"I have no idea. As far as I know, my father and grandfather were just ordinary Elementalists. I don't know the older generation before my grandfather."

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They were not too surprised in Niken's case as the girl's ancestor was indeed a pureblood wizard who was banished to the Nishian kingdom. That's why they were not shocked that Niken was able to create a magic circle. It's just that they did not expect that one of the mighty spirit familiars would choose Niken as its next master.

Well, Lionel wasn't too startled when he heard that Niken had met her familiar spirit. From the start, he and Zehell both knew that one of the familiar spirits had chosen Niken to be its master earning the girl to have an indigo magic circle.

No matter how genius Niken was, that girl would never be an able breakthrough and reach the indigo stage if she hasn't eaten the magical beast's horns.

One only reason could explain that Niken had an indigo magic circle without hunting the magical beast. Niken has been chosen by a familiar spirit.

Nevertheless, Lionel never thought that the spirit that chose Niken would be a spirit capable of creating illusory worlds.

Could that be why Niken had nightmares? Maybe it's not a dream, but an illusion? Or was the dream she saw a memory of someone closely related to the current lord's familiar spirit?

The familiar spirit of the phantasm lord was one of the most doughty spirits. It was able to create an illusion of trapping a human and killing him slowly. It could also manipulate someone's memories by erasing his memories and replacing them with new ones.

Not only that, but the phantasm lord also able to take a person's life with just a glance.

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Lionel couldn't understand why the illusory spirit would be interested in making Niken as its master?

"Okay, at least for now, I start to understand a little. Then how do we summon the ocean lord's familiar spirit?"

"It will be easier if we find out who the current ocean king is. That way, we can call him over and ask him for help."

"Is there no other way besides summoning familiar spirits?" Kazuto tried to find other ways if they couldn't find a way to summon the familiar spirit.

"None for now. We better wait for Zehell. Maybe he discovers another way."

Kazuto snorted while saying in an annoying tone. "Just forget him. Looks like he doesn't care about us anymore."

"Why are you talking like that? After all, he is your mentor." Niken reminded him not to keep getting mad at Zehell. "But he's right, I don't think we need sir Zehell in this. It seems that he will still defend his family and will not accept the fact that his father is at fault."

Lionel sighed in resignation and agreed with his disciple's proposal.

"But I hope we can meet Flynn again. At least he also has the desire to save the mermaids."

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Kazuto was more excited than Niken in complying with Lionel's orders.

"Kazu, do you want to accompany me?"

"Of course. I will accompany you wherever you want."

Niken smiled with satisfaction at the man's answer. "Then, accompany me to go to the mermaid lake, okay?"

"…" Kazuto's frowned at this.

It's not that he doesn't want to accompany her, but the last time they were near the lake, Niken had a headache, and the next day the girl suddenly disappeared for a week. Because of that, he felt reluctant to bring the girl near the same lake.

He knew sooner or later, they must come near the lake, but at least for now, Kazuto didn't have to worry as they wouldn't have to near the lake before they found the absolute solution.

But why did Niken want to near the lake? They haven't found the way to turn back the evil mermaid yet.

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"What are we there for? There's nothing we can do even if we go there."

"I just want to see the state of the lake."



"I'd rather do something else."

"For example?"

"For example..." Kazuto answered it by bringing his face closer, and then blowing his breath right in Niken's ear made Niken's whole body tremble.

"Ka... Kazuto, this isn't the right time." Niken actually wanted to say it with a warning tone, but instead, a tantalizing sigh of anticipation escape from her lips.

"I think this is the right time. You know I've been starving for a week without seeing you," whispered Kazuto in a sensual voice while giving a feather-light kiss on Niken's smooth neck. "I need you."

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Whatever rebuttal Niken wanted to issue, it was drowned in the seductive slurry that Kazuto did. Niken could only grip Kazuto's clothes without knowing whether to push the man or pull him to deepen their kiss.

"Kazu, ah!"

Kazuto has let go of those sweet lips to let Niken take a deep breath while Kazuto continues his actions by tracing the girl's jaw with his naughty lips.

"Kazu, it's still daytime." Niken tried to regain her senses before she fell complacent about what the man was doing.

"So, we can do it at night?" came to the question from the cunning wolf.

Thinking that Kazuto would stop right away if she could postpone it at night, Niken immediately said yes eagerly. "Yes. We can do it at night. So, now let's go to the lake first, shall we?" Niken had puppy eyes, which were a mistake. Kazuto didn't even want to let go of the intimacy session that he had missed since their last session.

"Hm. We can do it again tonight."

WHAT?! Again??

Niken was getting more and more confused when her body was now lying on her bed, and Kazuto's towering body was right above her. The voice of Niken, who wanted to wriggle, was muffled inside the man's mouth, which now attacked her cherry lips mercilessly.

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