy before she fell unconscious.

"She is an inamorata," exclaimed the child who has now turned into an adult.

The child was no longer a child but a tall man like an average adult. The pair of eyes of the child has a different color. One was red while the latter was purple.

Just now, the child created an illusion for Kazuto and Niken. Kazuto still thought Niken was nearby, while Niken thought she was at the festival venue. The truth was since Niken smelled a strange scent from the boy's body, an artificial illusion was created, and the child slowly took her out of the festival venue unnoticed and headed to this perfume stand.

"We are lucky, the knight who claimed her is the black knight. That knight won't be able to find his inamorata for hours."

The two men smiled cunningly and probed Niken's body in a lustful gaze. One of them carried Niken over his shoulder as if he was carrying a sack of rice.

Not far from there, a butterfly that appeared in Niken's dream flew away in searching a particular beast. This beast was a wolf but not an ordinary one. 

The wolf's body size was ten times bigger, and its strength was many times greater than that of the knight's elementalists. Its level strength was a par on those wizards in the indigo stage. Even more astonishing was this wolf was not affected by the eclipse.

But the wolf was too full because it had eaten dozens of humans, so it chose to sleep during the eclipse. It also did not care about a certain butterfly trying to wake him up.

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