Niken just finished refining her time-spacial and directly storing it in her astral dimension.

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"Congratulations, you finally finished creating your own time zone. How's that feel?"

"It feels great. My body feels light as if there are wings on my back."

Lionel chuckled at that. "Yeah, you really are your mother's daughter. You said the exact statement as your mother once she managed to complete her time-spacial."

Niken smiled broadly at that. She really missed her mother and hoped she was still alive somewhere. But she did not let her hope high, because she knew Muyun did not lie when he said he had killed her parents.

Even so, Niken did not let the sadness linger to control her. She wanted to move on and continue to grow until she could face her parents with her head held high one day. She wanted her parents to feel proud of her and watching her from above.

A spoiled little princess is no longer a whiny child.

"Now, what should we do?"

"We still have one month left. Since you completed the time spacial earlier, the rest is up to you. Do you want to go down the mountain as soon as possible and expand the range of your time zone, or do you want to be still here while planning a trip schedule to expand your time range zone."

"Hm..." Niken pondered, thinking about the best choice, then decided to discuss it first with Kazuto.

She remembered that Kazuto was also training with his new mentor. Because of that, Niken didn't want to interfere with the man's training by going down the mountain early.

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"I think I want to discuss it with Kazu first."

"Sounds good." Lionel nodded in agreement. "Speak of the devil. He's here."

Niken instantly turned to see a black wolf lightly leaping towards her. Then the wolf's nose sniffed around the niche of Niken's neck, making Niken laugh with amusement.

"Kazu, stop it. It's ticklish, you know."

Suddenly Kazuto changed back to his human form and shortly the two sturdy arms tightly wrapped around Niken's body. At the same time, Kazuto still enjoyed the pleasant aroma of Niken's body, causing the poor heart of Niken flustered.

He never knew Niken's body scent could be so tempting like this.

"You smell very good."

"Ah? But I'm sweating... ekh​​!? " Niken was aghast as Kazuto licking the niche of her neck made Niken shudder in horror.

Kazuto is acting weird again!!

Niken glanced at her mentor to ask for help, but unfortunately, the man had left as if the earth swallowed him.

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Where is Lionel? Why is that man disappearing so fast?

Niken did not know, Zehell had come and promptly took Lionel away from the two of them.

Lionel, who was confused by the changes in the environment around him, could only wonder.

"Why did you bring me here?"

Lionel's eyes widened at this. "How can? I thought he could control his primitive drives?"

"His elemental energy has just been enhanced by his magic that doubles his power and also his needs. Also, since the girl managed to break the magic seal, her appearance had changed into an enchanted one. Kazuto was born from the Beast clan, how could he possibly hold back his lust?"

Lionel massaged his forehead while shaking his head. He hoped that Niken could withstand the beastly Kazuto.

Contrary to what Lionel had hoped for, Niken was entirely overwhelmed by Kazuto.

At the moment, Niken couldn't even understand what happened to her. The next thing she knew, she was no longer at Shiqu mountain, but in a beautiful flower garden. 

What is this place? Why does it feel like this was someone's astral dimension?

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Moreover, their position, which initially was standing up, was now lying down with Niken beneath Kazuto's massive body and that too, the man was shirtless! What the hell!?

Not to mention, Kazuto didn't stop sucking and biting her neck as if he hadn't eaten in days. Niken was just about to struggle but realized that her body couldn't move!

Did Kazuto do something to her??

"Oh ... Nnnn ..." Damn, why did she even enjoy it?

Someone, please stop this man! Begged her in her mind.

Niken only breathed relieved when Kazuto raised his head away from her neck. Then she saw a pair of crimson red eyes. Are Kazuto's eyes red? Isn't the color of the man's eyes black?

Suddenly Niken's brain couldn't think as if someone possessed her mind and shutting down her brain function. She did not realize that a pair of red eyes hypnotized her and lured her into his game.

Then, Kazuto moved forward to taste the most delicious fruit in the world.

"Hmmm..." Niken felt herself helpless under Kazuto's seductive touch. Kazuto kissed her lips very gently and teased as if to persuade her to open her tightly closed lips.

Niken felt her brain was not thinking clearly, but she tried to maintain a little of her consciousness. She closed her lips tightly with all her strength, but she was lulled instead and accepted the kiss in the end.

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It was wrong, but it felt so right!

Niken felt Kazuto suck and kiss her lips, nipping the tender flesh over and over before he pried her lips gently to him to take. His tongue was hot as it entered her mouth, rubbing her tongue seductively to bring out a moan from her mouth.

Niken gave up and could only try to follow the game of Kazuto's tongue, making the man more eager to devour the contents of her sweet cavern as if it was his favorite dessert.

Kazuto's hand began to make its way from Niken's neck downward, following the girl's body's curve, creating another delicious moan from Niken's mouth. She felt butterflies dancing under her lower abdomen, and she could see many stars danced above her head.

What is this feeling? She wanted even more. More! Touch me more!

Following her instincts, Niken put her arms around Kazuto's neck to feel the man's thick, smooth hair. At that moment, both of them have been overcome by desire and had no intention to stop.

An alarming sound rang inside Niken's head when she felt Kazuto slipped his hand inside her cloth.

"Mmmm..." Niken struggled and broke free from Kazuto's fondling, but the man kept feasting on her cherry lips.

Sensing a strong resistance from his inamorata, Kazuto pulled back his hands and clenched his fists besides Niken's head. He would not touch her body as he promised not to do something that she did not like. But for now, let him enjoy this cherry because Niken already permitted him to kiss her.

Lucky for him, the girl did not forbid him for how long he would kiss her. So he would enjoy it to his heart's content.

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