As soon as Kazuto managed to summon Supreme Alpha, he used his backup cultivation to end all the illusions around him, including the fake Niken. His eyes were no longer black but became as red as fresh blood. At present, his vision was integrated with Alpha's sights.

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Without waiting for more time, he immediately dashed to the Alpha destination. He hoped he could arrive at Niken's place on time.

He knew he shouldn't have called Black Alpha because the creature would eat the humans it saw. The ravenousness will increase if it smells intense elemental energy or magic. But he had no choice if he wanted to find Niken that instance.

The only one who could track Niken's scent was Supreme Alpha.

At the same time, his nose began to bleed, indicating that he had joined his vision with Alpha for too long. He had to cut the connection but did not want to lose track of Niken.

The hair on his neck shuddered in horror when he saw how the beast ate small ugly creatures he did not know as if they were ordinary snacks. His heartbeat went faster when he heard the creature's thought that Niken had great magic and wanted to eat her.

Kazuto didn't have time to wonder how Niken could have magic. He was trying to run as fast as he could to the place where Niken was while ignoring the pain in his body.

Once he reached the place, his heart seemed to stop beating when he saw the wolf's snout was right above Niken's head. Without thinking, Kazuto mustered all the energy he had and then released a massive energy force from his body to attack the beast.

Kazuto managed to fling the black Alpha bounced some distance away from Niken. But as in exchange, he vomited a mouth of blood, and some of his nerve muscles felt like breaking up. Kazuto ignored his grave internal injuries and sprinted towards Niken.

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Once Niken was within his reach, Kazuto immediately hugged the girl tightly. At the same time, his eyes didn't stray from the black Alpha, who had now growling angrily towards him.

Two pairs of red eyes met each other, and Kazuto could see that there was a surprising ray of Alpha's crimson eyes.

"So you're the one who called me, huh?"

Kazuto gritted his teeth with absolutely no intention of answering. He was thinking of various ways to escape from this beast. His hug to Niken increasingly hardened as he realized he would never be able to defeat this fiery Supreme Alpha.

His body was full of pain, not to mention he forced himself to exceed the limits of his strength. If the eclipse ends, maybe he can fight. His wounds will also heal quickly, and his energy will soon recover under the full moon.

But if he continued to be here after the eclipse ended, the white knight would soon find Niken. While he was absolutely sure, this Black Alpha wouldn't let him go that easily.

What should he do? How do they escape from this beast?

Tap! Tap! Tap!

A second later, Kazuto saw a black-eyed man with a long black bang covering his right eye. The aura of the man was so overwhelming as if he was on par with the Supreme Alpha.

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No, perhaps this man was way stronger than the beast!

Who is this man? Is he one of the wolf clan too? Which branch? Why didn't he recognize the man?

"Hm... no wonder the daemons are after the girl. Apparently, she is an inamorata and also a wizard. The smell itself very alluring to the nose."


Wizard? Niken is a wizard?

"You should immediately cut off your connection with my contracted familiar spirit; otherwise, you will die."


Considering that he had been seriously injured because he had used forbidden techniques only to summon Black Supreme Alpha, Kazuto followed the stranger's suggestion. In an instant, Kazuto's red eyes turned black again.

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"Hmph!" Alpha grunted harshly.

"Is she training as a Time Master? I suggest she use her magic instead of her elemental energy. Well, do remind her if she uses her reverse magic too often, her life span will diminish, but at least she will not be trapped in the illusion of another daemon or whoever is after her. As a Time Master who has magic, she is invincible."

"Why did you tell me this?"

That person just gave him a crooked smile before turning around and leaving the place. Black Alpha also turned around following the stranger.

Making sure both of them had left, Kazuto let out a sigh of relief and immediately slipped his head into the niche of Niken's neck while crying.

He almost lost his inamorata. How reckless he was that he didn't realize the Niken next to him was an illusion.

He should have told the truth that he had become weak under the lunar eclipse. He should have brought Lionel to this festival so that he could take care of Niken.

His hands that hugged Niken's body trembled violently, and his heart did not stop pounding because the afraid of the loss. For a few moments, he felt his heart covered with a darkness that he had never felt before.

Is this the feeling of being trapped in a world of darkness? Will he become like a white knight if Niken leaves this world?

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Kazuto's body tensed at the sound of a weak voice near his ear. He loosened his arms to look at the girl's face. His heartfelt sliced ​​at how pale Niken's face was, and there were concave curves on both of her cheeks.

The daemons succeeded in taking away some of her vitality. Now Niken's face looked gaunt like a malnourished person.

"I must be so ugly," whispered Niken weakly.

Kazuto shook his head quickly. "No, you're still beautiful in my eyes. Sorry, I'm sorry ... I should have ... " Kazuto could no longer hold back his tears and hid his face back into the crook of Niken's neck while sobbing.

His heart was filled with a feeling of guilt that was very large and helpless. At first, he thought he was among the most powerful because he had found his energy source and mastered it entirely.

How arrogant he is! 

He should know there were still people who far more powerful than him in this world. Because of his arrogance, he almost lost the one breath of his life—the only source of motivation for living.

The only love in his life.

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