Niken still could not understand how Lady Genevieve's younger sister survived the terrible execution. Could it be that someone helped her, or was Lady Genevieve keeping her sister's true abilities a secret?

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This possibility also makes no sense considering Lionel's story that there was a man who declaims about Zeed's unfortunate doom. The lady was banished to Nishian country and live peacefully. So there's no way the executor killed all the time traveler, right?

Or is it possible that time travelers were arrested after the Zeed exiled Lady Genevieve's sister?

Hhhh… Niken sighed deeply, feeling dizzy with all of this. She will not find a definite answer because the person who knows the answer is gone.

"Are you feeling better?"

Niken smiled lightly at the sound like the cello, which was soothing her turbulent heart.

"Hm." sighed Niken as she sank her face into the recesses of Kazuto's neck. She felt at ease in the man's arms, and she didn't want to get out of this comfort zone anytime soon.

"So, what are your plans after this?" Lionel asked curiously. He wanted to know what Niken would do after living in the past life for a week.

"I'm gonna fulfill Merylin's will. I would dive in the lake to take the orb in the incubator cave then place it on the throne seat."

"It's impossible to do. Before you reached the cave, you would be eaten by the evil mermaid." Kazuto really didn't like Niken's plan. If possible, he doesn't want Niken to get involved, and it is better to let the evil spirits roam in the lake and leave them be.

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But he could not prevent the girl from helping her friend. He knew that Niken had a kind and gentle nature. She always thought about the interests of those around her before herself.

His beloved girl was indeed soft and kind hearted.

"Flynn will accompany me. At least the evil mermaids wouldn't dare attack him. Am I right, Flynn?"

Flynn shook his head sadly. "They are no longer afraid of me. They know I won't eat them, so they would still attack us even if I come to dive in with you."

"Then, we'll think of another way to get to the incubator cave."

Again Flynn shook his head. "It's useless. There is one thing you don't know. "

"What is that?"

"…" Flynn seemed hesitant to speak as he glanced at Zehell with an unfathomable expression.

At one glance, Niken instantly knew that Flynn did not fully believe in Zehell, who was a wizard. Even though Zehell didn't exist five hundred years ago and Zehell was just a mix-blood wizard, Flynn still disliked this mix-blood wizard.

Niken lightly patted Kazuto's arm that was wrapped around her body. "I want to talk to Flynn in private. Do you mind if you guys wait outside?"

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Kazuto frowned at the request. Nevertheless, Kazuto complied with her wish and came out, followed by Lionel and Zehell.

Niken relaxed on her bed and looked straight at Flynn as soon as the three men went outside.

In contrast to Flynn's blank expression, Niken put on a warm and friendly demeanor.

"What happened to the Flynn I know? I remembered that Flynn, the evil spirit-eating daemon was not this cold. What's wrong?"

Flynn smiled wryly at this. "How long haven't we seen each other?"

"I think I just met you and Merylin yesterday."

"Exactly. You feel like we met yesterday, whereas I… We haven't met for nearly five hundred years. A lot has changed, and I'm not the Flynn you once knew."

Niken lowered her head with a sad heart. She had realized it but didn't want to admit it. She knew there were so many changes between the present and the previous years. But the happy memories with Merylin and silly Flynn still felt fresh in her mind. That's why she was not used to the silent and expressionless Flynn.

"So, what don't I know?"

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"The royal throne of Mermaladia is not in the lake."

"Wh… What? How is it possible? Did they take it too? "

"Yes. A few days after you disappeared, the Elementalists teamed up to take the throne based on the lord's orders."

"We have to take it back. Do you know where that throne is?"

"No, I don't. But I'm sure it's inside the current lord's underground chamber."

"We have to tell Sir Lionel and the others. I'm sure they can help us regain the throne."

Niken spontaneously rose to her feet to call the three men outside, but Flynn prevented her from walking with a severe grimace.

"We can't trust them. The pureblood wizard was the one who poisoned the lake with dark force. He is that mixed-blood's father."

Niken was shocked beyond words to hear this. "That... that's ridiculous!"

"The one who made me a pet slave is also that mix-blood wizard family." continued Flynn with a disgusted tone in his voice. "They will not help us because they would be at a disadvantage if the mermaid kingdom is back to its glory. The current lord wouldn't let it happen."

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"Why? Why this country's lord was so cruel?"

Flynn smiled sarcastically as he answered Niken's question, "The current lord is many times worse than five hundred years ago. He tortured the remaining mermaids to extract the mermaid's tears, and they were skinned alive to sell the scales as food before they were left to die."

Niken was shocked to the bone at this news. Niken was only staying with Merylin and the other mermaids for a week, but Niken still felt furious hearing someone so viciously tortured and killed the mermaid.

Niken ball her hands into fists as she felt an enormous emotion wrestling inside her chest.

"Flynn, no matter who becomes my enemy, I will still fulfill my promise to Merylin. If there are still mermaids being detained, I will also save them. For that, I need your help as well as others. I can't do it alone — we can't do it alone, and you know that."


"Don't worry. Sir Lionel and Kazuto are people who can be trusted, while sir Zehell ... I also want to believe him because he is my man's master. So try to trust him."

Flynn still did not respond to Niken's proposal, but he did not deny or reject the girl's suggestion. Niken couldn't find any lively sparkle from the daemon's eyes. It felt as if the daemon had become a dead body possessed by the evil spirit.

It was very worrisome.

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