Kazuto and Niken didn't feel anything suspicious. They just sat there, wondering what Lionel was talking about with his acquaintances. At first, they could hear the two men's conversation, but over time the two men's voices faded as if something was blocking them from listening.

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Moreover, Kazuto has a sharper hearing than ordinary humans also can not listen to their conversation. He realized the two men would look at them in turn from time to time. This made Kazuto wonder. Somehow he felt restless.

"Niken, we better move away."

"Ah? Why?"

"I feel bad about that person?"

"Okay, then."

But when they stood up, the atmosphere around them changed to become eerier. Kazuto glanced at the red-haired person who was now smiling at him, making he had goosebump over his body.

"Don't die on me, love birds."

Kazuto immediately shielded Niken with his body and...




Even though the attack hit Kazuto's body, Niken was still affected. Because the assault was a lightning technique that spreads to anyone who was hit by a strike.

Suddenly their entire body felt numb and could not move, but the whole internal body felt extreme pain. Even Niken's screams could no longer be measured.

"Zehell, stop it. They could die."

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"Let's just wait."

"ZEHELL!!" Lionel felt more anxious watching the painful expression of the young ones. He tried to save them by using boulder, but Zehell beat him to it.

Zehell glanced at Lionel sarcastically and summoned another lightning bolt on Lionel to hold him. Right now, Lionel was caged inside the lightning-bar.

Lionel groaned in frustration as he could do nothing to get out of this cage. He hoped Kazuto and Niken could endure this attack.

Even though Kazuto's brain couldn't work properly due to the electric shock from Zehell's lightning, his instincts still work just fine. His intuition told him to stay away from Niken so that the electricity from his body did not catch Niken.

With some difficulty, he moved away from Niken while groaning in pain. Strangely, even though they had not touched each other, Niken still felt pain as her eyes glazen with tears, making Kazuto glared at Zehell.

"If you don't cast your magic, you won't be able to save her. Elemental energy alone can't rival my magic."

Kazuto's jaw hardened, and his hands clenched until his nails dug into his flesh. He tried to concentrate on summoning the magic he had been hiding inside his body. Then…


A green magic circle appeared below Kazuto, and the color of Kazuto's eyes turned red. The nerves on Kazuto's face seemed to be purple like a living corpse while his teeth were elongated like fangs.

Lionel and Zehell were shocked beyond words seeing Kazuto's new appearance. The man looked like a monster ready to kill everything it saw.

Without waiting anymore, Kazuto raised his hands, then clapped his hands and pointed it at Zehell.

Instantly the electricity gathered in Kazuto's hands shot like a laser gun towards Zehell. The man had no idea that Kazuto would fire back the lightning current, so his reaction was a bit late.

Even so, Zehell was still able to block the lightning laser shot with both hands that have been filled with an electric wall. Unfortunately, the laser shot was too big and robust, even twice as strong as the original strength when he wanted to test Kazuto's magic. So that a small portion of the shot escaped his defense and injured his right cheek.

Once the laser shot was over, Kazuto panted, and his eyes slowly returned to normal, followed by his appearance. He passed out next to Niken, who had been unconscious earlier.

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"I've made up my mind."


"I will make that young man my disciple."

!? What? Lionel deliberately invited Zehell to help him train Niken to awaken her magic, but why was that guy even more interested in Kazuto??

"Zehell, I called you because of Niken, not Kazuto."

"Niken? Ah, so the girl's name is Niken. Something sealed her main energy so she could not use her magic. Well, the seal had cracked, so she began to be able to use her magic. It's just that the seal hasn't completely broken, so the magic circle will only appear when she's in danger or when her adrenaline is racing. You only need to make her break the seal, so she could create a magic circle whenever she wished."

Seal? What does he mean by Niken's main energy was sealed? Before this, Ling Duan had intentionally sealed Niken's real power. But now the seal was broken, and the real astral soul of Niken had come out. Is it possible, the seal that locks her energy hasn't all been destroyed?

"It's very easy to train Niken, you can do it." Zehell continued. "But it won't be easy to train Kazuto. He has enormous potential. I think the only one who can defeat that 'person' is that boy."


"Just someone. It's better you don't know."

Lionel shook his head. This was the risk he must face if asking for help from someone as eccentric as Zehell.

To be honest, instead of Zehell, he wanted to ask for his mentor's help, who was also the second caste wizard. But he did not want to disturb his mentor because the man was undergoing a critical mission.

But now, he started to regret his impulsive decision.

"I should have called master Zephyr." murmured Lionel.

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"Yeah, I also wondering the same thing. Why don't you ask for your mentor's help instead of me?"

"..." Lionel walked away, ignoring his question to approach two of his students who had collapsed due to his mentor's best friend's magic.

"Hmph! What ungrateful knight!"


Meanwhile, master Zephyr stood before the front gate of the wolf clan. As usual, he wore a white mask so that no one knew what his face looks like. Even Lionel and Zehell did not know his appearance as Zephyr never took off his mask.

After waiting, the clan leader came out to greet him.

"Master Z, long time no see. I'm honored to have you pay a visit upon our humble family."


The wolf clan's chief was famous for being fearless of anything. Now, he felt cold on his back to realize one of the mix-blood wizards did not respond to his greeting.

The wolf clan might indeed be one of the strongest and elite clans in the entire country. But, they all remained nothing to the wizards, no matter if it was pureblood or mix-blood. They don't need to be afraid of the third or lower caste wizards because their strength was in par with them.

But it was totally diferent if they had a mix-blood wizard as opponent. Not to mention Zephyr was the strongest amongst the strongest. His power was in par to a pureblood one.

"Master Z? Is there anything I can help with? I will definitely..."

"Stop your nonsense. Why I couldn't feel Ren's presence?"

The clan leader swallowed nervously. During these two years, master Z had never come to visit Ren, but this person reappeared just right after Ren died a few months ago.

Should he tell the truth? If he did, this person would kill Tora right away to get revenge, but...

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These days Tora has changed. He was no longer cold or cruel towards others, but kind and friendly person. He really wanted to give the man a second chance. After all, everyone deserved a second chance.

That's why the chief wanted to protect Tora no matter what. Cold sweat trickled out while trying to find the right answer to not make this distinguished individual offended.

Lucky for him, before this person runs out of patience, this person has continued the sentence first.

"Where is Kazuto?"


The chief immediately took this as his advantage. He could use Kazuto as a scape-goat. After all, master Z had entrusted Ren's protection to the black knight. So it was reasonable if the first person to come in master Z's mind was Kazuto. He would look for Kazuto to hold the boy accountable.

I'm sorry, Kazuto, but this is for the sake of all of us. He said in his mind.

"Unfortunately, he is away, master. Nobody knows where he went or when he would be back."


An indigo magic circle appeared under Zephyr's feet, making his aura more domineering. Without his brain's permission, the clan chief knelt down in one knee while gripping his chest painfully in the face of this overwhelming aura.

Soon a circular portal formed behind Zephyr. The circle was made of platinum, and there were some chunks of ice around it.

Seeing the new appearance of Zephyr's portal, made the clan's chief shivered in horror. How could this person's magic power continue to increase even after the magic circle was at the indigo stage? It was as if the man was not a mix-blood but a pureblood instead.

A mix-blood wizard's power would be stagnant after his magic circle hit on the blue stage, yet this man succeeded in reaching the indigo stage. Moreover, the man still kept growing stronger.

The chief could only breathe a sigh of relief once Zephyr disappeared into the portal.

"Kazuto, I hope you don't die in his hands."

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