After eating, Zehell took them to a magic shop. They looked at various kinds of magic tools for sale with different prices, starting with the amount of one thousand amethyst to hundreds of sapphire. At least nothing here that was valuable with emerald or ruby ​​coins made Niken sigh in relief.

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The goods here are not as expensive as in the East, which often used Emerald coins compared to Sapphire.

Kazuto chose a beautiful necklace with a butterfly pendant for Niken. Somehow he thought the spirit type that matches Niken's soul was a butterfly. Unknown to him, the soul-spirit of Niken was indeed a butterfly.

"Niken, turn around, please. I'll put it on."

Niken glanced at the butterfly necklace and smiled. She followed Kazuto's request and let the man put the necklace on her neck.

Niken felt butterflies dancing in her stomach as she felt Kazuto's hand touch her neck when the man lifted her hair. Ah, it's been a long time since he caressed her, making her crave his touch even just a little.

It seemed like it's time for them to do an intimacy session, but...

What if this time, the man could not control his lust? What if this time the man would really eat her raw?

Niken did not dare to take the risk and tried to hold back her own urges.

As soon as Kazuto finished put on the necklace, Niken held the butterfly pendant with a big smile. She turned to face her lover.

"How do I look?"

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"Very beautiful."

Niken smiled contentedly at that and then moved her index finger as if telling Kazuto to bend toward her. Kazuto bent his body slightly and...


Niken gave him a short kiss on his cheek to surprise Kazuto.

"Thank you for the necklace." Then Niken immediately ran out because she didn't want her boyfriend to ask for more.

Kazuto touched his cheek in amazement. This was the first time she kissed him on her initiative, which made his heart flowery.

Seeing Kazuto, who was in an extraordinarily good mood, Lionel took advantage of this opportunity and told Kazuto to pay for all the stuff he had handed over to the cashier.

"The total is five hundred seventy-five sapphire coins, sir."

With indifference, Kazuto gave six emerald coins to the cashier. "Just keep the change."

Lionel quickly stored the magic tools in his astral dimension while humming happily. Then the two came out following Niken and Zehell without regard to the cashier who gawked at getting an emerald coin in his hand.

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In terms of wealth and strength, East was number one because it was a legacy from the Zeed kingdom that had experienced mass murder.

No wonder if the shop keeper was stunned to the point he felt like he could die from happiness once he hold an emeral coins. At that too, six emerald coins!

He stored it quickly in his safe as he scared evil people would rob him.

That afternoon Zehell guided them to a tourist lake where many visitors had gathered. Right at sunset, there will be at least five mermaids appearing on the water to perform.

Zehell managed to save the front seat so Niken could see the mermaid leisurely.

"Let me know if you start unable to withstand the charm of their voices. I will set a barrier for you." Zehell's unexpected remark surprised Kazuto.

"I thought you said it's totally safe?"

"It is. But for newcomers like you, maybe you will feel uncomfortable if you feel someone's presence in your mind."

"They could enter our minds?" Niken is getting nervous. Isn't that very dangerous?

"Not wholly entering our minds. More precisely, they try to persuade us by controlling our thoughts. We won't be affected because there is a barrier from the Lord, but still, it won't be comfortable. You will find out later."

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"Do you still want to see it?" Kazuto asked through mind-linking with Niken.

Niken turned towards Kazuto then smiled broadly. She also grasped the man's hand tightly and circled his arm. "You can hold me if you're still worried. We will be fine."

"Hhh... Alright." Kazuto didn't want Niken to circle his arm, so he broke free of Niken's grasp then encircled her waist to pull the girl closer.

Niken giggled and leaned comfortably in front of Kazuto's muscular body while waiting for the mermaids to appear.

When the sky was dark, and the sun had set, the water in the lake turned blue-color with a sparkle that twinkling like stars. The water's color immediately changes to be very beautiful, as if there is illumination from the full moon that shines on it.

Not long after, a very melodious sound of music from the direction of the water followed by a very captivating singing.

Five heads emerged from the water while carrying musical instruments like mini harps in their hands.

The five creatures continued to rise from the water till they could see their fishtails and now sitting on different size boulders.

Their hair was very long wavy with a purplish-blue color while the tail scales were blue like sapphire. The color of their eyes was as bright as the sea. Their faces were also stunning as if there were no other ladies in this world who could match their beauty.

Niken was mesmerized for a while until she was unaware that the mermaid singing began to affect her mind.

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Their voice was so captivating, and their beauty could make everyone unable to avert their eyes.

No wonder they said the mermaid's charm was very dangerous. At this moment, Niken had the urge to walk toward the mermaid. Their voices and gestures were too enchanting, making the listeners want to get closer.

If had Kazuto did not hold her tight, Niken might have walked and used her magic to break through the barrier just to get close to the mermaid.

"Now, I understand why they are called evil enchanters. Their charm is very scary."

"You're right," Kazuto said in agreement. "Do you want to leave here?"

"Hm." Niken nodded in agreement. She began to feel uncomfortable because her heart told her to leave this instance while her brain told her to walk closer to the evil creature.

She began to realize little by little; the mermaid tried to control her mind.

Kazuto told their two mentors to leave the place immediately. They instantly agreed to see Niken's face starting to turn rather pale.

Just as they turned around, a loud voice rang in Niken's brain.

'Save us, please. Someone save us!'

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