Zehell did not know that his daemon pet was being tortured by his younger sister until he almost lost his sanity and relaxed in his room. He pondered what Niken had said.

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Zehell did not like complicated things and played around without creating problems. Nor did he care about whatever his father or siblings did, who was so fond of getting into trouble with the Elementalists.

He also did not care about the fate of other creatures who were made slaves by his family. As long as his privacy was not jeopardized, he would not interfere with his family's interest.

Zehell closed his eyes to sleep, but instead, he remembered the night he had a casual conversation with his best friend.

'Your birthplace became ruined. Are you sure you don't want to fix it?'

'I am sure. It would be very troublesome to fix it. My father and my siblings would do all their might to prevent me.'

'Are you scared?'

'Who's scared? I just don't want to waste my energy in vain. '

'Then why do I hear doubts in your voice?'

'Zephyr, you have no right to teach me. We've been friends for a long time, but you always wear your mask. What are you afraid of? Is it because you have an ugly face?'


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'If you take off your mask and show me your ugly face, I will consider to help you fix things up here.'


'I knew it.'

Since then, his best friend, Zephyr, never brought this up again and did not see him because he got busier with his job as Ace Captain.

Zehell rolled over to try to sleep and thought of nothing else, but another memory flashed through his shadow.

'Zehell, do you know, mermaid lakes weren't as bad back then?'

'Really? What was it like, mother?'

'In the past, the mermaid lake was filled with gorgeous and kind mermaids. Mermaids and humans are good friends and live together in harmony.'

'Wow! Have you ever seen them?'

The mother only gave a thin smile to answer his question.

'What happened to them, mother?'

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'Unfortunately, the lake was destroyed in an instant one night. No ome knew what happened but the lord announced the mermaid lake would be closed temporarily the next morning. A lot of us confused and worried, but we have no power to find the truth. I hope one day this place will be back to old days.'

Zehell opened his eyes again after reminiscing his moment with his beloved mother.

His mother was only human without any background while his stepmother was the granddaughter of the previous lord, securing Zehell and his siblings to have some control in this country.

His mother had long gone due to age, but her presence still feels fresh in his mind.

If his mother were still alive, would she agree to Zephyr's proposal?

Zehell woke up from lying down, realizing he would not sleep as long as his mind was full of thoughts.

He walked down to the ground floor and then followed the corridor path on the eastern wing until he found a door that could only be opened by magic.

The door had a circle in the middle part. It was a key to lock the door, and only a magic circle could unlock it - particularly an indigo magic color that could open the door.

Because the indigo magic circle could reshape or resize and attach to the circle shape of this door key. That's why Zehell and his siblings will never be able to open this door by themselves as their magic circle was still at the blue stage.

Zehell could not teleport inside either because there was a powerful array preventing anyone from teleporting inside.

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Did Zehell give up?

Usually, he would give up and return to his room, but not this time.

Just like Kazuto, who hid his magical capabilities for years, Zehell was also hiding something.

Zehell had two magic circles, and his primary magic circle was in the indigo stage.

Just as he opened his eyes after concentrating for a while, a first phase indigo magic circle appeared above his head. Without making a necessary move, the circle floated and shrank to the size of the key lock.

As soon as the magic circle touched the door, a click sound was heard, and the door opened by itself.

With unwavering steps, Zehell walked in and down the circular stairs leading to the basement.

The room around him grew darker, and only the sound of his tapping footsteps could be heard. The more his feet carried him down, the more unpleasant odor assaulted his nose.

The smell of fish mixed in with blood, and the carcass's stench was sharp when he reached the bottom floor.

He put an array around him to reduce the stench that almost made him vomit on the spot.

His feet moved even deeper until he saw the two creatures lying motionless. He activated a light incantation to make him see more clearly only to see an extremely terrifying sight.

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Two mermaids with disheveled hair and skin covered with wounds laid unconscious there. Their tails possessed a grayish color mixed with dark blue like the mermaid's dried blood. The two mermaids were still alive but already dying and could no longer use their magic.

Could it be that the mermaid scale soup sold in this place came from their tails?

Zehell investigated this place with a frown.

This place was no different than a criminal cell. There was no water or holes for air vents. The mermaids' hands were chained to the wall while their tails were left to dry without being watered.

A mermaid in its mermaid form without water is the same as a human being locked in a small container.

Why could his father do all this? Why did his father let the current lord torture mermaids like this?

Zehell walked deeper, feeling suspicious of another mermaid being detained in this basement. Mermaid scale soup has been sold and has become famous for the last ten years. So there was no way his father could only hold two mermaids as hostages.

What he guessed was right. There was one more door at the end of this cell's basement. 

This time the door didn't have any locks, so Zehell could open it without using his magic circle.

As soon as the door opened, a blue light like water illumination against the moonlight flashed out, made Zehell curious. He opened the door even further and was so shocked at what he saw that it made him wish he had never opened it.

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